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Dealing with being home from Kandahar

Danjanou said:
BTW when’s the bachelor party and we’re all invited right?

stag and doe (the wife wouldn't have it any other way)
Friday April 6th @ 8pm
Kitchener Armouries (JRs Mess)
$5 in Advance / $7 at the door

The boys (in my home unit) have lots of fun and games planned.

Everyone's welcome.

The next night (the 7th) is our regiments 'welcome home' party for our troops who just came back, combined with a 'farewell' party for the troops leaving on work up.
We're inviting friends and family as well as members of the local legions.
I can not imagine anybody begrudging you the right to talk about your experiences, nor can I imagine them thinking that "losing the odd chunk of meat" doesn't justify "bailing out".

You didn't bail.  You served.  Thank you.

As to the rest .... enjoy the wedding.  The next day you're under a new CO.  ;)

All the best Pipey.

I wish you and your wife a lifetime of warm memories, and you guys have my blessings. Enjoy your time together in St Lucia, I bet it's beautiful there. And you are definately not some "toon" that bailed out. Just like Kirkhill had said, you got hurt that definately does not mean that you quit! If anything, I bet they are so proud and happy that you are okay, and making plans for your wedding. I'm also sure that they would be happy to talk to you anytime. Sounds like you are recovering along awesome! I'm sure that you'll be running and jogging those short distances, in no time.

You said that you don't feel like one of "them" well, you did serve your country too just like they did. I'm just as bit proud of you for that, as I am for the others that served too.

Well... It's almost time.

0400h tomorrow morning is reveille, then at 0515h we mount up in 1X stretched limo bound for Toronto.
At 0800h we board the plane and should arrive in sunny St. Lucia at 1400h.
I'm sure the airports (both here and in St. Lucia) are going to be fun.  I'm sure they'll understand here in Canada why I set off the metal detectors... but it's going to be interesting trying to explian away shrapnel in St. Lucia.  ;D

Anyway, We have roughly 2 days of relaxation, then at 1500h on Tuesday, April 24th, I will close with and marry the enemy Fiancee. 
The way I see it; I've already been through probably the worst I could ever go through.. how bad could marriage be by comparison?!?  (seems like famous last words... :P)

Besides, if it doesn't work out, I have the rest of the week to try to get eaten by sharks  ;D.

Have a Safe trip and Congrads! Make sure you take lots of pictures and post some
Congrats RHFC and Mrs RHFC!  Have fun in Saint Lukes, and don't worry about the metal detectors....they'll just smile and nid when they see where the metal is...shuts 'em right up... ;D    ;D
I have a doctors note (which is bearly legible... damn doctor scrawl..  :P), so I hope that'll help. 

Either way, I'm sure there will be no problems. 

I'll take my Army.ca coin and/or t-shirt and get some pics on the beach  :army:  ;D
Don't sweat the airport.  I have over a pound of steel in my legs and when I set off the metal detectors they just hear me out and pat me down and I've yet to have a problem in the past 14 years.
How bad can getting married be?  Well for starters we aren't allowed to shoot back.  ;)
Best of luck man.  You earned it.
Congrats Piper, and the soon to be Mrs.

"Live, Love, Laugh". All the best to you two now, and in the future.

Enjoy the holiday! (as I sit grumbling in dreary Edmonton...)
A Highland wish and toast for you both:

May the best you've ever seen
Be the worst you'll ever see;
May a moose ne'er leave yer girnal
Wi' a teardrop in his e'e.
May ye aye keep hale and hearty
Till ye're auld enough tae dee,
May ye aye be just as happy
As I wish ye aye tae be.

May the best you've ever seen
Be the worst you'll ever see;
May a mouse never leave your pantry
With a teardrop in his eye
May you keep whole and hearty
Till you're old enough to die,
May you be just as happy
As I wish you to be.
Congrats Piper, and good call on choosing the West Indies for your honeymoon.  For your second honeymoon you should come to St. Kitts though.  I don't know if its something in the water but plenty of babies get made here. ;)
Heartfelt congratulationds Piper...you dererve the best.  Also to Mrs. Piper  :D  Happy days!
Thanks for all the kind words.  I'm sure I'll have a great time, and I'm hoping they'll have internet there so I can post pics of how nice it is there...  HEHEHE  :P

Just so you all know; the 'bride to be' actually lurks on these forums occasionally; PipersWife... I keep bugging her to update her profile, but she's not keen on it... she's not an 'Army type', she just like to keep an eye on what I'm doing on the WWW. (she's kinda like the conscience I never had... A filter between my brain and my mouth. or in this case, keyboard.)

As well, my sister, PipersSister, will also be in attendance as our official photographer (the resort charges $175 for 6 photos and $275 for a DVD of photos... nuts to that.)  And I'm sure she'll be posting details somewhere on the interwebby.

RHFC_piper said:
Meh... why not... it's not like either consume a whole lot of space.

Awesome! Since you will have your "coin" and "shirt" with you.... in a sense we'll all be with you guys for good luck. I hope you guys have a great get away, and all my blessings are with you both for the future.

And I hope that you are taking your pipes!  The stirring notes of the "Highland Wedding" would be a good choice.

Congratulations and cheers,
Well, because I still haven't been able to get it into my head on how to post pics, I'll just send a link to the picture  ;) It pretty much says it all.


Congrats to you and the MRS.

Edit: After some tinkering I figured out how to post pics, but didn't post it on here because I was helped out and had it posted here for me.
This one you mean?  :D
