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Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

  • Thread starter Thread starter geofftheref
  • Start date Start date
from http://www.csis-scrs.gc.ca/bts/fq-eng.asp#bm21
Security screening is a process by which the name of a security clearance applicant is verified against CSIS databases to determine whether the applicant is mentioned in relation to threat-related activities. Depending on the level or category of security clearance required, security screening can also involve interviewing the applicant's friends, neighbours and employers, consulting with local police, and possibly interviewing the applicant.
What kind of information CSIS can get from applicant if he (she) putted all infos in Application Form?
It's understandable when CSIS does  interviewing  with the applicant's friends, neighbours and employers,  local police.
But what information they can get from applicant?
When he (she) signed Forms - he (she) said-yes, it is true. What else?
I don't know the reason, but I would say it is the same as a job application. If someone hands in a resume, what is the point of an interview?? You want to see how they are in person and how they react to different questions and/or situations. What if there are questions that came up from the interviewing of neighbours and friends? If your neighbour said you have people coming in and out of your house at strange hours and your windows were covered with tinfoil for a while, wouldn't you want to ask the applicant what that is all about? Wouldn't you want to defend yourself or explain the reasons also (aliens shooting lasers through your windows to read your thoughts)? I am sure these people performing the interview are trained to pick up on inconsistencies and detect possible untruths.
I am filling this out and I am unsure whether to put my volunteer position in the 5 year employment verification.

I know it says employment, but on the main application it asks for job, vol, etc.

thanks in advance
thanks a lot for the reply
I knew that until I was looking at the app, it threw me off a bit. 

Algae said:
Just an update. I have call my recruiting officer and everything is fine. I already have my security level that I need for my work. So nothing to worry about.
I  received Level II instead of Level III. What can I do?
I asked recruiter about.But  no solutions for now.
sky777 said:
I  received Level II instead of Level III. What can I do?
I asked recruiter about.But  no solutions for now.

If they processed your application as a Level II instead of a Level III, you will most likely have to re-submit an application for the level III. They might be able to reuse your paperwork, but I'm not sure. The only advantage you will have here is that certain checks will be fairly fresh and they won't have to re-do them.
sky777 said:
I  received Level II instead of Level III. What can I do?
I asked recruiter about.But  no solutions for now.

martr said:
If they processed your application as a Level II instead of a Level III, you will most likely have to re-submit an application for the level III. They might be able to reuse your paperwork, but I'm not sure. The only advantage you will have here is that certain checks will be fairly fresh and they won't have to re-do them.


They have to clear you to Lvl II in the process to clearing you to Lvl III.  As they have been so kind as to let you know that you are Lvl II you can conduct some training. 

What can you do?

As stated to you so many times before; have patience and WAIT.
Sorry, yes that's definitely true. I was thinking that they stopped after his Level II was granted and the OP was sure of that.
Today I visited my local CFRC.
I was talking about my level of security clearance.
Recruiter told me that he doesn't know why I received level II instead of Level III,may be  because I  am not in Canada 10 years, I am from former USSR country.No ideas.
I filled form 330-60 in February 2010,gave my photo,fingerprints,my references and employers. But nobody was contacted .
I had only interview with CSIS agent.It was very easy interview.I expected after that everything will be fine.
I received Level II in end of September,2010.They told me that I can choose only for position which request Level II only.Nobody said about waiting.I am ready to wait but they told me now like this.
sky777 said:
Today I visited my local CFRC.
I was talking about my level of security clearance.
Recruiter told me that he doesn't know why I received level II instead of Level III,may be  because I  am not in Canada 10 years, I am from former USSR country.No ideas.
I filled form 330-60 in February 2010,gave my photo,fingerprints,my references and employers. But nobody was contacted .
I had only interview with CSIS agent.It was very easy interview.I expected after that everything will be fine.
I received Level II in end of September,2010.They told me that I can choose only for position which request Level II only.Nobody said about waiting.I am ready to wait but they told me now like this.


I really don't know what part of "BE PATIENT.....WAIT" you don't understand.  You are not even in the CF yet.  People who are in the CF are waiting for three years for their Lvl III...........so be patient and WAIT.
George Wallace said:

I really don't know what part of "BE PATIENT.....WAIT" you don't understand.  You are not even in the CF yet.  People who are in the CF are waiting for three years for their Lvl III...........so be patient and WAIT.
Nobody  in CFRC  told me about waiting .They told me that they can only process my file with  Level II positions.When I was waiting for security check I knew what I was waiting. Now,CFRC didn't tell me wait because I didn't get Level III l
You said people in CF are waiting for 3 years for their Level III. But how it comes that my local CFRC  8 months  can not process my file with level III position like Signal?
I know that position can be opened after March - April ,2011.But they told me I can apply only for Level II positions.I know you wrote about security clearance Level III even during BMQ.But why in my case I even can not do CFAT ?
I don't want to argue with you guys- I just ask advice- what can I do? I know you have huge experinece.My local CFRC says : "Accept  it and choose position with Level II or we can not process your file"? If you tell me exactly what I shall wait I will be really appreciate.
sky777 said:
"Accept  it and choose position with Level II or we can not process your file"?

Sounds like you were not able to obtain a Level 3 security clearance. Sounds to me like you only have to choices :

1- Pick another trade; or
2- Pick another employer.

The CFRC have presented you with your options. They will be the only ones that have information for you. If they have told you everything they know, you have a decision to make so get on with it.
I am gonna keep it short and sweet

I have handed in the paperwork, had my interview and was awaiting my medical when I was advised via phone call to comeback to the recruiting office to fill out an additional security form.

I know this is because I have family outside of country as well as lost contact with others.

Once this is done will I have long to wait for my medical?

Just a few more months and careers will be re-opening and I have another visit with the recruiter.

Does this seem normal ? the person on the phone sounded surprised that this form was not given to me earlier?
Newapplicant78 said:
I am gonna keep it short and sweet

I have handed in the paperwork, had my interview and was awaiting my medical when I was advised via phone call to comeback to the recruiting office to fill out an additional security form.

I know this is because I have family outside of country as well as lost contact with others.

Once this is done will I have long to wait for my medical?

Just a few more months and careers will be re-opening and I have another visit with the recruiter.

Does this seem normal ? the person on the phone sounded surprised that this form was not given to me earlier?

Did you read the first post in this thread?
Yes Sir

I did they made reference to how long the sec clearance takes. Ive had credit, references done it's just the

security check for family members left and I have to sign another form. Im inquiring about how much possible time

from that point will it take before I will possibly have my medical done?

Thank You
Ah!  So I should have pointed you in this direction:  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/81054.0.html 
Greetings everyone,

I recently submitted my application along with the Enhanced Security long form. I am 17 ( turning 18 in a few months), and I do not have a criminal record and no credit history. I was out of the country for 10 years and I returned here when I was 13. I am a Canadian Citizen from birth. I do have immediate relatives outside. Now I read somewhere on this forum about how any travel made before the age of 16 does not count ( but no more further explanation), or it wouldn't be of concern, is this true?

Thank you in advance.

Apologies for the necro, but after much prodding(as a Comm Rsch) I finally got this back:

According to DPM analysts they are approx 15,000 file in the rear.

Word around the water cooler is that three years is starting to become a normal wait.

I don't want to start a "poor me" rant, but if they had mentioned this at the CFRC I would have repaired my vision and gone hard navy as I had originally planned.

Well over two years later, without an interview of any kind, so I'm guessing that my file is #14,342 or so.  I haven't received a traffic ticket in my life, never been arrested or charged.  I do have a mediocre credit score, but all collections are cleared up.  I haven't left the country in 12 years and haven't gone beyond Seattle.  Am I too clean to get the clearance?
Hey guys,

I decided to fill out this necrothread rather than create a new one.

I looked at multiple pages going through the Security Clearance checks for the trades. I'm going for ATIS and I'm guessing the only thing I really have that could hinder my Security Clearance is my credit history.

I 'passed' the reliability screening with a few things smashing into my credit from years ago, not so much from neglect to wanting to pay them, just frankly unable to. I'm aiming to get at least one of those paid off by the time I enter BMQ. In your own opinions/experience, could that impact me to the point of getting released? The total there is under 2k, I'm just unsure how large the credit potion of it plays into security clearance.
