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Fatty Superthread

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My fellow fatties,

Those of you who are training to blow the BMQ prereqs out of the water, track your progress here! A little motivation goes a long way.

July 1st:

5'8 / 195
10 Pushups
15 Situps
1K in 4:39

I've been doing an upper body freeweight workout every second day and running almost every day. When my 1K gets down to 4:30 (Another day or two) I'm going to time 2K again, and I plan to add 100m or so every few days until my 3k time is where 2k used to be.

What's average for 1/2/5k times?
No such thing as "average", everyone runs at different paces, everyone has a different definition of "Jogging"

BUT  I know that you do need to be able to run 2.4km in under 11:56 (well sort of, its the whole beep test thing now, level 6 is it?).  All the rest is irrelevant after that to me.  Its good to want to be better than the expectations, but get there first, then work on improving on it.

You have, 9 pushups, 4 sit ups and 1.4km to go.  Good luck!

EDIT: I believe people prefer the term "slightly obese" to "fattie".  I know I would, if I was "slightly obese."

Cheers, Kyle
Hi! I'm Babaganoosh.... and I'm a fatty...

I'm  5'9"  215lbs

I can do 30 pushups, 25 situps under a minute, and I can run 2.4km in just under 11:30. I leave for St. Jean in 3 weeks!!!!

I'm hoping I'll drop 20lbs during BMQ, and from what I've heard it shouldnt be a problem.
wish me luck, and keep working towards your goals, fellow fatties. ;D

Leaving for BMQ July 14Th. I've been working in front of a  computer for the last 5 years (decided to change career 031... ). I've been running since a week. I'll definitely 'profit' from RFT ..... So far I am not able to run for 1 KM (0.8 approx). No prob for push-ups. The whole purpose of RFT is to help us getting in shape/change our bad habits. It is a good thing if we can survive it. :)

I'm quite confident I'll be the most motivated candidate on RFT.

Current stuff : I am 6' 2", 240 lbs. 37.5% body fat. I will definitely lose 50 lbs on RFT.

I'm off doing push ups ...
secup said:
The whole purpose of RFT is to help us getting in shape/change our bad habits.


RFT shouldnt be your plan for BMQ..........

It is a good thing if we can survive it. :)

A much better thing would be to have gotten off your butt and started running more than a week ago so you could have avoided RFT in the first place.

I'm quite confident I'll be the most motivated candidate on RFT.

You could have started showing your motivation a while ago........that would have been impressive. You are actualy planning on failing your PT test and going on remedial training !!!  Yeah i'm cheering for you alright.
Being on a remedial PT platoon that is getting you in shape to just barely pass the minimum standards is not going to help you too much when you get to Bn where the PT standard is a little higher than a 2.4k run.

Oh yeah and the 16 hour work days is hardly an excuse for you, it is part of your duty to show up in shape and maintain that standard. That standard is there to insure you are capable of carrying out the physical requirements of your profession. Not to provide you a few months of free government pay to get in shape.

Wait till you are in shape to enlist, you are just taking up a spot of someone more motivated and in shape than yourself.
secup said:
Why does RFT exist?

It doesnt exist to provide you with 3 months of pay while you attend weight loss camp......It should NEVER be seen by candidates as a goal in itself.
RFT exists to get people into shape rather than booting them out completely. However it is not something to aim for. I'd go as far as saying it is not looked at in a very good light, especially in your future trade, 031.
I'm sorry but the CF minimum requirement are not that difficult.  And if you take proper time to prepare for BMQ, there is no reason why you should be re-coursed to begin with.  Just my two pennies.  Then again, I'm young so its easier for younger people to get in and out of shape in short time periods, or so I've been told.
Just in general, please don't tell me you are running 2.4K, checking your watch and calling that PT for the day.

16 hour days? Get up and run for 20-40 minutes before your day. That is all it takes.

I'm young so its easier for younger people to get in and out of shape in short time periods, or so I've been told
I am so sick of hearing that. I am 32 and I have circled back to round up some pimply faced recruits on more than a few occasions. Some of the younger recruits looked like they were going to die after 5 minutes and they showed little improvement over time. Some of the gran-daddy's ran circles around them on a routine basis.
I still have 2 weeks to run like crazy. It will help for sure. As for getting 3 months of pay, I've paid enough taxes in my life so far to pay for my maximum 3 months of training.

I had the impression RFT was created to help candidates achieve their goals (getting in shape). As for 031, while reading of the forum, I saw a post where an instructor mentioned that recruits who quit RFT to join a regular group are FAR ahead in terms of physical fitness. So no worries for 031.

Also to clarify, I am more than motivated, whatever you guys say wont get my to call the recruiting center to cancel my departure. You guys can stop it here.

Never giving up  ;)
secup said:
I still have 2 weeks to run like crazy. It will help for sure. As for getting 3 months of pay, I've paid enough taxes in my life so far to pay for my maximum 3 months of training.

I had the impression RFT was created to help candidates achieve their goals (getting in shape). As for 031, while reading of the forum, I saw a post where an instructor mentioned that recruits who quit RFT to join a regular group are FAR ahead in terms of physical fitness. So no worries for 031.

Also to clarify, I am more than motivated, whatever you guys say wont get my to call the recruiting center to cancel my departure. You guys can stop it here.

Never giving up  ;)

No ones trying to get you to call anyone, actually.  The point being pressed is merely that, people seam to be puzzled by your expressed motivation but at the same time, your lack of BMQ preparation.  No one here is being the bad guy.
secup said:
I had the impression RFT was created to help candidates achieve their goals (getting in shape).

No, it exists as a last ditch effort to rehabilitate someone who couldnt pass the test when they got there. Its not a government subsidized Jenny Craig program. And dont give me that BS argument that you paid enough taxes to pay for RFT....I pay enough taxes that i shouldnt have to pay for 3 months salary when you could have avoided the whole thing altogether.

whatever you guys say wont get my to call the recruiting center to cancel my departure. You guys can stop it here.

I couldnt give a rat's rear end if you go to BMQ or not.....You are starting off on the wrong freakin foot in the CF.
It's the same BS argument as getting 3 months of free pay.

Anyways are we done so far?
secup said:
It's the same BS argument as getting 3 months of free pay.

Sounded just as stupid didn't it ?  I'm glad you managed to get my point.

Anyways are we done so far?

Not as far as i'm concerned

"We will return to this years Canada Day pissing match after these messages"

EDIT: Sorry the atmosphere of the thread just makes me cynical.  What I meant to say was"  Secup, good luck on BMQ.  In retrospect, you should be ready to go as you have had lots of notice.  Why you could not just start physical training earlier is beyond me, and I think its a little silly and rude of you to in a way, cheat the CF system by planning to be in RFT while getting paid.  If I was paid to go to the YMCA, I would go every day as well.  But hey, to each his own, hope you are successful.

Good Luck to you.  Kyle
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