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Dog Tags

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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Danjanou said:
Shouldn't this be in the "you're past your prime  when....." thread?


Well no because he was so worried about "what the black thing was" that he never noticed that my discs also had my SIN number on them ...  ;D

I am NOT old - even though I was old enough to have possibly been a babysitter who changed his diaper a few short years ago.  ;D
when i join as reservist, i would like to know that are we allowed more then one canadian dog tags?
im asking because i saw Supply Sergent selling canadian styled dog tags, i would like to get a pair if i some how lost it or broke the other half and replace it with the bought one or can i get a new one issued? and will i get the option to get it stamped on the new one?
You will get issued one with the required information on it. If you should lose it, it can be replaced through the CF.

You dont need to be buying one anywhere and you dont need an information stamped on it that isnt on the CF issued one. The information the CF puts on there is all thats required. Any more than that is a security problem.
Like Aviator said, you will get issued a pair.  If you go on a tour you will get a second pair issued.  No need to buy your own as the CF supplies them and the replacements. 

And no, the CF will not be upset if you buy your own from a company like Supply Sgt or CP Gear. However, if you get your own done, unless they read like the CF ones(ie same info, in the same place, etc) do not wear them on course, work, etc.
On a slightly different note, fight the urge that most newbies have to wear their identity "discs" as if they were jewelry.  It's not nearly as cool as you think it is.  :nod:

Mine stay in a drawer unless I'm deployed.
Pusser said:
Mine stay in a drawer unless I'm deployed.

Double standard
At my Unit (Reserves), we had a Sgt / RSM that would do the odd spot check to see if the mbrs had their ID discs and ID card... if you didn't produce them, submit a memo on "why you should not be charged".

Then you look around the corner in garrison and see Sr NCMs and officers with shoddy boots, wrinkled uniforms, threads everywhere or not wearing their beret outdoors.... go figure.

Sigs Pig said:
Double standard
At my Unit (Reserves), we had a Sgt / RSM that would do the odd spot check to see if the mbrs had their ID discs and ID card... if you didn't produce them, submit a memo on "why you should not be charged".

Then you look around the corner in garrison and see Sr NCMs and officers with shoddy boots, wrinkled uniforms, threads everywhere or not wearing their beret outdoors.... go figure.


Wrinkled uniforms???

Please please please tell me your referring to DEU

Yes I'm serious

I thought we got rid of this s**t with the move from bush to combats - Frak!!!!
Sigs Pig said:
Double standard
At my Unit (Reserves), we had a Sgt / RSM that would do the odd spot check to see if the mbrs had their ID discs and ID card... if you didn't produce them, submit a memo on "why you should not be charged".

Last time I checked, not having your i-card on your person was a chargeable offence but not having your dogtags ???
Anyone have a softcopy of CFAO 26-4 handy?  I'm trying to gather a list of the abbreviations of all the religions that appear on Cdn ID discs.

It seems that the official CFAOs aren't available online (http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/cfa-oaf/index-eng.asp).  I've searched the forums for CFAO 26-4 but all I can find is an old list (below).  I think there must be a newer version somewhere since I know many individuals with religion abbreviation not included in the list below. 

...Or is this now contained in the DAODs somewhere?


3.    The religious denomination of the member will be abbreviated as follows:

Anglican ........................... ACC
Atheist, Agnostic, or no religion .. NRE
Baptist ............................ BAPT
Christian Science .................. CS
Greek Catholic ..................... GC
Greek Orthodox ..................... GO
Jewish ............................. JEW
Latter-Day Saints .................. LDS
Lutheran ........................... LUTH
Muslim ............................. MUS
New Apostolic Church ............... NAC
Other Protestant Denomination ...... OPD
Pentecostal ........................ PENT
Presbyterian ....................... PRES
Roman Catholic ..................... RC
Salvation Army ..................... SA
Unitarian Universalist ............. UNI
United Church ...................... UCC
This is an excellent resource - Religions in Canada - http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/pub/rc/index-eng.asp

As is this one:  Chaplains Manual - http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/cfcb-bsafc/pub/doc/acm-maft-eng.pdf
@Simian - Yes, thanks.  I saw that list as well while browsing... it's much longer than the one I have earlier in this thread but it doesn't include the abbreviations and I do not believe it is a comprehensive list (for ID disc purposes).  For instance, my denomination on my tags doesn't appear on that list...
anjp - You have to remember that the abbreviations have to be easy to understand, which means they have to represent the most common religions that the CF has dealt with up to this point.  For example, if someone were Shinto and had something like SHIN on their tags, how many people would know what that meant?
In the CF, chaplains are either "Roman Catholic" (due to how many of us breeders there are) and "Protestant" (fairly equivalent to "other", which would include everything from Shinto to the multitude of Christian religions to, well, everything else).  Which denomination were you looking for?
TV -- Not sure if we currently have them but we do also have allowances for Muslim and Jewish clergy, who can be identified by the symbol on their cap badge.
Strike said:
TV -- Not sure if we currently have them but we do also have allowances for Muslim and Jewish clergy, who can be identified by the symbol on their cap badge.
You're right, we do, but I'm just talking about the "branches" (not the right term) of the Chaplain Branch.  And I think that there are three cap badges; one each for Christian chaplains, Muslim chaplains (Imams) and Jewish chaplains (Rabbis).
Technoviking said:
You're right, we do, but I'm just talking about the "branches" (not the right term) of the Chaplain Branch.  And I think that there are three cap badges; one each for Christian chaplains, Muslim chaplains (Imams) and Jewish chaplains (Rabbis).

I have to wonder how many sets of ID discs CPgear has done up that say 'JEDI' on them?
Strike said:
anjp - You have to remember that the abbreviations have to be easy to understand, which means they have to represent the most common religions that the CF has dealt with up to this point.  For example, if someone were Shinto and had something like SHIN on their tags, how many people would know what that meant?

Hey I didn't make up the abbreviations :) , I'm just looking for the list.  I know that what I've found so far isn't complete, because my denomination isn't on the list.  But it IS on my ID discs...

For those who are curious, I told the clerks back in basic I was part of the associated gospel churches of canada.  I have 'AG' on my discs.