As a plan it has much to commend itself. As with all plans it will be the commitment to the implementation of the intent and not the detail.
Not sure that faster procurement is compatible with stronger controls but that remains to be seen.
On the plus side - commitments to "soldier kit" (boots?) and radios for light forces, emphasis on C4ISR and Log as well as CANSOFCOM and light forces generally, 88 Ftrs, RPAS, LRPAs, SSKs, Sats, 15 CSCs, GBADs - all good stuff.
The stuff that's missing? Strike capability - Tanks, Arty, Strike Missiles for the Air Force (Sidewinder refurb only), Big Honking Ships, more airlift, more helos (especially Attack helos).
So, Boots and Radios, Good Binoculars and lots of vehicles for peoples with blankets, beans and bandages. Not indefensible.
About what one might have expected.
Now if they can actually deliver on tyres and rubber soles you will probably be further ahead than you seem to be now.
As the man said: If Cash.
Given the limitations of the Surface Fleet as projected I would like to see more of the "Global Corvette" capability with an ability to launch a Lt Coy/ SOF force from at least some, if not all, the CSCs. But that is just me beating my ancient and empty drum.