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Who all has bleakeys from  D&C 2005 ?

who all misses Vernon?

These are just a few questions that I have.

My CO is making me take them off because I am not in the drill team

Would that make you feel upset? :soldier: :soldier:
No, it wouldn't LOL. They cost like 75 cents each, so you can always buy new ones.
Clickers... I'm not sure how you proberly spell the name "blackey", but just the small steal pieces that go under the back of your boot... we didn't buy the front pieces.
Say for example you worked for six weeks at a course that you  loved , you accomplished all of the goals that you wanted to. And and for all of that hard work you  get those Blakey's at the end of six weeks.
You along with a select 200 other cadets that have made it through the course are all wearing them on sunset parade . Y you are the only ones on parade , aside from the officers that are wearing pieces of ceremonial kit
ALL of those hot sweaty days that you are out there with your rifle and your boots, working dog but hard mind you must all account for some thing. let alone all of those places that you have marched , all of those things you have been picked for over the summer build up allot of sentimental value.
  It's almost guaranteed that everybody cant Wait until they get their Blakey's,and when they get them they all feellike they are a part of something prestigious.
Thing is, your corps issues you your boots.  They are charged to your corps, and take up their supply allowance.  If your CO says take them off don't argue or do it again.

Listen to your CO, he makes the descisions.
It is the same at my corps. Even though I didn't take D&C, the cadets who come back from camp and have them on have to take them off.
I don't think its that unreasonable really. Its about how you can better your corp. Not how you can stand out from your corp. Besides I hope the most important thing you took away from your course wasn't clickers was it?
uhh ...Mcpl_Spunky.... you did D&C this year?? what platoon were you in?  lol...if you didnt then nvm ha ha
i was in Alpha 4 platoon 2005 =) and on Sunset parade...that was some awesome fun *thumbs up*
anyways later!
She was at Vernon.
haha i loved my blakeys they were awsome..i was in guard 05'..as soon as i got back to my home corps my CO made me take them off even tho i am practically the drill team comander this year.none of us have them yet
Erin-Christine said:
haha i loved my blakeys they were awsome..i was in guard 05'..as soon as i got back to my home corps my CO made me take them off even tho i am practically the drill team comander this year.none of us have them yet

1) Please use proper grammar and spelling, this isn't MSN.
2) Unless you are the drill team commander, you aren't the drill team commander. There is no "practically" to it.
3) Just because you have a position on the drill team doesn't entitle you to wear them, your safety at LHQ is your CO's responsibility.
well sorry... :salute: and no trust me there is a practacly when your commander dosent show up and you have to take over the position
That would be called standing in, not practically being.
Okay I know that this hasn't been posted in for a while but I have to comment on this. Mcpl_Spunky, as said before the only reason the commading officer would make people in the corps take them off is if they were not in drill team.I did not want everyone to take them off, but she did. Even though you went to D&C doesn't mean that yous should be allowed to wear blakeys for the rest of your cadet career, when you get back to your home corps(or at least in our corps) you are supposed to take them off anyways. The only reason that we were allowed to keep them on is because of drill team. We were also told that if we wanted to keep our blakeys on our boots that we could get another pair of boots or join drill team. I see what one you chose. Still I think for anyone who is frustrated with their commading officer's choice in saying that they must either be on a drill team or take them off, that if they really want to keep them on then he/she should join drill team. Other wise in my opinion suck it up and take them off.
Cdt. Wo.Pongo said:
suck it up and take them off.

I agree.  Whats so good about them anyway?  If you want to keep them on join the drill team just as Pongo said.  Just do what your CO says and stop complaining
Thank you ryanmann, I know that the drill team hasn't been going on so nobody has to take them off, hense why I'm still wearing mine. I think the special part about them is that fact that once you hear them for the first time you always want them, and once you get them they are hard to part with.
They are hard to part with. I still have mine on my boots, and I really dont want to take them off to go on the plane to camp. I wore them home last year, but I dont think I should push it this year with the security staff, right?
Buschgirl427 said:
but I dont think I should push it this year with the security staff, right?

There should be absolutely NO QUESTION!!!  Is it worth holding everyone up at security at the airport and possibly missing a flight just so YOU can wear those stupid clickers?  If your staffing you cannot wear them so your just gonna waste everyones time anyway.
do the smart thing, and rip em off and leave them at home and stop complaining.