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Drug use/drug testing in the CF (merged)

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Old Ranger said:
How about neither!   Both cause problems at work.
And by "pothead and Drunk" I'm refering to the extreme.

That would be the ideal situation, but out on the rigs here, thats not the case. Piss testing is only done upon hiring, and only if there has been an accident after that. I was drilling for a small company up by the NWT boarder, my motorman and one of the roughnecks were high on Crystal Meth 24/7, and there was nothing I could do about it. So I quit that outfit, but despite everything it's pretty rampant out here.
Why not make it legal. Tax it and let the fools that smoke it have to pay for it. Us morons that smoke cigs have to pay huge taxs so why the pot heads. I think the court cost etc etc is a compleat waste of money. Legalize it tax it and good to go. Next tax the hookers why fight a battle that is unwinable change the rules and make a profit I say
Hemp has male and female plants.

It is a cousin of mj - not the same plant.


This is why I cant take the MJ'ers arguments seriously, innuendo and rumour are not scientific fact.
Secondly reserchers now have an oral THC medication, take the argument right out of the smoke for pain releif crowd..
Larry Strong said:
That would be the ideal situation, but out on the rigs here, thats not the case. Piss testing is only done upon hiring, and only if there has been an accident after that. I was drilling for a small company up by the NWT boarder, my motorman and one of the roughnecks were high on Crystal Meth 24/7, and there was nothing I could do about it. So I quit that outfit, but despite everything it's pretty rampant out here.

The rigs are a horrible place for somebody who isn't a perverted drug smoking social reject. I think 90% of the roughnecks are messed up on something. I did some wellhead service for a while and every service/drilling rig I ever went on had the guy(s) who was really messed over on something and is groping the new guy. I was always the "new" guy too since I just came on the rigs, cut the casing, installed the wellhead and left.
Let it be legal and free.
Can you inmagine the run off busness the messes would have.
TGIF the food would be eaten in a heart beat.
No more hung over troops in the morning. Just sore throats and full tummies.

48Highlander said:
... yeah that's right man, I'm a typical pot-smoking free-love anti-genetic-engineering anti-war tree-hugging hippie.
I knew that  ;)
Now even moonshine cannot go above 100% alcohol... alcohol content cannot be manipulated like THC. And it's pretty obvious when you're drinking a bomb, just by the taste.
You're very emotional about this, maybe you should seek help...  ::)
atticus said:
The rigs are a horrible place for somebody who isn't a perverted drug smoking social reject. I think 90% of the roughnecks are messed up on something. I did some wellhead service for a while and every service/drilling rig I ever went on had the guy(s) who was really messed over on something and is groping the new guy. I was always the "new" guy too since I just came on the rigs, cut the casing, installed the wellhead and left.

No, you were the "service hand", and I agree they do tend to get picked on ;D haven't seen much groping though. I've been at it for 26yrs and am stiill sane, besides where else can you make 4K a week?
Jungle said:
I knew that   ;)
Now even moonshine cannot go above 100% alcohol... alcohol content cannot be manipulated like THC. And it's pretty obvious when you're drinking a bomb, just by the taste.

Ditto for THC.

KevinB said:
Hemp has male and female plants.

It is a cousin of mj - not the same plant.


This is why I cant take the MJ'ers arguments seriously, innuendo and rumour are not scientific fact.
Secondly reserchers now have an oral THC medication, take the argument right out of the smoke for pain releif crowd..

Well, you're obviously smoking something else :P

Hemp is a common name for Cannabis sativa and the name most used when this annual plant is grown for non-drug purposes. These include the industrial purposes for which cultivation licences may be issued in the European Union (EU). In the UK licences are issued by the Home Office under the 1971 Misuse of Drugs Act. When grown for industrial purposes hemp is called, often, industrial hemp, and a common product is fibre for use in a variety of different ways.

Thanks for coming out?
sigtech said:
Why not make it legal. Tax it and let the fools that smoke it have to pay for it. Us morons that smoke cigs have to pay huge taxs so why the pot heads. I think the court cost etc etc is a compleat waste of money. Legalize it tax it and good to go. Next tax the hookers why fight a battle that is unwinable change the rules and make a profit I say
mover1 said:
Let it be legal and free.
Can you inmagine the run off busness the messes would have.

Sarcasm on.
Hey, while we're at it, let's legalize and tax heroin, coke, and acid. Why not bestiality? We could have Government run farms where we breed horses so sickos can have some fun! Hey, why not, we'd make a killing!
sarcasm off.

Why not? Because there are some things that are deemed to be unacceptable. We outlaw them because they cause harm to society, or it's citizens, or they're just plain wrong. MJ counts for all 3 of those.

BTW, why is marijuana different from cigs? Cigs don't make you high (once your addicted). Big diff.

Sigtech, you also advocate giving up a battle you feel we're losing. Nice attitude for a soldier. Wouldn't want you next to me when it counts.

mover1 said:
TGIF the food would be eaten in a heart beat.
No more hung over troops in the morning. Just sore throats and full tummies.

Yeah, stoned troops. That's what we need. Don;t confuse the issue. We're talking about legalization of marijuana in Canada, not the CF drug policy. Even with legalization, CF members likely won't be permitted to partake in the ganja. And rightly so.

Hemp grown for industry has NO THC (well trace amounts you'd have to smoke a ton, and youd be dead of carbon monoxide poisoning long before you had a buzz)

48th I fully agree with Jungle on this issue - your a wee bit too emotional about this.

I get emotional any time I see irrational people making idiotic claims.

So, yeah I get emotional often.
Caesar said:
Why not? Because there are some things that are deemed to be unacceptable. We outlaw them because they cause harm to society, or it's citizens, or they're just plain wrong. MJ counts for all 3 of those..

As opposed to the virtue that is alcohol?

Caesar said:
Yeah, stoned troops. That's what we need. Don;t confuse the issue. We're talking about legalization of marijuana in Canada, not the CF drug policy. Even with legalization, CF members likely won't be permitted to partake in the ganja. And rightly so.

You're assuming that troops will smoke it at work. Well alcohol is legal and soldiers don't go to work drunk. Why would they go stoned? Also the CF should not or would not put up with either.

Island Ryhno said:
As opposed to the virtue that is alcohol?

You're assuming that troops will smoke it at work. Well alcohol is legal and soldiers don't go to work drunk. Why would they go stoned? Also the CF should not or would not put up with either.

We're not talking about alcohol, are we? If alcohol was invented today, it likely would be illegal, for obvious reasons. But it wasn't invented today, and it is still considered to be socially acceptable to consume in certain situations, in varying amounts. It is part of our social fabric. Marijuana is NOT part of our culture, is not socially acceptable, and is not consumed by most Canadian adults. Alcohol is.

Want evidence? How about an example. If your daughter was 19 and said she was going to a dinner and a movie with her boyfriend, and maybe a drink afterwards, that would be OK, right? Now, what if she said she was going with her boyfriend to dinner and a movie and then smoke some dope or do some hash afterwards....would you be OK with that? For most, I suspect that it would not be OK.

Until it is socially acceptable, the CF will likely not allow it's members to partake, on or off duty.
Come now, something has to be socially acceptable for hundreds of years for it to be acceptable now? Alcohol went through prohibition when the government tried to rule how people live their lives. It came back because people pushed for social reform and didn't cave to what the government wanted deemed as socially unacceptable. And MJ is certainly not a new kid on the block, it's been around for a long time. As for not being consumed by most Canadians well, I don't know that and neither do you. Here is some stuff about american consumption though.

There were an estimated 2.6 million new marijuana users in 2001. This number is similar to the numbers of new users each year since 1995, but above the number in 1990 (1.6 million). In 2002, over 14 million Americans age 12 and older used marijuana at least once in the month prior to being surveyed, and 12.2 percent of past year marijuana users used marijuana on 300 or more days in the past 12 months. This translates into 3.1 million people using marijuana on a daily or almost daily basis over a 12-month period(1).(National Institute on Drug Abuse)
Caesar said:
If alcohol was invented today, it likely would be illegal, for obvious reasons. But it wasn't invented today, and it is still considered to be socially acceptable to consume in certain situations, in varying amounts. It is part of our social fabric. Marijuana is NOT part of our culture, is not socially acceptable, and is not consumed by most Canadian adults.

Ah, THERE is some sound logic for ya!

Really, I'm not going to bother pointing out the holes in the way you approached that argument;  instead I'll just toss out some facts to disprove your "not socialy acceptable" and "not consumed by most Canadian adults" statements.

According to an SES/Sun Media poll, 69% of Canadians favour decriminalizing the possession of small amounts of marijuana.

The survey found that Canadians who were teenagers during the "flower power" '60s were the group most likely to support easing our pot laws.

It showed that 76% of Canadians between 50 and 59 support decriminalization, while 72% of the 40-49 age group agree the laws against smoking dope should be relaxed.

The poll surveyed 1,000 people between Feb. 2 and Feb. 11. The poll is accurate plus or minus 3.1 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

Every article I've ever seen on the matter claims that between 40% and 50% of Canadians use it occasionaly.  More than that "have tried it".  Now, how in the hell does it do us any good to criminalize a substance that half of our population is going to use anyway.  There's no reasonable justification for it.
48Highlander said:
Ah, THERE is some sound logic for ya!

Really, I'm not going to bother pointing out the holes in the way you approached that argument;  instead I'll just toss out some facts to disprove your "not socialy acceptable" and "not consumed by most Canadian adults" statements.

Every article I've ever seen on the matter claims that between 40% and 50% of Canadians use it occasionaly.  More than that "have tried it".  Now, how in the heck does it do us any good to criminalize a substance that half of our population is going to use anyway.  There's no reasonable justification for it.

Nice of you to gloss over my question. To answer your point, I am referring to legalization, the stats you quoted were regarding decriminalization. There's a big difference.
Is the world seriously going to end if we legalize it - considering that I think we can all agree that a good portion (25-75%) of Canadians partake in it and its effects are as serious as alcohol (sparingly - fun if you like that thing, routinely - probably not good).

:argument: (Just getting some mileage out of the new smilies - maybe we need one of a guy smoking a joint?)
Infanteer said:
(Just getting some mileage out of the new smilies - maybe we need one of a guy smoking a joint?)

I have one that's smoking, I guess you could imagine it was a joint. The gods of political correctness though hast smiled upon me, so I can't use it. DOH! :D
Infanteer said:
Is the world seriously going to end if we legalize it - considering that I think we can all agree that a good portion (25-75%) of Canadians partake in it and its effects are as serious as alcohol (sparingly - fun if you like that thing, routinely - probably not good).

:argument: (Just getting some mileage out of the new smilies - maybe we need one of a guy smoking a joint?)

Do I think the world would end if they decrimed/legalized it? No. Would it cause harm to Canadian society? Probably, but so do a lot of things. I guess you could summaraize my position as this: "If at best it's a 'push', and at worst it's detrimental to society, why bother decriminalizing/legalizing it?"
Do you think it is honestly a push though?  Having grown up in the '90s and went to University in the '00s, I can tell you that if people are going to smoke pot, they are going to smoke pot.  I don't think the law is holding anyone back, especially when you consider that there are "cafes" in downtown Van that cater to this.