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Direct Entry Officer (DEO) questions [Merged]

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Pusser - Then information I had received was in error,  that is what I was informed could happen when I signed my Paperwork back in Sept. Happy for the clarification though.

Seems to be the product of the system however - we new members are inundated with information on a system we have little experience with save for what is thrown at us (much of the time, given little time to digest ramifications of, etc). Has us running around like headless chickens sometimes trying to figure out what is true, and what is what "X" instructor believed to be true.
Ayrsayle said:
Pusser - Then information I had received was in error,  that is what I was informed could happen when I signed my Paperwork back in Sept. Happy for the clarification though.

Seems to be the product of the system however - we new members are inundated with information on a system we have little experience with save for what is thrown at us (much of the time, given little time to digest ramifications of, etc). Has us running around like headless chickens sometimes trying to figure out what is true, and what is what "X" instructor believed to be true.

I understand full well the information overload that folks receive when they first enroll.  It takes time to sort through it all and figure out what is best.  Unfortunately, there is much misunderstanding (more so than misinformation) out there with respect to engagements in the CF.  The very fact that even folks in authority (e.g. recruiting centre staff) refer to them as "contracts" is telling.  They are not contracts in the legal sense (I'm not a lawyer, so I can't tell exactly why, but lawyers have told me that they're not, so I'm OK with that).  Nor are engagements in the CF indentured servitude.  The bottom line is that no one will be forced to stay in the CF for their entire engagement, unless there is a state of emergency declared (which hasn't happened since WWII) or there is obligatory service involved. 
D3 said:
Commissions directly to LT and Capt depend on the trade and military experience.  As a DEO with no previous service you would only get commissioned to a rank other then 2Lt if your trade calls for it.  While most of those trades require advanced degrees, not necessarily, since I believe MPs get commissioned to Lt and require only a bachelor.  Having a PhD will not get you commissioned to anything other then 2Lt in the infantry for example.  However, having an advanced degree will get you in at a higher pay incentive level.

D3, I was medically released (4B) as an Lt.  I have been medically cleared and am now merit listed for MARS.  If I am offered a job, would I start back at A/SLt or be given the rank SLt? This really is not a big deal, but I'm just curious.

I am a 4th year senior finishing up university with a degree in Economics. I really had no intentions of joining the military until about two years ago, when I felt a sense of duty and a sense of adventure to try something amazing during my youth. Regardless, I kind of messed around in my first and second years at university and so my GPA tanked. It was not really a matter of intelligence, but one of effort (or lack thereof), of which I focused on drinking and partying. I drifted aimlessly and tried my hand at a few majors before deciding on economics since it was one of the recommended degrees for an intelligence officer on the army website. So, I got my act together and really pulled my GPA up. I was at around 1.8 (low C level) in 2nd year, and I am expected to leave with a 2.9-3.2GPA (mid to high B) level. Would this come up on my application/ interview? I am proud that I am finishing my degree with a respectably GPA, but I am embarrassed at the mistakes I made during my younger years, and I know that I had the potential to leave with a lot higher of a GPA. Will this show a lack of discipline/ character and make me exempt from an officer position? Will grades even be looked at, or is the army more concerned with my degree? Thanks in advance.
Your grades will be looked at, however, the fact that you did "get your act together" and finished your degree is probably what will really matter in the long run.
I wouldn't plan on getting DEO for Intelligence. Not only are positions few and far between for civilians, they like their Intelligence people to have some knowledge of and experience in the military first.
Unless of course you are a ninja who speaks 5 languages and has experience working for an intelligence agency....at least that's pretty much what the recruiter told me....I paraphrased a bit... ;D

Good luck with everything!
While I was on Basic we had 2 LT recruits on platoon.
They were both trained nurses., as in holding RN certs.

I believe it happens when either you CFR from certain positions into Officer(which isn't DEO), or you come ready to work in your trade where the trade requires a specific certification(doctor, Lawyer, Nurse, etc).

I think going straight in as Int will be even more difficult now with the current "issues" the Forces are having around the INT branch(lol)

I am not confident in saying this is the case but this is what I have seen.
In a nutshell and for the most part, advanced rank for DEOs is dependant upon their employability upon enrollment.  For example, a fully qualified, licenced nurse may be promoted to Lt immediately because he/she already has most of the skills required to  function at the higher rank (2Lt is basically a training rank) and the CF training required is minimal.  On the other hand, since the CF has to teach everything to an infantry officer, it makes no difference whether a candidate has a BA or a PhD, he/she will start at the same rank.

On another note:  perspectiveofficer, are you sure you don't mean prospectiveofficer?
Pusser said:
perspectiveofficer, are you sure you don't mean prospectiveofficer?
shhhhh...he just finished telling us how he's got his act together and that he really should be an Intelligence officer.
Journeyman said:
shhhhh...he just finished telling us how he's got his act together and that he really should be an Intelligence officer.

But I'd like him to be an intelligent officer...
Thanks for the responses; it was pretty late when I signed up and I only have one email. I knew I messed up a letter, but it was too late to make adjustments.
PMedMoe said:
Your grades will be looked at, however, the fact that you did "get your act together" and finished your degree is probably what will really matter in the long run.

Thank you for the response. Do you know if there is a mean level of GPA for DEOs or, are grades merely secondary to volunteer experience/ leadership experience and how you conducted yourself during your studies? If this information is unavailable here, I can save it for my recruiter. Thanks again.
From my limited experience, when you fill out the application form for DEO, there is a section where you fill out the your educational background. A general graduating GPA question is asked. (Highest level of education, being secondary school, post secondary, post secondary with a B+ grade, masters, PhD) You will have to fill out graduating GPA only. After filling mine out, I asked about the PP assessment process, and was told that I scored higher in terms of PP "points" because I had a B+ or higher graduating GPA. While your transcripts are included in your application, the only spot on the application for GPA, when I filled out my application, was my graduating GPA. However, I do not know the extent to which a recruiter or interviewer would look at your overall GPA, from year one to graduation.
ringknocker82 said:
D3, I was medically released (4B) as an Lt.  I have been medically cleared and am now merit listed for MARS.  If I am offered a job, would I start back at A/SLt or be given the rank SLt? This really is not a big deal, but I'm just curious.

It depends on the trade and how long you were out...
Hey Everyone,

I'm planning on DEO for (hopefully) next summer. Currently I'm entering my last year of University and as such I don't yet have my $30,000 piece of paper that states I have graduated university. Therefore, am I allowed to start the DEO application process (since I graduate in April 2013). I'm concerned that it takes quite the amount of time to prepare an application and I wish not to be hindered in anyway as I'm planning on entering in summer 2013 intake.

As a side note, I'm aware that I am, in no way, guaranteed an offer much less a position, as numbers shift from year to year.

Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter,

That is a good question, I am sure that a quick call to the North Bay Recruitment Center would answer your question more thoroughly. It does include an area on the application form to write down a projected graduation from a course; that being said, I am not sure if they would accept your application at this point. Your other option would be to go down and ask a recruiter if you are near a recruitment center. Just remember that when you do choose to apply, you have all the required documents, as this will make the application process a little easier on you. (high school transcripts, college/university transcripts, your birth certificate!) Good luck, and (soon to be) congrats on your expensive piece of paper! :)
You are allowed to apply for DEO during your last year of study at university.
I am graduating next month but I did apply last year and got refused. There reason was that there weren't enough years left in my undergrad to give me a ROTP and I dont qualify for DEO since I didn't graduate. Essentially the last year undergrad is in the "sweet spot" where ROTP and DEO didnt fit. And then I applied in my last semester and with a letter from admissions stating my intend to graduate. Then they took my application for a trade that was open. Hope this helps.

I'm sorry to revive an old thread. Does anyone have any information on the next selection board for DEO Construction Engineering Officer? I was told I missed selections for Engineering Officer.

I'm waiting for my medical to come back from Ottawa and I don't want to miss this board. It took me 3.5 years to get to this point and would hate to wait another year. Im hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. Thank you in advanced.