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Direct Entry Officer (DEO) questions [Merged]

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No. But this will help you to improve faster in rank considering that it will increase your score for the Merit Listing.
vivelespatates said:
No. But this will help you to improve faster in rank considering that it will increase your score for the Merit Listing.

May want to check that out - while more education *may* help at the merit boards, I am not so sure a double major does.
vivelespatates said:
No. But this will help you to improve faster in rank considering that it will increase your score for the Merit Listing.

Your merit listing score for recruitment has no bearing on whether you get promoted or not. Please stay in your lane.
PuckChaser said:
Your merit listing score for recruitment has no bearing on whether you get promoted or not. Please stay in your lane.

I'm not talking about the merit listing for recruitment. But for the merit listing when it's time to decide which captain move to major, for exemple.!

Ayrsayle said:
May want to check that out - while more education *may* help at the merit boards, I am not so sure a double major does.

Must depends of the trade and scolarity.

Me, for exemple, it would help as my recruiter told me that the fact that I have one in Administration and an other one in Human ressources would help me for my trade, which is HCA.

vivelespatates said:
Must depends of the trade and scolarity.

Me, for exemple, it would help as my recruiter told me that the fact that I have one in Administration and an other one in Human ressources would help me for my trade, which is HCA.

I'll wait to be proven wrong but I think the recruiter is wrong.  For meriting for folks that are in the system an undergrad is an undergrad regardless of major or double major.  Now if you had further education like a masters or a PhD then it can give you a few more points dependant on how the trades scrit is developed.

Honestly the way the scrits are right now I would worry less about my undergrad and ensure that I am am bilingual as possible.  It seems that it is worth more than further education for the Capt to Maj jump.
VigilamusProTe said:
Hello everyone!
This is my first time posting on the forum. After thinking about joining the Canadian Forces for a while, I have decided that a career in the Canadian Forces will be a great opportunity for me to apply what I learned during university.
I will be graduating from university with a double-major in Political Science and International Relations in April 2014.
MY QUESTION: What will determine my pay increment as a DEO?
For instance, I have attended university for 5 years because of my double major. I have done extensive part-time research work with my professors. Also (and please, I'm not trying to brag or pomp myself up), I have received several high distinctions and awards during my undergraduate studies. Will this help me start at a higher pay increment?
I ask this for two reasons:
First, I remember that in the past, there were individuals with three-year BAs who started at the basic pay increment.
Second, I do have a decent amount of student loans. It would certainly help to know what my pay increment would be (assuming that the CF hopefully accepts me) in order to plan my finances a little ahead.
Thank you very much!

The fact that your entry plan is DEO automatically determines your Pay Group, which will be 2Lt - Basic, Category D.  It's all the same.  The only thing that will increase your pay level is prior military service.

Also, your academic stream may not qualify you to apply for Log O nor possibly MPO but I would have to take a closer look just to be sure.

As previously mentioned an undergrad degree is an undergrad degree, there all treated relatively he same.  You would think that a post-grad degree would hold more weight but sometimes it doesn't.

Edit - so I rechecked today and your Undergrad Degree (BS) major Poli Sci/International Relations does not qualify you for either Log or MPO.  It does for Pilot but not the other two.
VigilamusProTe said:
MY QUESTION: What will determine my pay increment as a DEO?

For instance, I have attended university for 5 years because of my double major. I have done extensive part-time research work with my professors. Also (and please, I'm not trying to brag or pomp myself up), I have received several high distinctions and awards during my undergraduate studies. Will this help me start at a higher pay increment?

If you have a university degree, you enter in as DEO and will get paid at the 2LT basic rate the moment your COS date happens. At least you don't get the OCdt rate.

Reference: It's what happened to me and the vast majority of people on my basic course.
Be advised that MPO has an extra step in selection, the MPOAC.

DEO pay rate depends what Ottawa offers you. Case in point: A few years ago two friends of mine, 1 a MSc in Physics and 1 BA double major French and Math.  The two were 7 months apart in joining as an ACSO.  The guy with the MSc was paid at 2Lt DEO Basic while the double major started at DEO IPC 3.  There are no redress available as Ottawa D MIL C are the ones who give you the initial offer.  Don't give your hopes up.
bouncer2004 said:
There are no redress available as Ottawa D MIL C are the ones who give you the initial offer. 

I wouldn't say that.  D Mil C is not infallible and they have made mistakes in the past on this front.
Pusser said:
I wouldn't say that.  D Mil C is not infallible and they have made mistakes in the past on this front.

Actually, D Mil C are not the ones who make the offer, unless it's a component transfer.  The offer comes from CFRG and the majority of the time, especially when it comes to DEO pay entitlements, the information is not entirely accurate.
DAA said:
Actually, D Mil C are not the ones who make the offer, unless it's a component transfer.  The offer comes from CFRG and the majority of the time, especially when it comes to DEO pay entitlements, the information is not entirely accurate.

True enough although they do so in consultation with D Mil C (as far as I know).  In other words, mutltiple opportunities to screw it up!  ;D
Hello my name is Andrew, and I am a prospective deo cadet. I have my enrolment ceremony in 5 days. During the job offer call, an account manager with the rank leading seaman called me "sir" after I accepted the job offer. Does this mean I am already a superior to NCM's? Am I a civilian until I take the oath? How will I be addressed by the NCM's during my training at CFLRS.? How should I address the NCM's? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
He was being polite. You'll be taught how to address all ranks properly, its part of your recruit training. You do not need to show up at CFLRS with this knowledge. When in doubt, addressing an NCM by his/her rank is appropriate.
hyung7423 said:
How will I be addressed by the NCM's during my training at CFLRS.? How should I address the NCM's?

Proper protocol for Officer Cadets 

Proper way to address a WO, MWO, CWO or Officer 

Paying Compliments (Saluting, Verbal Address)
I'll break it down -

As an OCdt (which you will be until the completion of Basic) you have not received a commission - Ergo you hold no "superior" rank over even a Pte and everyone you meet in the military technically outranks you.  This is often misunderstood even among serving members.  You are a civilian up to the point you sign paperwork confirming your Terms Of Service (IE, when you agree to X many years of service) - then you are likely on Leave Without Pay until the start of your course in St. Jean.  Many will feel you don't deserve the "sir" until after you are finished all of your qualification training, but it varies.

Address NCMs by their rank - IE MCpl Jones, Warrant Adams, etc.  When in doubt it is never wrong to address someone by their rank, and they will correct you on their proper title (if appropriate).  Address all superior officers as "sir".  Your instructors will likely refer to you as "Mr", or other less impressive titles.  I strongly recommend not trying to insist they do anything else (but hey, you are welcome to give it a try!).

As a small (but in my opinion a very important) point - it's a bad habit to look at the NCM/Officer relationship as you being "superior" - Professionalism will usually have them calling you "sir", but that says very little about how much they are willing to support you and your goals.  Far better to look at it as you have a job to do, as does everyone else you work with - no one is particularly "better" then the other, only have specialized jobs and responsibilities.  Food for thought.
Ayrsayle said:
I'll break it down -

As an OCdt (which you will be until the completion of Basic) you have not received a commission - Ergo you hold no "superior" rank over even a Pte and everyone you meet in the military technically outranks you. 

Aren't DEO enrolees commisioned as Second Lieutenants on enrolment? And attend BMOQ with that rank?