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John Nayduk

Full Member
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I just received this from a agood friend and thought all us Armoured types should know and participate.
EX IRONSIDES is on again at CFB PETAWAWA from 25 to 28 FEB 02 if you are interested.
You really don‘t have to know how to curl to come out and enjoy Ironsides and see many
who you have not seen in a long time. What else is there to do in the early months of
the year when the frosty winds are blowing down from the Great White North?
So it is on once again.  This time in CFB Kingston.  March 16 to 19, 2006.  I see RecceGuy and Another Recceguy are registered and moving to the RV in Kingston from their Hide in Windsor.  Any other Black Hats making the move to the Start Line?   FUP in the CFB Kingston WO and Sgts Mess on the evening of the 16th, with an O Gp to determine the O of M, while the troops bomb up with Green Grenades and other supplies.  Hot Wash on the 19th. 
I'll be there.  Looking forward to the wearin' of the green while throwing rocks around. :blotto:
Just remember, Chief Harvey is the Base Cheif there.. saw him this fall.. keep out of trouble...
I know 1H is sending 4 - I think they're leaving tomorrow or early on Thursday. I hope Kingston is fully stocked!
How come nobody invites me to these things anymore?  :'(

Not like my name isn't already on the championship trophy or anything....
Armymedic said:
How come nobody invites me to these things anymore?   :'(

Not like my name isn't already on the championship trophy or anything....
You just took it too serious.......not too many of us play like Colleen Jones.  Where is the competition?  ;D
George Wallace said:
You just took it too serious.......not too many of us play like Colleen Jones.  Where is the competition?    ;D

Being able to stand up and stay that way the longest? I agree George, the pros just ruin it for the rest ;D Mind, I've watched you and Jim get a little over the line once or twice.  ;)
Getting close to that time of year again.  There is a faint whisper in the air migrating out of the Kingston area.........Book your Teams now.......it seems to be saying.....
Curiosity is killing this cat...................Besides Recceguy's, are there any Teams here?
We're supposed to have three teams entered, but I haven't heard from the other two.
Bzzliteyr said:
Just remember, Chief Harvey is the Base Cheif there.. saw him this fall.. keep out of trouble...

Spike Hazleton is the Base Commander, so someone should be more worried about keeping THEM out of trouble.  ;D. That pairing seems awfully familiar doesn't it Bzz.I wouldn't mind seeing them again, but it would be awfully hard to be there seeing as I'm going to be across the pond.
So?  Is the Windsor Crowd going to put in two Teams again this year?

I have put the bug in a couple of ears in PEI, for them to bring a Team, but have heard nothing back.

I have managed to get half a team together.......lots of folks with scheduling problems......come on.......Valentine's is the day before the Meet N Greet.
OUt of curiosity.....who were the big winners?

Are there dates for 2008 yet?

What were the accommodations like this year?
SABOT said:
OUt of curiosity.....who were the big winners?

Are there dates for 2008 yet?

What were the accommodations like this year?

1. Each Class has a winner. Don't remember who. The WR got 'Most Sportsmanlike'

2. Don't know yet

3. Same as always. Four to a room. Good enough to party & sleep in for a weekend.