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Danny Williams lowers the Canadian Flag


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For those that haven't been folowing the saga between Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and the Federal Liberals regarding offshore oil, Danny Millions (our new PM) has annexed our island from Canada's clutches. (Tongue planted firmly in cheek). Alas, just as my dream of becoming a CF pilot begins my province decides to leave.


Canadian Flag Comes Down 12/23/04 (Denis Mulloy)  http://www.vocm.com/
Premier Danny Williams is taking the dispute with Ottawa to another level by symbolically cutting our ties with the federal nation. Williams has ordered that the Canadian flag on all provincial buildings be removed until further notice. At a noon-hour news conference, Williams and Finance Minister Loyola Sullivan tore apart the federal position on the Atlantic Accord. The premier said he could've walked away with a big cheque, but chose to stand his ground and keep the province's pride intact.

Globe and Mail  http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20041223.wgass1223_2/BNStory/National/

Escalating his battle of nerves with the federal government, Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams said Thursday that Ottawa had no intention of settling a revenue-sharing dispute and had â Å“draggedâ ? him to talks in a bid to humiliate him.

Mr. Williams left Winnipeg in a huff Wednesday after negotiations with the federal government -- represented by Finance Minister Ralph Goodale and Natural Resources Minister John Efford -- did not produce a deal in time for his self-imposed deadline.

The province has been in a war of words with Ottawa for months, battling over how much effect offshore oil and gas revenue should have on equalization payments Ottawa currently gives St. John's.

The federal government says it is willing to give the province 100 per cent of the revenue for up to 16 years. Mr. Williams counters that the equation is actually more complex than that and that his province could be out of pocket as much as $1-billion after only three years.

Back in his province's capital Thursday morning Mr. Williams ignored opposition advice to calm down and resume talks, choosing instead to accuse the federal government of repeatedly breaking its word and trying to â Å“humiliateâ ? his province.

â Å“It's quite apparent to me that Mr. Goodale is not of a mindset to do a deal,â ? he told reporters. â Å“It's also quite apparent to me that we were dragged to Manitoba in order to ... try to embarrass us. To bring us out there, to get no deal and send us back with our tail between our legs.â ?

Earlier in the day, Newfoundland's Liberal opposition leader urged the Premier to calm down and keep talking with Ottawa to reach an offshore revenue deal.

Liberal Leader Roger Grimes told VOCM radio talk show that it was unwise to pick fights.

â Å“Maybe we should keep our powder dry before we go off the handle and go crazy again,â ? he told the St. John's radio station. â Å“I don't know how it moves the agenda forward to say 'I'm going to pick up all my papers and go home and not talk to you any more'.â ?

Mr. Williams' attitude following Wednesday's talks stands in stark contrast to the statements by Mr. Goodale and Nova Scotia Premier John Hamm, who voiced their confidence that progress had been made.

Mr. Hamm said a deal could come in January, after Prime Minister Paul Martin had returned home, and Mr. Goodale said that a final deal was â Å“within grasp.â ?

But Mr. Williams was frustrated by what he saw as the lack of progress.

â Å“My best guess is that Ralph and John decided that the government of Newfoundland and Labrador was going to brought out, was going to be put through this process and then humiliated and sent back [home] without a deal,â ? he said.

â Å“From our perspective, we've done everything we could on this.â ?

Stephen Tomblin, a professor of political science at Memorial University in St. John's, said Mr. Williams' popularity in the province has soared thanks to his negotiating tactics.

â Å“I suspect locally, as was the case in the past, he'll be very popular as a result of this kind of debate,â ? he said. â Å“There's a very strong sense of alienation which is historical ... It's comparable to Quebec nationalism and separatism.â ?

Most callers to the VOCM call-in show Thursday were behind their premier, with some raising the idea of the province separating from Canada.

â Å“Danny did the right thing yesterday by walking away,â ? said one caller. â Å“The way I look at it is the only people who aren't getting rich from benefiting from our resources is Newfoundland and Labrador.â ?

Mr. Williams said as he left Wednesday's talks that he had no intention of resuming negotiations with the federal government.

â Å“You know where discussions with the fed government have got us,â ? he asked reporters rhetorically on Thursday. â Å“They got us out to W and back with nothing again, that's where they got us.â ?

Bograt said:
â Å“Danny did the right thing yesterday by walking away,â ? said one caller. â Å“The way I look at it is the only people who aren't getting rich from benefiting from our resources is Newfoundland and Labrador.â ?

    Ofocurse, nobody seems to mind that Ontario continues to fund half the friggin' country.  Poor newfaundland might lose $1 billion in 3 years.  Toronto alone spends $8 billion more every year in taxes than we get back in services.  This guy really need to pull his head out of his ass and look at the big picture.
48Highlander said:
    Ofocurse, nobody seems to mind that Ontario continues to fund half the friggin' country.   Poor newfaundland might lose $1 billion in 3 years.   Toronto alone spends $8 billion more every year in taxes than we get back in services.   This guy really need to pull his head out of his *** and look at the big picture.

OMG..is that Ontario i hear whining ??? again ?? Aren't you satisfied by the fact that you get to decide the federal government everry election ??  jk ;)
aesop081 said:
OMG..is that Ontario i hear whining ??? again ?? Aren't you satisfied by the fact that you get to decide the federal government everry election ??  jk ;)

    Unfortiunately I'm not Ontario, otherwise the conservatives would have been in power for at least 4 years now :)
Callers to the Newfoundland call inshow are not exactly the local intelligentsia. This past year I narrowly avoided driving off the road when I heard a caller (who was upset the cost for moose liceasnses increased) suggessted that taxes should be increased "for people making all the money, people making 40-50 thousand"

On a personal note, I hope we don't separate. I'm not a big fan of our flag.
Does anyone else have pink in their flag?
48Highlander said:
Isn't that the italian flag?

Italians, newfoundlanders....whatever...the both talk with their hands alot ........
Heh, I heard a quote once that goes something along the lines of....if an alien species ever decided to study Italy, they'd conclude that Italian is a sign-language with guttural noises thrown in for emphasis.  I think if they studied Newfaundlanders, they'd have trouble discerning any sort of language at all.
48Highlander said:
Heh, I heard a quote once that goes something along the lines of....if an alien species ever decided to study Italy, they'd conclude that Italian is a sign-language with guttural noises thrown in for emphasis.   I think if they studied Newfaundlanders, they'd have trouble discerning any sort of language at all.

Alright...i'll buy that
aesop081 said:
OMG..is that Ontario i hear whining ??? again ?? Aren't you satisfied by the fact that you get to decide the federal government everry election ??   jk ;)

I wish!  When was the last time we had an Ontarian as PM???  Lester Pearson 1968.
A great Newfoundlander
Former Miss Canada 1996, Danielle House made national news for getting into a bar brawl with her boyfriend's new girl. Stripped of her crown, she posed for Playboy.

long may your big jib draw!

I know if I was PM. I would cancel their welfare checks. And then ask for all the money back.Martin was born in Windsor Ont, does that count. Yes I'm from Ontario, but i'm 1/4 Newf. Another traitor (Williams).
NFLD hasn't separated eh, they're just protesting by taking down the flags, and lets not make this a bashing post  :threat:
Roche said:
NFLD hasn't separated eh, they're just protesting by taking down the flags, and lets not make this a bashing post   :threat:

Oh , get a sense of humour !!
I'm half newf and proud of it, more power to Danny keep up the fight don't let the liberals get to you.  One other thing if the Conservatives are smart they would be getting more active in the liberal ridings in newfoundland getting the members to cross the house and sit with the conservatives.
Okay, first let me say I'm 100% Newf.

A couple of quick points.

1. (My obligatory smart ass response) Unless you were born here (or schreeched in) you are not a Newf. I am not 1/2 woman, because my mother was. ;) (on second thought I do have the x chromosome... okay bad analogy, but you get my point)

2. I am a little c conservative. I think that Mr. Martin is a muttering, stumbling, studdering .... politician who made a promise during the heat of an election and then realized the consequences of his actions afterwards. I also believe his staff in the PMO should be (insert witty belittlement here).

3. I believe we do have a "Culture of dependancy here." It started with Smallwood's rants to join confederation, and continues today in a multitude of ways.

4. Offshore oil belongs to Canada legally. If it was located in down town St. John's this wouldn't be an issue- howver Paulie promised.- and where I come from a promise is a promise.

5. Taking down the flag is wrong. It is stupid. It is disrespectful. It is without justification. Being lied is wrong as well.