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Female in distress!

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I can't believe I'm actually doing this...but I'm in need of some information.
I'm trying to locate a military base, or perhaps even a military basic training school in Chilliwack, BC, but the only hits I can get are regarding the military base that closed in 1995.
Could anybody provide me with any information as to the location of where such a school might be in Chilliwack, or a number I could call for further information?

Your efforts wouldn't go unappreciated.

I'm assuming your trying to get this info so you can see a friend's grad parade there?

Theres a small base there still, the training thats going on there right now for the basic training is on the RCMP Pacific Region Training Centre(something like that). I don't know the   address for it but, to get to the base drive down Vedder Road when you see the tank turn onto the adjoining road its on. You should see a large piece of property surrounded by a chainlink fence drive down untill you see the entrance and turn in.

If you need more specific directions just ask.
Area Support Unit Chilliwack is still out there, but it is no longer a base. While most of the base was divided up between other groups (RCMP being the biggest) a few areas were kept as DND property and are used by the reserves and cadets for training.

Phone number for the recruiting centre: 1-800-856-8488

You could also try contacting the various reserve units around the lower mainland.

Thanks a lot, guys. I really appreciate it. And, no...graduation ceremonies just aren't my bag. I'm actually going out there to do a little somethin' somethin' dirty with the Canadian Military.

Take it easy, and have a great night!
186 hits and no takers. Interesting

Are you going to make the guys who gave you direction regret it, or is this a good "dirty"?
I hope shes not throwing mud at our troops.

Or she could be a new breed of enemy force.
Heck, I'll bite;

Since you implied that you would be doing "dirty things" with multiple members of the Canadian Forces, does that mean you're a shack rat or a prostitute?

Man, your my hero! It's the first thing I thought of but I didn't want to say it! Although that may not necessarily be the case, you never know. Why else would she say something like that? "Trolling" perhaps!  ;)



There's an old saying, "Put a flag over her face and f*cker' for your country!"....

I suppose that might have meaning here! LOL..
Just kidding really, no disrespect to the lady, her own personal business is her own!

:salute: :cdn:
combat_medic said:
Heck, I'll bite;

Since you implied that you would be doing "dirty things" with multiple members of the Canadian Forces, does that mean you're a shack rat or a prostitute?


OMFG, I fell of my chair!!

Ghost778 said:
I hope shes not throwing mud at our troops.

Or she could be a new breed of enemy force.

You kill me man, you really do.  ;D
Ghost778 said:
Combat_Medic thats exactly what I was thinking..

Hmph, I said it first in the Moderator's forum.  If it wasn't for combat_medic I woulda said it here...
MissMolsonIndy, do I know you from somewhere....
Perhaps she is just fishing....well you know... for someone new!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I reckon she is testing the water.....

sounds nice though....

Michael: I thought you were avoiding posting it because of your gentlemanly nature. ;)
Maybe she is joining up, and needs her kit...that's cool. ;D

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ....Funny mate...!!!!!!

Hmm... I can see this going nowhere fast.

RCA said:
186 hits and no takers. Interesting

Are you going to make the guys who gave you direction regret it, or is this a good "dirty"?

Looks like people around here get very excited when they see a title like "Female in distress!" and have to look :D

Can't see why anyone would regret it. The info given out is all readily available in the public domain and could be found faster than posting on this forum (phone number on recruiting posters everywhere, website via google, directions by looking at a street map of Chilliwack which marks clearly all DND property)

PS: Holy crap, in the short time it took to type this three other posts were made. Insane.
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