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Facing release for Ulcerative colitis anyone offer any help or have gone through


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Just hoping to reach out to anyone in the same sit. I am about to sign my PCAT and then who Knows? Hoping to find a friend who has similar sit. or similar. Any help would be appreciated.
Sorry not in same situation....I'm a civvy and don't have condition....but having done work for the CCFC in past, I've done some reading on condition.

The attached covers most of what I've read in terms of treatment options.



Best of luck, and hopefully someone else on board will be of more help....


I too have UC and am facing release from the CF as a result.  My PCat was assigned by DMed/Pol just over a month ago and I am now going through the MEL/AR review to determine when I am to be released.  I am in the process now of trying to figure out what I need to do to be retained for a period of retention.  While this is going on I am also working on my application to VAC.  If you have any questions or I will certainly do what I can to help out.
Can you give an update on what has happened to you so far?  I have just been diagnosed with UC (had one flare up) and I am now being denied my officer's commission.  I dont' know what this all means or what is going to happen now.  Any advice you can lend or experience you can share would be helpful.
Cdn Blackshirt said:
Sorry not in same situation....I'm a civvy and don't have condition....but having done work for the CCFC in past, I've done some reading on condition.

The attached covers most of what I've read in terms of treatment options.



Best of luck, and hopefully someone else on board will be of more help....


Although the content is correct, neither article is very good; neither explains why certain foods cause flare-ups, and also doesnt explain why the choices he provides are beneficial.  Also doesnt explain what foods you should definately not be eating during flare-ups, and other symptoms that occur as part of the gastro-intestinal system. 
