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Does being part of military make you 'right wing'?

CDN Aviator said:
Again, that will not be your decision. If the Government decides to start a war, they will not seek your opinion.

...where did I suggest it was?
You call yourself a military pacifist......which you defined as :

mellian said:
'Militarist Pacifist', will not start the fight/war, but will finish it.

We do whatever the government wants. We finish the fight as well as start them if that what the politicians want. You better be able to deal with that. If i were you i would take a long hard look at your career choice and personal values.
Kinda like being against fossil fuels and working as a pump jockey at a PetroCan.
CDN Aviator said:
You call yourself a military pacifist......which you defined as :

Trying to help provide a clarification to what I meant by it.

We do whatever the government wants. We finish the fight as well as start them if that what the politicians want. You better be able to deal with that. If i were you i would take a long hard look at your career choice and personal values.

From what I can tell after eight months of thought since made the decision to want to joining the CF, they are compatible. Besides, Canada has never started a war it thought in, our nation just joins the ones already begun by other countries.
mellian said:
Besides, Canada has never started a war it thought in, our nation just joins the ones already begun by other countries.

In addition to being a walking oxymoron, you have a crystal ball.....wow.
CDN Aviator said:
In addition to being a walking oxymoron, you have a crystal ball.....wow.

The sentence is in past tense, as in that has historically been the trend thus far.  ::)
[quote author=mellian]
Besides, Canada has never started a war it thought in, our nation just joins the ones already begun by other countries.

Well, of course. Canada is a stable country, and has managed to avoid being the belligerent in most contexts. However, during the War of 1812, it was "Canadians" versus Americans, and we/they didn't wait for reinforcements to show up before repelling the invaders.
Slight correction, the War of 1812 was between the United States of America and the British Empire (particularly Great Britain and British North America).
NFLD Sapper said:
Slight correction, the War of 1812 was between the United States of America and the British Empire (particularly Great Britain and British North America).

Yes, thus the quotes around "Canadian." :P You probably know this better than I do, but as I understood it there were British troops permanently stationed inside what is now Canada, which would have made them Canadian, had the country existed at that point.
CDN Aviator said:
We do whatever the government wants. We finish the fight as well as start them if that what the politicians want. You better be able to deal with that. If i were you i would take a long hard look at your career choice and personal values.

We are not Terminators, that are built for destruction, and are woken up to go out and destroy the enemy at all costs.  We are a military, who follow the direction of our leaders.  We are a voluntary Military, that we can serve (if we meet the standards...) ou nation military if and when we choose.  We are not a Mercenary force, who takes pay to wage war.  We are not automatons that are used as tools to be "pawns" of the governments Chess board.  We are citizens who have decided to take the cause to defend, and fight for our nation, to support our Canadian Morale views.  If we choose to Serve our Nation, there is nothing, not on Iota of doctrine that states we are not allowed to be a pacifist, and still be able to serve.

Now I will stop the pedestal rant, as long we stop the locker room talk.....hehehe we kill the enemy full stop.  It's what we are trained, paid and told to do.  get witht he program hehehehe...

recceguy said:
Kinda like being against fossil fuels and working as a pump jockey at a PetroCan.

Oh stop with the oxymoron....yes yes Military-Pacifist....Military-Intelligence...etc etc.

As much as I wanted to try my skills at what I trained to do, hell ya there was part of me that wished no war ever existed.

There are only two types of people that pray for war Generals that want a name in history, and Psychopaths that don't know the difference....



the 48th regulator said:
We are not Terminators, that are built for destruction, and are woken up to go out and destroy the enemy at all costs.  We are a military, who follow the direction of our leaders.  We are a voluntary Military, that we can serve (if we meet the standards...) ou nation military if and when we choose.  We are not a Mercenary force, who takes pay to wage war.  We are not automatons that are used as tools to be "pawns" of the governments Chess board.  We are citizens who have decided to take the cause to defend, and fight for our nation, to support our Canadian Morale views.  If we choose to Serve our Nation, there is nothing, not on Iota of doctrine that states we are not allowed to be a pacifist, and still be able to serve.

In not as many words, being a CF member doesn't remove your right/ability to think for yourself and make personal judgements on what is going in the world around you.

That being said, it is an absolute imperative that your personal views not affect your ability to serve. So, to the OP, you may be a pacifist and left-leaning politically and at the end of the day, that's your choice and as long as you (like everyone else) keep the political rants to yourself at work then you'll never have a problem. But come the day when you are called to deploy, then you must go regardless of your personal feelings about said deployment AND, most importantly, if you find yourself in a situation where you have to use your weaon, you MUST be able to use it without hesitation.

If you feel you can do that, then you can be an animal worshipping anarachist druid for all I (or anyone else) cares. 
48th regulator has resumed exactly the reasons why I am in the process of joining the military as a reservist.

But I agree with CDN Aviator: by joining the military, I might be sent with weapons in my hands and use it against another nation.
If I don't like it, then other options are possible such as working for a Non-governmental organization (NGO), the UN or go back to school and get a degree that allows me to work as a Canadian diplomat that also works to preserve the interset of our country.

By the way, I was wondering the same about right versus left wing in the military.
I would have been RW regardless of my time in two armies.

Soldiers are just people with different political views like anyone else.

the 48th regulator said:
We are not Terminators, that are built for destruction, and are woken up to go out and destroy the enemy at all costs.  We are a military, who follow the direction of our leaders.  We are a voluntary Military, that we can serve (if we meet the standards...) ou nation military if and when we choose.  We are not a Mercenary force, who takes pay to wage war.  We are not automatons that are used as tools to be "pawns" of the governments Chess board.  We are citizens who have decided to take the cause to defend, and fight for our nation, to support our Canadian Morale views.  If we choose to Serve our Nation, there is nothing, not on Iota of doctrine that states we are not allowed to be a pacifist, and still be able to serve.

Wow, thanks, i didnt know what i was doing here until you said that.  ::)

as long we stop the locker room talk.....hehehe we kill the enemy full stop.  It's what we are trained, paid and told to do.  get witht he program hehehehe... 

Locker room talk ? Do you even understand what i do for a living ? Those are not 10 foot peacekeeping cylinders i train to drop........

hell ya there was part of me that wished no war ever existed.

Same here. But then again, i know what i was hired and trained for.

There are only two types of people that pray for war Generals that want a name in history, and Psychopaths that don't know the difference....

You are right, i must not know the difference. I didnt see it every day while i was crawling through minefields......you know where.

Lets not kid ourselves. A war starts and you dont like it, thats fine. You have 2 choices : fight anyway or get lost. I dont have an issue with you either way.
CDN Aviator said:
Wow, thanks, i didnt know what i was doing here until you said that.  ::)

Then stop with the knuckle dragging , camouflaged with the Flag of our nation talk.  She Admitted to having a pacifist view, did things to support it, and now wants to serve our nation.  How do the the two conflict?  Tell me where, absolutely where, there is a doctrine that states someone who serves their nation, can not have a view or one that is against war?  What I would agree with you, is if she allowed her political views, to interfere with her duty.  Then I buy your argument.  Until that time, I see nothing wrong in what she admits.

CDN Aviator said:
Locker room talk ? Do you even understand what i do for a living ? Those are not 10 foot peacekeeping cylinders i train to drop........

Oh golly miss molly, I sure hope that was sarcasm, cuz if it wasn't, the echo in this cinder blocked room with the benches and lockers drowned out what you were saying....

CDN Aviator said:
Same here. But then again, i know what i was hired and trained for.

Hired and trained for. 

Do you not see what you are playing into??

So basically you are admitting it was only as a job, and you see your training to be used as one thing and one thing only, in the gain of a pay cheque, which you were hired for.

Gimme a break, brother, you did not join for that reason, and as I said cut the macho bravado talk, it ain't you nor anyone esle who serves our military.

CDN Aviator said:
You are right, i must not know the difference. I didnt see it every day while i was crawling through minefields......you know where.

Ya, that is why I am telling you to knock of the Mr. T Jibber Jabber about taking out the bad guys, cuz dats what I was paid and trained to do act.

CDN Aviator said:
Lets not kid ourselves. A war starts and you dont like it, thats fine. You have 2 choices : fight anyway or get lost. I dont have an issue with you either way.

Fight or get lost.  Fight or get lost....yep, because it is only those that "Fight" deserve our respect.  God forbid we have a view, and decide to serve our nation, yet feel that war is wrong.  One can serve, and not abide by the political view of the Masters, you do know that, eh? Or, lemme guess, do you buy the defence "I was only doing what I was ordered to do?"

Gimme a break CA, you are only jumping on her because she said she hated war, and protested it.  Until she crosses the line, and is using the military in a mission as her own personal "Fifth Column" agenda to spread peace within the military, so that war ends, then you have no point.

If she serves, and does her duty to a tee, I will stand by her view.  But if she gets out of order....Well, I pity the fool.


Nice topic Mel, good luck in your choice of profession ( what ever it may be) This ground pounder will keep his politics to himself on here.  My point of view on having organized protests and the like in the past.  Fair enough, as a Civi that is your right and a right the CF has an obligation to protect. You are not comming across as jumping on the edge of any bandwagon but going on your beliefs with out the rock throwing extremist. So all the power to you.  As for joining the CF. The reasons are in the end yours to justify. It will either be something you like, love, dislike, or loath.  Just as long as however long you decide to serve you learn from any experience.  I think the best advice given so far though is when your new somewhere keep the protest organizer info on the downlow.  Also with out knowing who you associated during that time there is a chance you may not get a high level secret clearance. 

Just my thoughts.
helpup said:
I think the best advice given so far though is when your new somewhere keep the protest organizer info on the downlow. 

It is not something I advertise in general anyway, and only brought it here to spur the discussion.

Also with out knowing who you associated during that time there is a chance you may not get a high level secret clearance. 

Yes, that has crossed my mine, and even then in terms of clearances. I just hope whoever that processes it is not to picky in regards to the term 'associated'.
That would be up to the investigators.  What might bite you on the A$$ is computer searches ( if done, out of my lane here on the specifics) that may have you linked to people or organizations who would rate a red flag from cursorary searches.  Your refferances may or may not help or hurt you. I dont know your specifics.  But I do know there are many with various backgrounds in fairly high security clearances. Just be forthright with any questions posed and dont try to hide things ( mind you dont volunteer it either)

Good job on spurring the discussion

Note my spell check is still not working. ( yah yah a lazy man relies on spell checker )
helpup said:
Note my spell check is still not working. ( yah yah a lazy man relies on spell checker )

It's the M1 Spell Checker from MS... It's 'Merican boy!.....Thems 'Merican spellin words.  It's a MS conspiracy to reeducamate the world to use "'Merican English".
On the "military pacifist" point of view.... I certainly would not want a pacifist covering my flank or in my fireteam in a TIC.