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Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

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kratz said:
One of the best statements I have seen in a bit.  :nod:

My mind is at ease just knowing I will be told what I need to know in due time. The application process taught me that. Good luck to all you heading out for September.
McD said:
My mind is at ease just knowing I will be told what I need to know in due time. The application process taught me that. Good luck to all you heading out for September.

I won't lie, I have a touch of nerves thinking about BMQ. But unlike past instances where I was awaiting a big change, it's 20% nerves and 80% very excited. I suppose just knowing how challenging, different, and fast-paced Basic will be has me excited to see just how far I can be pushed.

Am I worried about failure? absolutely not. This website is a vault of useful information, but the one paragraph that put my mind at ease permenantly was undoubtly from paracowboy in the "Chill out" thread stickied in the Basic Training section.

"People, literally THOUSANDS of men and women have undergone this training before you. They have passed, and without this website to hold their hands, and give pep talks, and group hugs. Nobody sang "Kumbaya" with me when I got on the bus. My Dad shook my hand, said "Don't ever quit", and that was it. And I sit here, with looking down from the giddy height of MCpl. If I can do it, so can you."

another good line for those of you worried about getting jacked up. "If you can't take being yelled at, how do you expect to take being shot at?"

'nuff said.

Quite the fan of the "chill out" thread myself. READ IT to anyone who hasnt.
I was gonna say the same thing, what are you trying to say here.

This thread should be removed.
Quick question from anyone on this course date, whats your course number on your posting message? I have been assigned a sept 4th fly date which would have me landing at my arrival destination the night of the 4th and start date of sept 6th or 7th but in St Jean unfortunately I cant find any other information on a course in St Jean; only this group for Borden.

My course number I believe to be 1802.

Thanks in advance for any responses.
If you all read the title properly, it seems quite clear to me that the OP is only trying to share with us that his swearing in ceremony will occur in Montreal on September 29th.


Congratulations and... I do agree with the other members about your post being rather "short and sweet"/unclear. You must be a pretty "straight to the point" person ;)


Edited for Spell Check  :o
dodgeball21 said:
Quick question from anyone on this course date, whats your course number on your posting message? I have been assigned a sept 4th fly date which would have me landing at my arrival destination the night of the 4th and start date of sept 6th or 7th but in St Jean unfortunately I cant find any other information on a course in St Jean; only this group for Borden.

My course number I believe to be 1802.

Thanks in advance for any responses.

I swear in the 2nd, fly out the 4th and start the 6th! My trade is Armoured soldier, though I do not know what my Course number is? Where did you find that by chance?
Well as always, if in doubt call your recruiting centre, the should have all the information, I find it odd that you would be starting on a holiday Monday for your serial???
But in my case, when I was offered and accepted my trade, I was given all information over the phone that was needed at the time. Also a quick heads up to @dodgeball21 is that this one is pertaining to the BMQ in Borden, information will be different.

On that note guys, we are getting down to the wire, just over a month to swearing in and less that 8 weeks till we are all in course, my how time flies.

Now if only the weather will smarten up so I can get back to work for those remaining weeks!!
fischer10 said:
I swear in the 2nd, fly out the 4th and start the 6th! My trade is Armoured soldier, though I do not know what my Course number is? Where did you find that by chance?

Hey Fischer10, I have since found out that I am in St Jean Que. I fly on the 4th from comox/campbell river and start on the 6th.

I have already recieved my orders as I am PAT (Personel awaiting training) this is because I am part of a military sponsored college program for technicians and have been employed for the past year while going to school.

You probably wont recieve your course number until you swear in and they issue your first set of orders.

Hope to see you soon!!

Good luck to all in Borden!
MGB said:
These are the joining instructions I was directed to use for Borden:


As I said, I'm joining as Army Reg Force, and I might be a little confused as these are tailored more to Navy Reserves (but so is Borden.) I just want to be sure that we're all on the same page. I was initially told to use St. Jean joining instructions but to arrive at Borden. I requested some more info and was given this link.

Just in case we haven't quite beaten this subject to death... I was advised by my NEW file manager to use the St. Jean instructions NOT the ones I linked, and was told to use, before.
From a member of the full time staff in Borden, do no use the Saint Jean joining instructions.  If you do, you will be reporting for duty at the incorrect timings.  Saint Jean states to be on the base by 1400 on the Sunday, NRTD/CFLRS Det Borden wants you on the base by Sunday at 1000 am, preferably on base the night before in order to be ready for the intake process which will take place first thing Sunday morning.
orca73 said:
From a member of the full time staff in Borden, do no use the Saint Jean joining instructions.  If you do, you will be reporting for duty at the incorrect timings.  Saint Jean states to be on the base by 1400 on the Sunday, NRTD/CFLRS Det Borden wants you on the base by Sunday at 1000 am, preferably on base the night before in order to be ready for the intake process which will take place first thing Sunday morning.

I was told to report by Sunday the 5th at 1300hrs - as the Monday following is a holiday.
I am from Vancouver. I was told that I will fly over to ontario on september 5th and the training will start on the 7th.
Have you all had the enrollment ceremony already? All I know about my ceremony so far is that it will be on august 12th. But the recruiter told me I will be sent an email before the ceremony with more details.
Anyone else is having the ceremony on the 12th in Vancouver?
hey i'm heading to Borden as well but a week after you guys start  the 13th of September.My sworn in date is the 24th of Aug they said they would call me a couple weeks before with details. :salute:
Manticure said:
I am from Vancouver. I was told that I will fly over to ontario on september 5th and the training will start on the 7th.
Have you all had the enrollment ceremony already? All I know about my ceremony so far is that it will be on august 12th. But the recruiter told me I will be sent an email before the ceremony with more details.
Anyone else is having the ceremony on the 12th in Vancouver?

My enrollment ceremony is the 24th @ Ottawa. I'm in Borden on the 5th of September (no flying... just a five hour drive) and course start on the 7th. I'd appreciate it if you could pass on any info that they give you at/before/after your enrollment - I know I'll get it at some point but heads up never hurt!
I was told that I am to report to the base no later than sunday 10 A.M, but was planning to arrive the day before as it is allowed and I believe the more time I take to settle in will have me more prepared the following morning. and since it will be a very big change in my life, the less topsy turvey I can make the whole situation, the better no? I was not told I would be e-mailed further instructions when I received my call...I was told to use the st-jean instructions. I leafed through both, and as both are quite similar with exceptions to locations and timings, I think it's just important to be on time, in shape, with all the kit asked of you, and let the rest happen.

We have started a facebook group (to all those starting on this date whom have not yet joined, but wish to) it is:

Canadian Armed Forces (Sept 7th BMQ) Borden, Ontario

