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February 3rd BMQ

Bleh... I swear in on the 23rd. I have to be there for 0800 and cause I'm just that lucky, I live an hour and a half from the CFRC. Ah well.  ;D
Hey guys my name is Nick, I got the call last week and will be heading to st.jean for feb 1st.
I'm from Victoria, I think I saw a couple other guys on here from the island!
Enrollment on Jan 23rd in Victoria. Just thought I would say hi haha.
gpen89 said:
Hey guys my name is Nick, I got the call last week and will be heading to st.jean for feb 1st.
I'm from Victoria, I think I saw a couple other guys on here from the island!
Enrollment on Jan 23rd in Victoria. Just thought I would say hi haha.

Howdy! Lots of you guys from the West Coast. What trade are you going in for?
flexo4000 said:
I already got sworn in on January 17th, I fly out on February 1st, I got into the infantry. I'm also from B.C.

Welcome! Are you getting excited yet?
Good luck and see you all their. Im going in january 27th on platoon 0020E. I cant wait, going to be a great expirence.
flexo4000 said:
I already got sworn in on January 17th, I fly out on February 1st, I got into the infantry. I'm also from B.C.

good to see a fellow infanteer. i was starting to feel alone. glad to see a buncha bc boys heading in.
I swore in today, I was the only one at the ceremony, the guy said the one on the 23rd is going to be pretty big.
Nope, I didn't. All I had to bring were all the forms that were sent to me in the email, minus the security clearance one, he didn't even look at that.
Here is a "tip" for everyone.  You may need that form several times during your first year of service, for one thing or another.

So I would suggest to have multiple copies available and or completing it in electronic format and saving it to a stick so you will always have it available when the need arises.

Those forms can be found here under "Security Screening" and you want the TBS 330-60 --->  http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/tbsf-fsct/index-eng.asp

Good luck!
Bah! Getting so excited/nervous/anxious/freaked out. Swearing in tomorrow AM and then it's just another 8 days till I fly out. Any one else getting the nervous jitters? Just doesn't feel like there's enough time in the day to get eveything done. (packing/cleaning/sorting)
Colta said:
Bah! Getting so excited/nervous/anxious/freaked out. Swearing in tomorrow AM and then it's just another 8 days till I fly out. Any one else getting the nervous jitters? Just doesn't feel like there's enough time in the day to get eveything done. (packing/cleaning/sorting)

yeah i feel ya buddy. dont know if i can take 8 more days of my wife being attached at the hip. lol