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Election 2015

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It's funny, but Tories aren't comparing Trudeau to Vladamir Lenin, but Liberals/NDPers are quite content at Hitler comparisons on an hourly basis. The double standard you've brainwashed yourself into is simply amazing.
Altair said:
Has Mr Harper given young Canadians one single reason to vote for him or has he written off young Canadians as a bloc of voters who don't vote enough to care about?

From the attack ads to racial politics to his never ending partisan politics, stephen harper has managed to turn off 70 percent of the electorate. He really should have stepped down in 2013 and given the party at least some small chance of renewal.  Instead his ego got in the way and he wanted to beat trudeau and be one of Canada's longest serving prime ministers. It's fitting he gets neither.

So don't blame the electorate. Blame the guy who has run a horrible campaign on old, stale, ideas with his only reason to vote for him is "fear the other guys!"

Good riddance, Monday can't come soon enough.

I see you have your Rose (pink) coloured goggles on Altair.  Talk to me in about 10 years after you have lived awhile.
PuckChaser said:
It's funny, but Tories aren't comparing Trudeau to Vladamir Lenin, but Liberals/NDPers are quite content at Hitler comparisons on an hourly basis. The double standard you've brainwashed yourself into is simply amazing.

My closest comparison to PM Harper would be President Nixon. A very vindictive man who probably did a reasonable job of running the country.
Jed said:
I see you have your Rose (pink) coloured goggles on Altair.  Talk to me in about 10 years after you have lived awhile.
My grandmother of 89 and mother of 57 should heed that advice as well I suppose.
PuckChaser said:
It's funny, but Tories aren't comparing Trudeau to Vladamir Lenin, but Liberals/NDPers are quite content at Hitler comparisons on an hourly basis. The double standard you've brainwashed yourself into is simply amazing.
Liberals and NDPer just get called commies, no big deal.

I haven't seen a Hitler comparison on here though,  curious as to why you bring that up.
Altair said:
Has Mr Harper given young Canadians one single reason to vote for him or has he written off young Canadians as a bloc of voters who don't vote enough to care about?

From the attack ads to racial politics to his never ending partisan politics, stephen harper has managed to turn off 70 percent of the electorate. He really should have stepped down in 2013 and given the party at least some small chance of renewal.  Instead his ego got in the way and he wanted to beat trudeau and be one of Canada's longest serving prime ministers. It's fitting he gets neither.

So don't blame the electorate. Blame the guy who has run a horrible campaign on old, stale, ideas with his only reason to vote for him is "fear the other guys!"

Good riddance, Monday can't come soon enough.

You're expressing the opinion of, I suspect, a very large minority, if not, indeed, a majority of Canadians ... but I'm reminded of an old proverb that the author Robert Raurk used to title his 1955 novel, Something of Value, about the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya ...

If a man does away with his traditional way of living and
throws away his good customs, he had better first make
certain that he has something of value to replace them.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ~ Basuto proverb

My worry is that in your headlong rush to demand, to embrace change you are ignoring value.

Now, you will argue that Prime Minister Harper doesn't qualify as a "good custom," but that ignores Canada's current socio-economic and political position, imperfect I am the first to concede, compared to all the alternatives offered by M Trudeau.

E.R. Campbell said:
To put the niqab thing into some sort of perspective, CBC News is reporting that, in Edmonton, this man, wearing a hat and mask so that only his eyes were visible ...


          ... "Once the man produced proper identification, he was allowed to vote ... [and] ... Elections Canada said similar events have occurred at other advance polls across the country."

(By the way, filming/recording the event, as his 'accomplice' was doing, is illegal.)

I understand the emotional response generating this type of protest.  The idea of hiding your identity is something that just seems fundamentally wrong to the vast majority of Canadians. 

The uproar over the protest itself however is a bit misguided.  There is no requirement when voting to provide photo ID in order to cast your ballot.  You can use two pieces of approved ID in order to vote and they do not have to be picture ID.


Even without a face covering how would an Elections Canada be able to prove that your face goes with the non-photo ID that you've provided as proof of identity to vote?  Niqab, bandana, halloween mask, or no face covering at all, each person voting using non-photo ID is equally "disguised" to the Elections Canada staff at the poling booth. 

There has been a balance struck by Elections Canada between making a voter produce valid ID to ensure their identity and keeping the process open enough to avoid making not having the right type of ID (not everyone has a drivers license or a photo health card) a barrier to being able to vote.

Some may argue that the balance they have struck errs too much on the side of ensuring that every person entitled to vote can do so with as few barriers as possible.  That may be a valid argument, but I'd be interested in knowing what the estimates are of fraudulent voting compared to the number of valid voters that might face difficulty meeting more stringent ID requirements before I'd express an opinion on that. 
E.R. Campbell said:
You're expressing the opinion of, I suspect, a very large minority, if not, indeed, a majority of Canadians ... but I'm reminded of an old proverb that the author Robert Raurk used to title his 1955 novel, Something of Value, about the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya ...

If a man does away with his traditional way of living and
throws away his good customs, he had better first make
certain that he has something of value to replace them.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ~ Basuto proverb

My worry is that in your headlong rush to demand, to embrace change you are ignoring value.

Now, you will argue that Prime Minister Harper doesn't qualify as a "good custom," but that ignores Canada's current socio-economic and political position, imperfect I am the first to concede, compared to all the alternatives offered by M Trudeau.
The interesting thing about that is people have looked into that very issue.

This was a 3 way race for 8 or 9 weeks. Harper and his base at around 32 percent.

The LPC and NDP were around 30 percent for 8 or 9 weeks because that is where the change vote was going to go. One of those two. Simple facts of the matter were those who were voting ndp or LPC were probably not going to vote CPC no matter what.

So for 8 or 9 weeks 60 percent of the electorate looked at the two visions of Canada,  the NDP version and the LPC version.

Due to events or to policy or perhaps both, today the LPC is up 7 points from the 30 they were hovering at and the ndp are down about 7 from the 30 they were hovering at. The CPC is still around 30-32.

So that change vote still had to scrutinize and decide where to go so while people are still voting against harper they choose trudeau over mulcair.
jollyjacktar said:
Sadly, the masses of electorate sheep that will blindly follow this Sheppard over the cliff with their votes, don't care or are too enthralled by the pan pipe he plays to notice it's the same old crooks in the back rooms as before.

I had been planning to join the CPC in the near future. Based on this thread though, I think I'd get far more entertainment from LPC meetings...  ;D

Altair - what kind of coffee do you guys serve?
Spectrum said:
I had been planning to join the CPC in the near future. Based on this thread though, I think I'd get far more entertainment from LPC meetings...  ;D

Altair - what kind of coffee do you guys serve?
Don't know, I've never been.

I have a job and a family to take care of to devote too much time to the second oldest profession.
PuckChaser said:
It's funny, but Tories aren't comparing Trudeau to Vladamir Lenin, but Liberals/NDPers are quite content at Hitler comparisons on an hourly basis. The double standard you've brainwashed yourself into is simply amazing.

And that right there has nothing at all to do with what Altair was saying.

A large portion of the left is not voting based economic policies or promises of social programs; they're voting based on morals and ethics. Even if they have read and understand the various party platforms, many are so incensed with Harper that they don't even care if they agree with his policies, they're still going to vote him out. They don't care that what our economy will look like after the Liberals get a few years at the trough; they just want someone they think is going to be more fair, just, open and honest than Harper. I find that admirable, but laughable; I've said several times here I don't expect any of the politicians to be much different from one another.
Lumber said:
A large portion of the left is not voting based economic policies or promises of social programs; they're voting based on morals and ethics emotions and not rational thought.
There is, of course, also a big change in the Globe and Mail's Election Forecast:

With five days to go there is a ...

35% chance that the Conservatives get the most seats

0.2% chance that the NDP gets the most seats

67% chance that the Liberals get the most seats


14% chance that the Green party gets more than one seat

2% chance that all three parties win 100 seats or more

6% chance that any party gets a majority
I am wondering if these polls are missing  a huge segment of their audience.

They are phoning landlines, not everybody now-a-days uses a landline. There are an awful lot of cell only households out there......
From my viewpoint, this election boils down to two things:

1. Has the 10 year media led Harper HaterTM campaign been effective?  and

2. Do we want or need to spend more money we don't have for questionable gain?

My guess is that both those questions will be answered in the affirmative.

ModlrMike said:
From my viewpoint, this election boils down to two things:

1. Has the 10 year media led Harper HaterTM campaign been effective?  and

2. Do we want or need to spend more money we don't have for questionable gain?

My guess is that both those questions will be answered in the affirmative.

Most on point comment for the week.
ModlrMike said:
From my viewpoint, this election boils down to two things:

1. Has the 10 year media led Harper HaterTM campaign been effective?  and

2. Do we want or need to spend more money we don't have for questionable gain?

My guess is that both those questions will be answered in the affirmative.
I'm sure that Harper and his government have more to do with this result than the media.
Your 308.com update as of Oct 15.

Liberals - 35.6% (140)
Cons - 30.4 (110)
NDP - 23.8% (86)
BQ - 4.8% (1)
Green - 4.6% (1)

Seems to be underestimating the bloc a bit. I would expect them to get at least 4 or 5 seats.
Altair said:
I'm sure that Harper and his government have more to do with this result than the media.

Yep, they've run us right into the ground, haven't they? Our reputation lies in tatters ... and then there's this, so I guess we really need change, don't we?
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