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Election 2011

CBC predicts majority


Infanteer did call 166. I, for one, thought he was drinking at the time.
Looking like a Conservative Majority.  Finally, we can put the last few minorities behind us and get on with things.

Looks like I lowballed the Cons a few and totally underestimated the NDP surge in my previous prediction.  This will definately be one of Canada's historic elections.

Interesting stories to come:

1.  How many seats did the Cons take from Lib/NDP split.

2.  The death of the Libs

3.  The death of the BQ (yes!)

4.  The fact that the Majority was formed West of Ottawa while the NDP is largely a Quebec party.  What a dynamic; one that Edward has previously spoken to with Canadian power moving west.
Ruth Ellen Brousseau - NDP in QC won her seat while on vacation for most of the 37 day election campaing.  ;D
Started with Johnny Walker Green; may have to move to something more suitable for such a notable occasion.
While I am happy to see a Conservative majority in the making, it is tempered by the unsettled feeling being brought on by the decimation of the Liberal party.  If we thought we had bad politics in Ottawa before, I don't think we have seen anything yet.

Having said that, Party on!
E.R. Campbell said:
Former CDN Ambassador to Kabul, Chris Alexander, defeats (once) potential Liberal leader Mark Holland.

As a gun owner, I couldn't wish for a better outcome for Skid Mark. The Lieberal pitbull on gun control.
Retired AF Guy said:
Looks like Kingston stays Liberal, but not by much.

So far there's only a 500 difference, with approx. 55 polls left to count.
HavokFour said:
What is this little green dot on my screen? I have never seen it before.

May, leading with 3 of 245 polls reporting. She's enjoying being out in front while it lasts (with the Conservative candidate only 2% of vote share behind her).
Well looks like I was not that far off with my 175. I did not expect the NDP to have such a strong show.
uncle-midget-Oddball said:
Majority!! I think I am going to have a drink for this excellent day!

12 year old Appleton Estates rum to toast PM Harper!

Infanteer said:
Looking like a Conservative Majority.  Finally, we can put the last few minorities behind us and get on with things.

Looks like I lowballed the Cons a few and totally underestimated the NDP surge in my previous prediction.  This will definately be one of Canada's historic elections.

Interesting stories to come:

1.  How many seats did the Cons take from Lib/NDP split.

2.  The death of the Libs

3.  The death of the BQ (yes!)

4.  The fact that the Majority was formed West of Ottawa while the NDP is largely a Quebec party.  What a dynamic; one that Edward has previously spoken to with Canadian power moving west.
New Brunswick is mostly Conservative too ;D

(Good call by the way)

BTW: Elizabeth May is leading in her riding after ONE poll reporting in her riding.  But, still, I wish her luck.
Thucydides said:
Best news of the night for me:

Susan Truppe (CPC) has taken London North Center: just reported on Sun TV

Amen brother .... Pearson always turned me off.
Interesting dynamic... Dion elected... Ignatieff defeated (or soon will be).
garb811 said:
While I am happy to see a Conservative majority in the making, it is tempered by the unsettled feeling being brought on by the decimation of the Liberal party.  If we thought we had bad politics in Ottawa before, I don't think we have seen anything yet.

Having said that, Party on!

There is no doubt, we are and they are, going to go through a great deal of turmoil. The Liebrals need a good heavy rinse and a massive spin cycle. Their pomposity and sense of entitlement has worn thin on younger voters. I am personally tired of looking at them, staring down their nose, telling me what they think is good for me.

Burn them to the ground, and let them rise from the ashes. If they don't resonate with the populace, they will become a bookmark in history.