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Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

  • Thread starter Thread starter geofftheref
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Tempestshade said:
Alright, so to clarify, it is alright that I do not have a Security Clearance form at the moment? And I perhaps will not have to fill one out until I complete my BMQ?

Off Topic: George Wallace, as much as I find you harsh sometimes, I do greatly appreciate you replying to my topic as I am assured that what you are telling me is true(Judged upon your previous reliability of your posts). I now realize why you strive for people to not answer questions unless they know what they are talking about. Takes a question I really need answered to realize this.

You will be through your BMQ and SQ/BMQ(L) training long before you need to worry about your Security Clearance.  In the majority of cases you will need a CF email account before you will be doing any Security Clearance, as it is sent to you electronically to submit electronically to D Secur 2.  Hard Copies are printed off by your Unit Security Supervisor and sent in to D Secur 2 with your original Signatures (in Blue Ink) and if anything over Level II, other docs such as  photos, etc. are also enclosed.  You will have to be fingerprinted for Level III.  The higher the Clearance you need the more that has to be done.  Note now: if you were not born in Canada, make sure you have your Citizenship Certificate handy, as a TRUE COPY of it must also be submitted for higher Clearances.  Never throw away any of the information you have gathered to complete these forms, as you will be resubmitting that info every ten to five years, depending on the Clearance level you hold.
I actually got a call from St Jean last week asking for info from someone's Application so that they could complete the forms for the Security Check ... and THAT person's enrolment was late June ... so I think they are completing forms DURING BMQ to start the Security Clearances George.

Just FYI ...

I do not beleive ammo techs require a security clearance, which is likely why you were not given those forms.  There are other trades who will require a clearance to do their trades training and be employable in their trade once training is complete.  For those people, security forms are initiated ASAP because the process takes time.  They do this in the hopes that it will be complete for the time they need it.  Again, I am almost positive your trade does not require that.
Otis said:
I actually got a call from St Jean last week asking for info from someone's Application so that they could complete the forms for the Security Check ... and THAT person's enrolment was late June ... so I think they are completing forms DURING BMQ to start the Security Clearances George.

Just FYI ...


I can add a bit of confirmation to that as well. During my short BMQ stint in Feb 08 we had to have our 330-60E's filled out and handed in during Week 0. We all gathered at the Bistro and sat down with someone who went over it to make sure all the information was there.
Otis said:
I actually got a call from St Jean last week asking for info from someone's Application so that they could complete the forms for the Security Check ... and THAT person's enrolment was late June ... so I think they are completing forms DURING BMQ to start the Security Clearances George.

Just FYI ...

JBoyd said:
I can add a bit of confirmation to that as well. During my short BMQ stint in Feb 08 we had to have our 330-60E's filled out and handed in during Week 0. We all gathered at the Bistro and sat down with someone who went over it to make sure all the information was there.

Giving people the forms to fill out, and actually processing them are two different things.  I will not say that these were not processed, but I won't say that they were either.  As I said in a previous post, these are submitted electronically, and the hardcopies mailed in after that is done; which means a USS had to do that themselves.  That is a fair amount of work.  The member getting the Clearance is supposed to have a DWAN Outlook Acct to do so.  This would not be the first time that someone prepared their people for a future requirement by giving them the forms to research and fill in, so that they will have their information all ready when the time comes.  I have seen some people take up to eight months to gather all that information.
so what would happen if you made it through BMQ and then it turned out you didnt pass the security clearance??
Smity199 said:
so what would happen if you made it through BMQ and then it turned out you didnt pass the security clearance??

That would most likely depend on what your trade was, and what security clearance would be required to serve in that trade (even if it might not be required until later in your career).  If there was a conflict between trade and security clearance it could lead to a trade reassignment, or release if the problems identified were serious enough.

Hello Folks,

Good Day.

I need help about about enhance reliablity security check. I was terminated from my last job because of misconduct issues.somebody dialed long distance calls from my desk while i was not at my desk.now i need to go through enahance reliablity security check. other than this i have no issues happened with me ever.

will there be any problem? will i fail the security check? does csis confirms with your previous employer the reason of termination? i would appreciate any answers or suggestions. Thanks you all.

Everybody that goes through the process needs to have "ERS" done. No matter what they've done in their past. A check will be done with your former employer. If it's the only bad report out of the 5 and the rest are good or very good. You should be okay.
I think the fact that you have been out of country and, by the looks of some of your posts on some immigration sites, have landed status might lengthen things also.

...and please, use proper capitalization.
If you are NOT a Canadian Citizen then it's not going to happen. Back in April the doors were opened to Permanent Residents. That door was closed a few weeks later when it was realized that it was a security nightmare. The problem is all the people that applied during that time. We are dealing with it as it arises. If you've been out of the country for a significant period that too could slow things down. Currently if you have to go through the Presecure process it's taking up to 18 months.
On the 330-60e security form there are only 4 spots for employment history...if I need more room should I just add another page to the form?
Maestro said:
On the 330-60e security form there are only 4 spots for employment history...if I need more room should I just add another page to the form?

Yes, OR you can go in to your RC and they should provide you with an 'extension' page to the form.
QL-3 Ammo Techs have to be "Reliable" to attend the QL-3 course, and Level 2 Secret to attend the QL-5 course. I do not know what the requirements are for BMQ or when the process starts. If you are going AT, get the process started for Level 2 as soon as possible. Photocopy the forms and keep your own copy. Keep on top of it until you know it is processed, especially after your QL-3 course. If you complete the OJPR (training between QL-3 and QL-5) and come back on your 5's you will be sent back to your unit if you are not Level 2.
I would like to hear real story about Enhanced Reliability Check  or Security Check from people who didn't live last 5 or 10 years in Canada.How much time did it take?
I mean from Application till passing this Check.
sky777 said:
I would like to hear real story about Enhanced Reliability Check  or Security Check from people who didn't live last 5 or 10 years in Canada.How much time did it take?
I mean from Application till passing this Check.

How does that help you?  Everyone's situation is different.  If I told you it will take three working days to complete the ERC and 6 to 36 months to complete the pre-security clearance process would that make you feel better?
I have a question about this too...my first post. I'm about to apply to the navy, and I have been self employed as a carpenter for the last 7 years. If they do a reliability security check on my last employer, they would end up calling me!

Would they want a list of clients I did work for?
Would they then look into those people's background?

I'm just curious...it seems like there are a bunch of potential roadblocks for me in this regard.


Enough is enough!

This topic has been covered IN DETAIL, Ad Nauseum .  Please go back and READ what has been posted.  IT WILL EXPLAIN IN DETAIL all about ENHANCED RELIABILITY.

The SEARCH function can bring up all kinds of info on ENHANCED RELIABILITY CHECKS, BACKCHECK, and numerous questions about Security Clearances.  Do you really have to be spoon fed what has already been posted?