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Danny Williams lowers the Canadian Flag

taking down your icon of your nationality is just foolish and absolutely ridiculous/childish. Theres lots of other ways to let the Gov't know that your pissed.
I think if Michigan decided to take down their flags fro whatever reason theyd be invaded =p :cdn:
I whole heartedly agree, however I don't believe that the Newfoundland Liberal Caucus would concede to a "TCH walk of Shame."

Bograt said:
Okay, first let me say I'm 100% Newf.

A couple of quick points.

1. (My obligatory smart ass response) Unless you were born here (or schreeched in) you are not a Newf. I am not 1/2 woman, because my mother was. ;) (on second thought I do have the x chromosome... okay bad analogy, but you get my point)

Deed I is me old cock and long may your big jib draw. I was Screeched in at Fireschool - Trapper John's.

Bograt said:
2. I am a little c conservative. I think that Mr. Martin is a muttering, stumbling, studdering .... politician who made a promise during the heat of an election and then realized the consequences of his actions afterwards. I also believe his staff in the PMO should be (insert witty belittlement here).

Couldn't agree more, both with your politics and your assessment of our PM.

Bograt said:
3. I believe we do have a "Culture of dependancy here." It started with Smallwood's rants to join confederation, and continues today in a multitude of ways.

Should we delve into Churchill Falls?

Bograt said:
4. Offshore oil belongs to Canada legally. If it was located in down town St. John's this wouldn't be an issue- howver Paulie promised.- and where I come from a promise is a promise.

Agreed again. No outsourcing of employees or contract work either. Why does Sable have Americans working there?

Bograt said:
5. Taking down the flag is wrong. It is stupid. It is disrespectful. It is without justification. Being lied is wrong as well.

Can I buy you a beer? You've read my mind. I think that Danny is looking to get a rise out of Ottawa, posturing.
48Highlander said:
    Ofocurse, nobody seems to mind that Ontario continues to fund half the friggin' country.   Poor newfaundland might lose $1 billion in 3 years.   Toronto alone spends $8 billion more every year in taxes than we get back in services.   This guy really need to pull his head out of his *** and look at the big picture.

Don't forget that Alberta is the largest payer of transfer payments in this country, with the largest recipients being Newfoundland and Quebec.  

Many people out west would be dancing in the streets if our premier followed Newfoundland's example.  This symbolic (?) motion of Mr. Williams is representative of the frustration many citizens of this nation feel with the Liberal government's arrogant, Ontario centered policies and doctrine which has blatantly favored those in that region at the expense of the rest of Canada for decades.

Good for you, Mr. Williams.  Hopefully your actions will contribute to the government make some much needed reforms in their attitude towards the rest of Canada.
While this may be funny to some or many of you, this is actually quite serious whether the rest of Canada sees it that way or not.

Don't forget that Alberta is the largest payer of transfer payments in this country, with the largest recipients being Newfoundland and Quebec.

Speaking of Alberta, they've had thoughts of separating at one point or another also. Our country seems to slowly be falling apart and degrading. This seriously upsets me as a Canadian. Sure I may live in Ontario, sure I live in the "golden horseshoe" (Niagara) but this "symbolic" release from Canada shows how our country truly is not standing together anymore and that our leadership isn't doing it's part to resolve issues properly before it gets to this point.

Are we going to be what Canada was suppose to be in 10-20 years? Imagine if Quebec+Newfoundland and Alberta all separated. We've be divided, and then conquered really. This shows to the world how fragmented and weak Canada has become...

It's depressing.
J-Swift - I agree that we are all members of one country.

It is about time the federal gov't starts acting like every province is an equal member of Canada, rather than the outlying provinces being just hewers of wood and haulers of water for Ontario.

Don't complain to me about dissident attitudes among Westerners or Newfoundlanders.  These angry attitudes are a direct response to Ontario's ethnocentric attitude towards the rest of the nation.
mo-litia said:
J-Swift - I agree that we are all members of one country.

It is about time the federal gov't starts acting like every province is an equal member of Canada, rather than the outlying provinces being just hewers of wood and haulers of water for Ontario.

Don't complain to me about dissident attitudes among Westerners or Newfoundlanders.  These angry attitudes are a direct response to Ontario's ethnocentric attitude towards the rest of the nation.

    Last time I checked, Ontario doesn't dictate federal policy.  You really want to make a change?  Elect a party into the federal government which will stop squandering money on pet-projects and special interest groups.  And figure out a way to stop shoveling money into Quebec without convincing them to seperate.
48Highlander said:
    Last time I checked, Ontario doesn't dictate federal policy.   You really want to make a change?   Elect a party into the federal government which will stop squandering money on pet-projects and special interest groups.   And figure out a way to stop shoveling money into Quebec without convincing them to seperate.

Here we go..........do you have any idea what you are saying there ?  Its because of comments like yours ( and some previous ones also) that we all get at each others throat.  All provinces are supposed to be on an equal footing...which is why equalization payments were created.  I dont think we will ever have a party in power that doesnt squander money on pet projects.
48Highlander said:
Last time I checked, Ontario doesn't dictate federal policy. You really want to make a change? Elect a party into the federal government which will stop squandering money on pet-projects and special interest groups. And figure out a way to stop shoveling money into Quebec without convincing them to seperate.

Take a look at my tread in the Political forum - Proportional Representation - for a possible solution to this alienation issue.  As to Ontario, not dictating federal policy; you are correct, it just that the Ontario voters decide the makeup of the federal gov't, who does dictate federal / Ontario policy.  ;)

As to a solution to eliminate the Quebec separatist issue without shoveling money into that province, I don't think there is one.  Quebec has figured out a long time ago that the amount that they whine about separating is directly related to the amount of federal / Alberta / Ontario money they receive.

As to what this situation does to rapidly spreading separatist feelings thoughout the West can only be imagined.
Maybe the CBLA needs to be reformed to liberate Cape Breton from the tyranny on Nova Scotia and Canada. ;)
aesop081 said:
Here we go..........do you have any idea what you are saying there ?  Its because of comments like yours ( and some previous ones also) that we all get at each others throat.  All provinces are supposed to be on an equal footing...which is why equalization payments were created.  I dont think we will ever have a party in power that doesnt squander money on pet projects.

    Ofcourse they are.  So please explain to me why Toronto pays 8 billion more in taxes every year than we receive in services.

    Why is Ontario seen as this giant drain for money from other provinces when my property taxes and the general cost of living are so much higher than anywhere else in Canada.  If we're taking all this money from the rest of the country, I'm sure as hell not getting my share.
48Highlander said:
    Ofcourse they are.   So please explain to me why Toronto pays 8 billion more in taxes every year than we receive in services.

    Why is Ontario seen as this giant drain for money from other provinces when my property taxes and the general cost of living are so much higher than anywhere else in Canada.   If we're taking all this money from the rest of the country, I'm sure as heck not getting my share.

For the same reason that i pay more taxes than services i recieve.......because in this country.......apparently...the "haves" shre the wealth with the "have nots"  before you jump on me, i am fully aware of the practicalities of this but.......

Ex-Dragoon said:
Maybe the CBLA needs to be reformed to liberate Cape Breton from the tyranny on Nova Scotia and Canada. ;)

Send an email to General John Cabot Trail IMMEDIATELY. I'm with you Ex-D!! Long as I can have my beloved Margaree as a staging point.
mo-litia said:
Take a look at my tread in the Political forum - Proportional Representation - for a possible solution to this alienation issue.  As to Ontario, not dictating federal policy; you are correct, it just that the Ontario voters decide the makeup of the federal gov't, who does dictate federal / Ontario policy.  ;)

As to a solution to eliminate the Quebec separatist issue without shoveling money into that province, I don't think there is one.  Quebec has figured out a long time ago that the amount that they whine about separating is directly related to the amount of federal / Alberta / Ontario money they receive.

As to what this situation does to rapidly spreading separatist feelings spreading thoughout the West can only be imagined.

    Yes, I know that the Liberals are Ontarios fault, and for that you have my profound regrets and apology.

    I saw your thread in the other forum but decided not to post yet.  I've had many discussions about Proportional Representation with civie friends as well as some military members.  My personal feeling is that it's a bad idea.  I wanted to see what others would write before I pitched in my 2 cents.  I didn't want to start the thread onto a negative heading so soon :)
aesop081 said:
For the same reason that i pay more taxes than services i recieve.......because in this country.......apparently...the "haves" shre the wealth with the "have nots"  before you jump on me, i am fully aware of the practicalities of this but.......

    The 5000 or so homeless "have nots" in toronto might disagree with you on that one :)  You make it sound as if the entire city is composed of millionaires.
When the province Rip down the flag they`re the bad guys

Waste your money and the Feds have systemic problems. Is anyone ever fired for that?

Where is the PM today? Wizzing YOUR money away NOT IN CANADA.

So lets not keep on defending the indefensible.

The provinces don`t work for Ottawa.

Where do we send online donations to the CBLA?  :D
48Highlander said:
    The 5000 or so homeless "have nots" in toronto might disagree with you on that one :)   You make it sound as if the entire city is composed of millionaires.

Before you start with the "bleeding herat" arguments, let me say this:  Toronto isnt populated by only millionairs...that is not what i was implying......i guess you are too stuborn to see that....... but the principle is there...and To be able to live in TO....you need money...as far as the homeless are concerned.......i dont have one bit of sympathy for a good percentage of them...but i do pay city taxes, those taxes are used for public housing/shelters.....get my point.  I'm in the military, drwaing aircrew and spec pay and i will be hard pressed to live in esquimalt you have to be rich to live there....same as for toronto....