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Engineering Help


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:cdn: Hey anyone who cares, i was wondering if women are allowed to become combat engineers. I am just entering grade 9 and i was thinking of that as one of my career choices. If women are allowed to become them what courses should i try and take for grade 10 and later on. ( just another question how many engineers have been killed on the job?).
Women are allowed into any trade in the CF.  If you want to be an engineer NCM, do well in your math classes & complete high school.
Sorry i feel dumb asking but what does NCM stand for. :-\
NCM = Non comissioned member.

As opposed to an Officer. If you want to be an Officer, then you would need some sort of university or college education. But if you want to actually have fun in the army, then you can join as an NCM right out of high school.

I took tech design in grade 10, 11 and 12. Your school probably has a similar type of class, like woodshop or something, doing drafting and working with tools and soforth. I got a 93 in grade 10, 96 in grade 11 and 98 in grade 12. I also got an award for best tech design student when I graduated. Even though I suck at math hardcore, the interviewer at the recruiting center was impressed with my high marks in tech design and said I just have to force myself to learn the math when we are trained with it.

So anyways browse this site some more, as there is lots of good info. If you have a question just go ahead and ask it. Also the military is a good career choice, so go for it and don't let anything get in your way. :salute:
Cae said:
:cdn: Hey anyone who cares, i was wondering if women are allowed to become combat engineers. I am just entering grade 9 and i was thinking of that as one of my career choices. If women are allowed to become them what courses should i try and take for grade 10 and later on. ( just another question how many engineers have been killed on the job?).
Cae, if you wish too join the Engineer's with in the rank's be prepared for hard work and I do mean hard work from a male's point of view.

It's a trade where we all pull our weight,wheather it's bridging,road construction,water purification,demo.etc.it's a physically damanding job.
With in our job we have so many variables where we all have to perform to our utmost to complete our task's.

Your only 14 now so I suggest get your education first,and if you care to join us all the power to you. :salute:
But if you do be prepared for hard work.

As to your question "just another question how many engineers have been killed on the job?"
It's a question all of us in Combat Arm's will not answer, never mind us Engineer's,it's somthing that is just not done,so don't ask. O.K.?
We know whom we have lost and so do others in Combat Arms with in thier trades, if you join you will learn and know thier stories.

Good luck if you choose the life of a Engineer

Hello Cae, I will have to strongly agree with spr Earl here.  I have been in the reserves and reg force Engineers.  It is a very tough physical job.  Many combat arms soldiers are suddenly quite happy about their job when they have seen what some of our exercises are like first hand.  Infantry has a hard job as well.  Just letting you know that if you want a tough challenge both physically and some mentally go for it.  Just be sure to be in top notch phsical form and make sure to hit the weights.  You gotta be tough.
Hey... I just put my application in on friday. My first choice was combat engineer. Silly question...not that it matters but I'm curious... how much running is involved?  ???
thanks in advance

First of all,we all go through basic training where we are all taught basic Military and Infateer skill's and learn how to stay in shape.

We Engineer's still run,do P.T.,every day and once a week a few K ruck relaxed march just with the Ruck.

Just because we are Engineer's don't think we don't keep up our fitness!!
You may find that quite a few guy's do a lot of upper body work because this help's in bridging when it's come's to picking up panel's,transomes etc..

Don't get the idea we are bunch of REMF'S.
The most hated Ex. is a Bridge Gallop.

That's where each Troop is assigned a Bridge to build and tear down.

Now you have 3 Troop's,1st build's it,the rest move on,the 2nd build there's as the 1st start's to tear down their bridge,as the 2nd is built the 3rd goes on and build's theirs,as the 1st is crossing 2 Troop's bridge the 3rd's is just being finished.

It's a relay in Bridge building and it's a ball buster!!
Try that for 36 hrs and see how long you last !!

Even though it's a Ball Buster we can walk away with sore muscle's and our head's held high!!

But alas since 1 C.E.R. has left the Wack I don't know if they can still do a Bridge Gallop up in the Flat Land's of the Alberta?
Any help out there as to Bridge Gallop's from any one in 1 C.E.R.?
Thank you for that information. I'm really looking forward to being in the army and actually hearing about the job from people who do it is way better than talking to the recruiters and reading the brochures.  ;D
No sweat Budgie,but I'm going back to 96 now and the last time I was with 1 C.E.R was in 97 when I came hoem from Bosnia.
I run into a lot of the guy's and they complain about Wainright and Sufield!!
It's not like B.C.,good Engineer Training Country!!
I want, or rather not to be arrogant but I WILL be a combat engineer(officer).

A girl who wants to be a combat engineer :o And a year younger than me!?
I am not sexist, just that where I am  (Winnipeg) at my school and a lot of places I go people have no respect for what the army does.

Lucky me my school has pre-engineering courses called Integrated Systems Technology and I am good at math and physics :P I can not wait till I can join the army, that is almost all I will talk about and my parents are getting sick of listening to me comparing firearms (H&K, SIG, FN etc.) and various aircraft and tanks, tactics and all that good stuff.

Hope to serve with you guys and gals someday :salute:
I almost joined 2 FER because I am studying Civil Engineering on the civil side.  The recruiter let me watch a video on Combat Engineers, and as little as it showed on all the things you guys do I was still HIGHLY impressed.  :warstory:

Ok my mom is not too thrilled about me want to become a combat engineer, is there anything i can say to her to change her mind or something. plz help because a combat engineer really seems like a cool occupation ???
My dad wasn't to thrilled when I told him I wanted to join the army.

Just keep telling your mom how much you want to do it and the benefits of all that you would learn and experience.  If you keep it up than maybe your mom will change her mind.  I know my dads mind did.  :)
ok thanks for the help.  ;D i was also wondering how close combat engineers are to the front lines lol. Do they go up with the regular infantry? :cdn:
sometimes close enough to the front that it's actually behind us...