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Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

  • Thread starter Thread starter JDG
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Darn, I myself never have flown in a plane, and im pretty sure I will be on the 8th of feb. I'll find out on the 27th.

Anyone know where I can get some quick photo ID done? I called the place for my B.C. ID and they said it takes 3-6 weeks to get back :\ and i leave for bmq before that. Your probably asking yourself why doesn't he already have his photoid? well, I was at the gym awhile ago and someone thouhgt it would be a good idea to smash in some lockers and take peoples belongings, and my belongings was some of them.

When I moved here (in Vancouver), it took about a week to get my driver's license..  There might be a way to tell them you need that ASAP, you might have to pay a little more, but it would be worthed..

Other than that, I don't know any valid ID that you can get in BC..

Good luck

anyone know if I will have to show any picture ID before boarding the plane? I thought this was for only travling across borders? USA, Europe, ect.?
Butters said:
anyone know if I will have to show any picture ID before boarding the plane? I thought this was for only travling across borders? USA, Europe, ect.?

I took the plane at Xmas to go to Quebec. You will have to show picture IDs..  They will not let you board the plane without!  That's a security measure they enforce..

You will have to find a picture ID pretty quick...

You can also get a rush passport within 10 days or so.

You pay extra though, but having a passport is a good idea, not to mention necessary for deployments

[Edit: I didn't know what I was talking about]
I guess so... I just like having one so that I can dash off at last minute anywhere int he world...

but then again, I guess you cant officially do that in the military either without the leave pass having the country's name printed in it..

I think you guys are confused on the passport issue. There are two passports, a green one the military pays for and is used for when you're deployed and a blue one that you pay for on your own that's used for vacations, etc.  If you have both, your OR holds one of them at all times since you're not allowed to carry two. At least that's how it works in Shearwater for when we deploy on the ships. This is easier than how it used to be, I was told by the clerks that you used to have to send the one you had back to Ottawa in exchange for the one you needed if you didn't already have the one you needed.

Not sure about the Military version (actually isnt it diplo status?) I have no idea.. someone who's held the thing or has one now may be able to read off of it or something.

I guess they may ask for one passport to be exchanged for the other.. since why would you need both? 

Someone had explained to me that you did not require a diplomatic or military passport for all deployments, this is why I had made my mistake above. Ive since edited it :)
Meridian said:

Not sure about the Military version (actually isnt it diplo status?) I have no idea.. someone who's held the thing or has one now may be able to read off of it or something.

I guess they may ask for one passport to be exchanged for the other.. since why would you need both?  

Someone had explained to me that you did not require a diplomatic or military passport for all deployments, this is why I had made my mistake above. Ive since edited it :)

No worries, I haven't applied for mine yet, so I can't tell you what it says but I know it's green vice the standard blue one that most people have. From their website it looks like it'd be a special passport since it says the special one is for "people representing the Canadian Government on official business." http://www.ppt.gc.ca/passports/passport_types_e.asp

You're right, you can only have one at a time, the O.R. will hold the other one and you have to surrender the one you've got in order to get the other one. As I said before, not too long ago it was Ottawa that would hold your second passport, but with the nature of ops in the Sea King world, the O.R. is permitted to hold our second passport instead of mailing back and forth to Ottawa every few weeks.
Esp. given how Ottawa "loses" things... :)

Its God awful when a passport gets lost.. You have to see a notary or lawyer, pay for their fees then pay for a new one... usually you also have to provide a police report number as well. *shudder*.. "well, I sent it off to NDHQ in Ottawa, and well.. they lost it."

well, I went to get my BCID re-done they put a rush on it! I asked to have it here by feb.3rd (leave for Quebec on the 4th) they said it should be! So just gotta sit back and wait.
Thats a lot of eggs in one basket... If I were you Id get a passport as well.
Usefull anyway, and you will be sure to get on the flight.
Meridian, here's the CFAO reference for passports.


The green one is the special one and it appears that aircrew are the only ones that need it aside from postings.
Inch said:
Meridian, here's the CFAO reference for passports.


The green one is the special one and it appears that aircrew are the only ones that need it aside from postings.


You were correct earlier when you stated that the Green one was issued on Tours.  I had to turn my Blue one in to my OR in Pet, and had a Green one, for a Tour in Bosnia.  As soon as the Green one was no longer required, you did the ole one for one exchange at the OR.

George Wallace said:

You were correct earlier when you stated that the Green one was issued on Tours.   I had to turn my Blue one in to my OR in Pet, and had a Green one, for a Tour in Bosnia.   As soon as the Green one was no longer required, you did the ole one for one exchange at the OR.


Understood, after I posted I realized that perhaps that didn't apply across the board so I looked into it further and the CFAO seemed to contradict my understanding of the situation.


No problem.
Hi everybody.
I'm new and have a question...so I suppose this would be the place to ask it?
I'm swearing into my local reserve regiment this Thurs, and am looking forward to my time there!  But just one thing...what am i suppose to wear for this event?  I really have no idea.  I did a search and got "formal".  So just to clarify, that would be like the same thing that I wore for my interview, dress pants and shoes, nice shirt and a tie?
Sorry for my inability to interpret "formal" but I just wanted to be sure.
thanks again
If you have a suit then wear it, if not then a shirt and tie will suffice, no jeans.   If you dress appropriately you then show respect for the unit and for the occasion