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Enrolling for 01/08


Jr. Member
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Hi everyone,

I just got on merit list for infantry officer. The recruiters told me that there's no place for infantry for next course in january 08. He told me that if they don't fill all the place for the course they could reopen for combat jobs. I'll like to know if someone on this forum had this kind of experience, and if someone knows what is the probability to get in the next course for january 2008 ??

I was just down at a CFRC meeting a few weeks ago and their briefing mentioned that Recruiting was going very well and that they had more than met their quota for Officers, and their priority now was for NCMs, Cbt Arms and the Trades (Inf was the exception, as it was full.)  Primary Reserve Recruiting was now a higher priority than Officer recruiting.
Are you trying to ask if there is any favouritism due to Race, Colour, Religion, Ethnic Group, Sex, etc.?  I don't think it really matters under today's PC climate.  I guess that card isn't going to work for you.  ;D
George, I'm going to assume that the infantry pool is full nation-wide (Seeing as you're working out of Ottawa)

Do you have any idea how long the backlog is for Infantry NCMs? I was Merit listed last week, but now I'm getting the impression that I may not leave for BMQ until January at least.
That's not what I'm talking about, I'm more talking about (maybe, I don't know that why I'm asking) that they have more difficult to recruit french-speaking so maybe they keep some places free to get some french-speaking. I don't considere that as favouritism or positive discrimination, I think that could be just a plus if they need it.

After you response, I can easily understand that the answer is no. I'll have to wait as any french or english-speaking futur recruit...
paradise said:
yes in wars the french buckle n retreat ;D

You're an idiot....and I see your C&P moving to BANNED real soon there sunshine... Why you even felt that would be even remotely funny is beyond me but take a hike pal we don't need your smartass comments about any part of our society or French Canadian culture.. Adios!
HitorMiss said:
You're an idiot....and I see your C&P moving to BANNED real soon there sunshine... Why you even felt that would be even remotely funny is beyond me but take a hike pal we don't need your smartass comments about any part of our society or French Canadian culture.. Adios!


As you can see HoM.....done.

The Milnet.ca Staff
Only Infantry Officer (Reg Force) is currently full. Those vacancies are not regimentally affiliated (assigned to English or French speaking units).

Infantryman (NCM Reg Force)) have vacancies nationwide and you choose your regimental affiliation (RCR, R22eR or PPCLI) when you apply.

If you are currently merit listed as an NCM Reg Force Infantryman you should get an offer before Christmas. We are filling BMQ starts for end October.

CFR FCS, couldn't of asked for a more perfect response!

Ironically, I ran into a guy from the CFRC in Montreal at the Barber today, and he told me the same thing!

Good to know! Thanks again!
I am not far off from being placed on the merit list (hopeful ... but not in stone yet) and was wondering if anyone knew the current state of affairs with positions for MARS Officers? Are there still available positions for January? Is there an abundance of interested and hopeful applicants such as myself etc...