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FINALLY! Got everything completed, just waiting for my call!


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Long story short : Left reserves, made some stupid decisions, tried to fix em, ended up not doing what I wanted to do and with a few crappy college degrees. See post history for original story.

Finally completed my medical and a re-interview after starting the application process last May/June. Hooray! After waiting for several months for the CFRC to stop losing my documents, not filling them out properly and other great mismanagement it's finally done. Of course, it took a lot of calls to get them to look into things and have them rectified. I was debating if the CFRC in Halifax sent someone to build a time machine to get my old docs out.

I have an almost 4 year old son and another young one on the way in 2 months. Also own a house (nice place in a nice area) and my wife got an amazing job but we need to evolve. She's supported me all the way (well except for the Combat Engineer idea but I've since changed that).

So here I sit, waiting for my offer for AVS / LCIS. Hopefully I'll get it this week or next week and be in basic soon. I can't wait, having that debacle completed is like a breath of fresh air. Hope to see you there :D

I don't control what teh CFRC does, and when they tell me to my face that my request for prior service documents wasn't filled out properly, was sent back and left on the desk to be found by another clerk a few weeks later then filled out and sent back...yeah, that's not my fault.

My health and fitness is my problem. I could get home at 2AM and go for a run in a snowstorm or rainstorm.
Well, I can almost do all the push ups, can do the grip test and sit ups, but the cardio is what hits me. I can run about 1KM straight (haven't ran for a few months)and I'm huffin and puffin pretty hard, but I do walk alot.

Hopefully I can avoid RFT as the less time Im in basic the more I can see my family with the up and coming new addition!
good luck with that and congratulations on the new addition I'm an athletic person but I do enjoy running with a cigarette in my mouth :P also waiting for my call I hate waiting... at least i dont have to work started a business and now it just runs itself.  (well not literally but i dont have to do anything)
Getting switched to a part time shift starting next week, which means I can really start doing some cardio which Im sorely in need of. I suspect it'll be a few more weeks before I get my call, so it'll give me time to exercise a bit more.

Anyone ever have the problem of their muscle/tendon (whatever is there) above the heel feel really tight and hurt god aweful after running a bit? I think it's due to my current job where I dont get to move around alot.
I think its called the achillies (sp?) tendon,  and I only have that problem if I don't stretch it very well. The one thing I took away from cross country running was an awsome 10 min stretching routine  :D
RTaylor said:
Anyone ever have the problem of their muscle/tendon (whatever is there) above the heel feel really tight and hurt god aweful after running a bit? I think it's due to my current job where I dont get to move around alot.

Yes, I hurt my achilles tendon a couple of weeks ago while running. I really pushed myself that day and it didn't hurt right away but after I got home and relaxed, the pain set in. Very painful indeed. I iced it for a few days and stayed off it (i.e. no running), then walked for a couple of days, then switched to slow jogging, and gradually got back to a full 5 K run. It's not bothering me at all now. I should tell you that I also switched sneakers, as I think the ones I was wearing were part of the problem. I'm going to go to the Running Room in the near future and get a good pair that fit my feet well.

As for stretching, I have heard mixed reviews about that. In a running magazine I was reading, it said that there are more injuries to the achilles tendon and ankle area AFTER stretching. I don't do any stretching, I just walk for a bit first to warm up.
Some people who aren't very active, or never played a lot of sports as kids can have tense Achilles' tendons, because they never stretched them much during their lives. When you start exercising, you should start stretching it at least after each workout. Celticgirl is right in that stretching before (Especially if you don't use said tendon much) might lead to you hurting it. After each workout, stretch the tendon. In terms of warmups, my trainer just told me to hit the bike for 15 minutes before working out, then I went for a run afterwards to cool down. It's been working well.

Good luck!

PS: The physical advice I posted is basically from the mouth of my personal trainer. I'm not a qualified fitness instructor, so if you have any real concerns, head to a local gym, and just ask someone about it.
lol my aunt actually told me to do the exact same thing yesterday for when I'm exercising to warm up my muscles.  and as for running room I here theres a military discount there 10-15% and apparently from what I've heard if you tell them that your planning on joining the military they will also pass savings to you just a tip every penny counts  :).  I once had a minor tear in my hip flexor when I was running in a track and field event with it already strained, coach pushed me to do something I didn't think was a good idea.  Nothing like ultrasounds and physio.  Nonetheless I have learned that if its strained, sore, massage it stretch it and don't push it too hard until it heals properly or your only going to make things worse, only having one leg working isn't all that fun.  And trust me you do not want to tear your Achilles or your gonna be going for some surgery so you can walk again.
Thanks for the tips guys. I've been doing warmups in the shower lately and leaving out the Achille's stretching (I do it a minor bit).

Here's what I do :

Upper body stretches (nothing much)
Touch my toes a few times
10-15 deep knee bends (these seem so stupid but for a overall leg stretch can NOT be beat and have made me feel much better)
5-10 quick Achilles stretches (found on coolrunnings.com or something like that)

Ive been doing that and overall it seems to hae been helping on my long walks. I just fear it becoming too screwed up when on Basic and being sent packin to RFT.

On a side note, the CFRC has ALL my stuff together and it's been sent in...I'm just waiting for my call now! Only been a year since I applied.  ::)