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Deemed crazy and want to join?


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I have been wanting to join the army ever since I was a little kid, now that I have moved out on my own I can.  But I am worried about the back ground check and the army doesn't exactly like anyone with problems.

I have not been arrested for anything but I know I'm in a few police reports. One for running away and one for not leaving school property right away after I was sent home.

As for the other problems. When I was younger I was put on several different medications for ADHD.  My mother also took me to several phychiatrists, hoping that they would find the perfect drug for me.  As I know that there is nothing wrong with me apart form being disdyslexic, I screwed around with them. There for they labled me with all sorts of interesting things such as scischizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Obviously then I didn't think that doing that might come back to bite me in the but lol.

All this happend around grade 7-8. I attempted to clean up my act in high school but because of my past they kicked me out as soon as I was sixteen, pending another phycological evaluation. I wasn't that bad, I only got into an argument in civics class about politics, with the teacher.  Before they asked "me to leave" they sent me to a special class for bad kids.

Because of so many black spots on my record I believe chances of passing the interview are slim to nun, I know I can explexplain this to the guy but when so many people have deemed me a lost cause, with phychotic tendencies I don't think anyone will believe me, I know my own parents don't.

Thank you for any input that anyone might have.

Ask Kinucks, I would think that you can still have a chance but then again I am only awaiting BMQ at the moment.
My brother was denied based on his psychiatric history. Perhaps ask a recruiter?
My brother has ADHD as well, and he was accepted in to army. Mind you he doesnt take any medication though.

As for the background check, it doesnt sound like you have done anything serious. Heck, all adolescent boys in highschool have done stupid things and caused trouble its normal. You dont dont have a criminal record so I dont see why it should be a problem. As long as you have a positive, respectful manner in the interview then you should be fine.

Then again Im not a recruiter so I dont know for sure. Im just speaking from my experiences during my recruiting process
Thanks, I'm hoping that because haven't done anyting serious I'll be fine. As for being a naughty boy when I was younger LOL I'm a girl.

I don't take any medication but because I have a history of psychological evaluations thats what worries me the most.

Evaluations are one thing, and seemingly not even within your control if it was your parents who sent you.  Diagnosis is another thing altogether.  I would only comment to the recruiter about things that you are diagnosed for, not things that other people have said they think you might have.  I had a crazy stepmom have me tested for diabetes because I used to like sugar when I was a kid (go figure).  She told me that she knew I had diabetes even after it was proved otherwise.  That doesn't mean I have it, you see what I'm saying.

If you tell them that you've been tested for certain things they are going to ask you for reports update reports, specialist visits with more forms and reports and it will get really ridiculous.
You are only obligated to tell them what your actual medical history is to the best of your knowledge.  You must be honest about it, I'm just saying don't sit there and speculate in front of the MedTech about things you don't even know you have.
I made the mistake of saying "I think I was allergic to bee stings when I was a kid, but I'm pretty sure I'm not now"
It took me 6 months to clear that up with allergy specialists and doing all my recruiting file updates PT, medical, reinterview.

As for being in police reports, the military doesn't care about anything less than being convicted of a crime.  You don't have to mention it, you don't even have to mention things you have been charged for, only convictions.  We're Innocent until proven guilty in Canada.

The interview is like any other job interview, you should be totally honest about the questions you are asked, but you're not going to want to sabotage yourself by allowing your answers to lead to you talking about what a nutcase some people think you are.
Every answer in every job interview should be geared towards selling yourself, putting a good spin on a bad question.

example, Q. "What is your biggest weakness?"  A. "My biggest weakness is that I'm such a perfectionist, and I work so hard that I often run out of things to do and have to scramble to find more things to do to look busy"
Actually, most recruiters are saying that using the "I'm a perfectionist" line as a response to your biggest weakness is overused and cliche, and in most cases its probably BS too. The best is to be honest, but still to turn it into a positive, as you mentioned. Like, if you were applying for infantry you could say "Well, I'm not very good with technology so that's why I applied to infantry instead of engineering, because my skill set lies with infantry." It comes off as very candid and honest, and doesn't hurt your chances, because working with technology wasn't in the job description anyways.  You get the gist.
Thanks guys, I guess I relay have nothing to worry about then because out of all the people my mother took me to see non of them could say anything was wrong with me.

as for who deemed me crazy my parents did, when the schools found out I had been dragged form psychobabble to psychobabble they just expected me to be a nut case, so everything i did was blown out of perportion.

Thanks again everyone, I was relay beginning to worry about that.   

Hey, i understand you really want to join the CF but with all those bad records, they would most likely think someone like that is not suitable for the Canadian forces. I dont want to burst your bubble or anything. But there is still a chance and just to let you know the CF recruiters and interviewers do a really good job and different recruiters will ask you the same question and maybe twice sometimes relating to the same thing.  :salute:
Good luck
You'll never find out if you don't apply.

Get to a Recruiting Centre - let us know how you made out.
tang72 said:
Hey, i understand you really want to join the CF but with all those bad records, they would most likely think someone like that is not suitable for the Canadian forces. I dont want to burst your bubble or anything. But there is still a chance and just to let you know the CF recruiters and interviewers do a really good job and different recruiters will ask you the same question and maybe twice sometimes relating to the same thing.   :salute:
Good luck
I didn't see anything about bad records, or any record at all for that matter.   She has appeared in a few police reports as far as we know and that's the extent of it.   Having your name appear on police reports is completely irrelevant to the recruiting process. Besides, some people have posted in this forum in the past that they have been recruited in spite of having a criminal record for relatively serious offences.   People do change as they mature, the military understands this and makes certain allowances for it.
Unless you somehow know for sure that she is an unsuitable candidate, I don't see how this would be a constructive comment.   I think this
Retired CC said:
You'll never find out if you don't apply.

Get to a Recruiting Centre - let us know how you made out.
is the best advice given in this topic so far.

To give an educated opinion on the subject, you would need to be very familiar with recruiting policies and the intricacies of how the recruiting process weeds out people they are not interested in recruiting.   Otherwise you are simply trying to burst her bubble, and have no real idea of what you are talking about and spewing out a misleading opinion.   Many things that the military would find unacceptable from its current personnel are merely a little check mark against a candidate, something to be considered.   Provided it's nothing extremely serious, or against recruiting policy. Most everyone has things in their past that are not their proudest moments, and people who don't are often lacking in wisdom, have superiority issues, and lack maturity as a result of living an overly sheltered life.

I would say that in my personal experience with the recruiting process, that what she has laid laid out for us as being the biggest obstacles to her application are fairly insignificant.   In my case things were quite a bit more serious, and took quite a lot of effort on my part to overcome , yet I'm leaving for BMQ in September.

My two cents would definitely reflect what Retired CC has said.   The only way to know for sure is to try, and I think that if it's something you really want to do, then you probably have a really good shot at succeeding.
tang72 said:
Hey, i understand you really want to join the CF but with all those bad records, they would most likely think someone like that is not suitable for the Canadian forces. I dont want to burst your bubble or anything. But there is still a chance and just to let you know the CF recruiters and interviewers do a really good job and different recruiters will ask you the same question and maybe twice sometimes relating to the same thing.   :salute:
Good luck

Way out of your lane there bud...Reign it in!
tang72 said:
Hey, i understand you really want to join the CF but with all those bad records, they would most likely think someone like that is not suitable for the Canadian forces. I dont want to burst your bubble or anything. But there is still a chance and just to let you know the CF recruiters and interviewers do a really good job and different recruiters will ask you the same question and maybe twice sometimes relating to the same thing.  :salute:
Good luck

Big words for someone with no profile info filled out and a FMJ avatar, as well as a signature talking about killing people.  I hear the ninja snipers are recruiting.
Kyle Burrows said:
Big words for someone with no profile info filled out and a FMJ avatar, as well as a signature talking about killing people.   I hear the ninja snipers are recruiting.

Dont hate.
tang72 said:
Dont hate.

Don't make comments that may knock people down about something they're already concerned about. unless you're a recruiter who may happen to be considering this case, don't pass any judgments. It's not up to you.

As far as joining with medical conditions, I can say that I was diagnosed with ADD when I was younger (sometimes sounds like a copout, i know) and brought it up with my recruiter. I just had to have a doctor fill out a form from the recruiting center that said I didnt have a disability which would prevent me from operation heavy machinery, firearms, or explosives without the benefit of medication.

Talk to your recruiter, and best of luck
tang72 said:
Dont hate.


I started a PM to you.  It was a work of art, filled with invective and imaginative profanity.

Then I figured - this punk ain't worth the effort - so I didn't make the effort.

Can't see me changing my opinion any time soon.

Don't bother replying - you really AREN'T worth the effort.
Retired CC said:

I started a PM to you.   It was a work of art, filled with invective and imaginative profanity.

Then I figured - this punk ain't worth the effort - so I didn't make the effort.

Can't see me changing my opinion any time soon.

Don't bother replying - you really AREN'T worth the effort.

lol bravo
I think we have a little misunderstanding here. When i said "don't hate" I wasnt reffering to the person who started this thread. All i said was don't hate and I don't think I was trying to knock anyone down. Labelling me a punk and saying someone else is not worth there effort is a different story. Ok, let me guess. I am wrong again since i am no director, suscribers, or staff etc here...Go ahead throw me another 10 replies proving me wrong

Yes i am a peice of work playing by your rules.