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Danny Williams lowers the Canadian Flag

Kirkhill said:
And 48th - the reason you pay such high property taxes for such poor services is the same reason you pay such ridiculous prices for mediocre properties.  Some folks have a bizarre notion that Toronto is a desirable place to live and are willing to pay over the odds for the privilege.  I don't share the view so my cost of living is probably a tad lower - although Vancouver prices and perceptions are rising to equal Toronto's.

    Willing, yes.  Does that mean we deserve to be ripped off to support other cities and provinces though?  Although from what I understand this is mainly a provincial government problem, we should still be receiving a proportionate return on our taxes.  I've been considering joining you in Vancouver for a while now though.  While I love this city, Vancouver seems like a much better place to live.

And it's Gu Brath btw.
For me its a Scots - Irish thing.  Irish folk  in Newfoundland vs some of my kin at the other end of ferry.  Though it comes to mind that there were some Devon folks in Newfoundland too.......
There's a puzzlement, my brain is starting to hurt ......damm my ancestors for creating me a mongrel born in Scotland,  pretty soon I am going to have to own up to that French blood.

No more confusion.  Cape Breton for Newfoundland I say!!!

Got a picture of my buddy standing next to that sign, with the arrow pointing right at his head!!
48th, Thanks for the correction.  I stand.  After suitable pause I sit. ;) :salute:

Capital choice Dildo.  Great source of Newfoundland's national dish  ------- seal flippers ----
Kirkhill said:
Alberta's oil is not a "NATIONAL" resource.  It is a "PROVINCIAL" resource.  That was all sorted out in 1905 - Pierre Elliot Trudeau and Jean Chretien notwithstanding.  (Notwithstanding - such a lovely phrase,  all sorts of applications, should be used more often).

Hey, Trudeau was an amazing person! He even managed to insult the West from beyond the grave; don't forget the upcoming renaming of Mount Logan to Mount Trudeau.

More suitable landmarks in Ontario, such as the Ottawa sewer system and Ontario landfill were reportably overlooked so the Pierre Elliot could give the finger to the West one more time!

By the way, Alberta's oil is Albertan, the NEP notwithstanding.  And the only reason off-shore Newf oil is supposedly Federal is by virtue of Newfoundland being in Canada.  

Mr. Williams, Newfoundland could always separate and join OPEC, becoming a schreech drinking Saudi Arabia! ;D
Maybe we could export Labrador Black flies? Maybe the chinese will eat them- they eat sea urchins for Christ sakes...

48Highlander said:
      Anyone who's been to Toronto, Calgary, and Vancouver will clearly see what I'm talking about.  

I've been to all 3 thanks and i still disagree with you.
We actually don't drink that stuff. We may be newfies, but we are not stupid.
Bograt said:
We actually don't drink that stuff. We may be newfies, but we are not stupid.

Yuck... the only time I ever drink screech is to impress/frighten mainlanders.
Bograt said:
I do however kiss a lot of cod fish heads.

When I got schreeched in at Fort McMurray, I was drunk and fell while kissing the cod fish head, with the result that my toungue entered the fish head's mouth . . . :crybaby:
Denmark, I'm telling ye, Denmark is the answer to both Cape Breton and Newfoundland's problems.  Pull up the causeway and join Denmark along with Greenland and Hans Island  - I'm  sure they would love to have you come home.  And both the Scots and the Irish owe a lot to the Dane's for their bloodlines.  Icy waters, rocks, boats, non-existent fish - much of a sameness (Mind Denmark itself is a nice green little place).

You'd be doing Canada a favour too.  She wouldn't have to worry about all that salt water up your way, nor for that matter the entrance to the St-Lawrence.  Just think of the Mail you could charge for access. ;D
Anyone else with something to add to the topic?