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Direct Entry Officer (DEO) questions [Merged]

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To the best of my knowledge, today is the last day for Montrealers to leave the merit-list through national selections and get on the BMOQ train.

That said, I was selected for Aerospace Engineer, and will be starting BMOQ in French on October 24th.

I am honored to be part of Canadian Air Force and the advanced aerospace engineering sector (CF-18, F-35,…).

AERO2012 said:
To the best of my knowledge, today is the last day for Montrealers to leave the merit-list through national selections and get on the BMOQ train.

I was selected for Aerospace Engineer, and will be starting BMOQ in French on October 24th.

I am honored to be part of Canadian Air Force and the advanced aerospace engineering sector (CF-18, F-35,…).

You see - everything was fine for you.
NursyNurse said:
Congrats sky777 - I know you were anxious to get a position.
I'm happy for you. Enjoy the ride !  :)
Yea,because I applie 28 August 2009.
2 years of waiting is big deal .
But anycase I am happy and I want to pass through BMOQ and do everything fine.
Good luck to all for BMOQ!!!
Was talking to the Barrie RC today about my file... they said that the MCC is reviewing it.  Does anyone have any idea how long the "review" takes?  Last time I spoke to them was about 2.5 weeks ago, and it was still in "review"

And the Sgt I spoke to said something about the CF50, if I heard him right. I neglected to ask what that meant.  Anyone know?

Good luck to those who have gotten their offers and attending BMOQ in the near future!

It's hard to tell how long anything in the military takes.  I got a call 2 weeks ago from them and 6 days later I was interviewing/update medical for Infantry Officer.  Hopefully you will be lucky too.
I was told that selections for Infantry Officer took place on Friday.  How long after these selections did you accepted folks wait before finding out you were in?
clarkyo said:
I was told that selections for Infantry Officer took place on Friday.  How long after these selections did you accepted folks wait before finding out you were in?

48 hours!
clarkyo said:
I was told that selections for Infantry Officer took place on Friday.  How long after these selections did you accepted folks wait before finding out you were in?
I recieved a position for Engineering Officer. Selection was done on Friday (along with Infantry Officer), and I recieved a call the same day.
Things have been held up on some credit issues.  :(  Just need to get my ducks in a row... might delay things for a bit, but since things are looking up money wise in the very near future, I think things will be OK.

Congrats to those of you selected!
I was merit listed on the 15th of this month (Infantry Officer).  Looks like I am probably out of luck until 2012 at the earliest ::) 

I am finishing my last year of University and have just sent off my application for the CF. I am really hoping I will get my wish to be an engineering officer, but we will see.
My question is regarding the commitment period, for some reason I was under the impression it was 5 years, but I recently read on the forces government page that officers commit to 9 year periods. This wouldn't be the end of the world, but 9 years is a long time, especially if I am stationed somewhere I dislike.
Also, I have gone through the medical and interview before for ROTP, I wasn't accepted, but that isn't important. I am assuming I will have to do those again, correct?
A less important question. I understand that I wouldn't be enrolled in basic until the fall, just because they prefer to train the ROTP cadets during the summer.

Blake said:
but 9 years is a long time, especially if I am stationed somewhere I dislike.

Note that you would not necessarily be posted in the same place for all 9 years. You could be moved multiple times in that period just as you might be in the same location, moving to different units. Those years also include trades training, which will go by fast and take some of that time.

Blake said:
This wouldn't be the end of the world, but 9 years is a long time, especially if I am stationed somewhere I dislike.

If you focus on the job, the location becomes a minor factor. It's easy to choose something that's not important in the larger picture and turn it into the big reason why you hate your job. The truth is we have CF bases in a lot of places that aren't downtown Toronto (or wherever your preferred place to live may be), you can expect to live at some of them for part (or all) of your service.

Blake said:
Also, I have gone through the medical and interview before for ROTP, I wasn't accepted, but that isn't important. I am assuming I will have to do those again, correct?

Yes, you should expect that.

Blake said:
A less important question. I understand that I wouldn't be enrolled in basic until the fall, just because they prefer to train the ROTP cadets during the summer.

Was there a question?
Sigh....  I wish recruiting centres would do a better job of explaining this.  There seems to be much confusion over this issue.

DEO officers normally enroll with a Variable Initial Engagement (VIE) of nine years.  The best way for the member to look at this is that it is nine years of employment if YOU want it (and you don't really screw up).  It does NOT mean you have to stay in the CF for nine years.  There is a difference between obligatory service and a VIE.  If you really want out of the CF, as a DEO, you can normally release after about three years.  You can cut yourself out of a number of benefits (e.g. release move, full severance pay, CFSA benefits, etc) by doing so, but you can still get out voluntarily before nine years.  To get out prior to completing your obligatory service, your reasons have to be compelling (or you have to do something to compel the CF to throw you out  ;D).
Michael O'Leary said:
Was there a question?

Sorry, I didn't complete my thought there. Yes, the question was supposed to be, should I expect to do basic in the fall or winter, and not in the summer when the ROTP cadets do theirs.

As much as downtown Toronto would be fantastic, I do not have unreal expectations about living in such places. The point about focusing on the job is one I hadn't thought of...
Thank you for the information regarding the commitment, and also the moving around.

Zoomie said:
Expect Sept or January for basic start dates.

Pray for September, much easier being in Saint Jean during the cool days of fall then the cold days of Winter.

Saint jean takes candidates weekly, so you could start at any point, Graduations are on Thursdays 15 weeks after entrance.

once you enter the green doors, you are there for 5 weeks minimum.  I had a father who had a baby on my Basic, was allowed a 20min phone call and that was it.

Military is a blast but there is lots of down time when you will hate your job.  Think of it as 90% non-fun crap work, and 10% un-holy dear god my adrenaline will surely kill a normal grown man I'm so happy this is my job.

A friend of mine was telling me about the 5 weeks of concrete walls... I think she said something about shack fever or something. I accept that I will hate a lot of it, there aren't many jobs out there that people won't hate. That said, 20mins after just have a child seems a little cruel, but I understand the principle of "no one is special".

I have always been hoping for September. I just currently have plans for the month of May, but I'm aware (even more so now with that story of the father) that the military could care less about my plans. Just the way she goes.
Blake said:
That said, 20mins after just have a child seems a little cruel,

20 minutes is double what i had overseas on my first tour. Just to put things into perspective for you.