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Finally my componet transfer is getting somewhere.

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I passed all my tests, qualifed for Sig Op, but my transfer has come to a grinding halt... CFRC Det Edmonton has been waiting since Augest for my previous reserve unit to send my pers file.
MikeL said:

I passed all my tests, qualifed for Sig Op, but my transfer has come to a grinding halt... CFRC Det Edmonton has been waiting since Augest for my previous reserve unit to send my pers file.

Start barking up your chain or phoning clerks - it pisses me off when shit sits in the pile and your career is riding on it.
Not the first time its happened... my componet transfer sat on a desk for 2 months doing nothing. An it was completed, every signed off on it, etc just had to be mailed.

I've called the unit's clerks, but they keep telling me they haven't gotten the request from Edmonton, or the clerk I talked doesn't have authority to mail it, etc. I told my ex section commander about it an he was going to see what he could do. Plus the CFRC Edmonton has left messages an faxed the unit, but haven't gotten any replys yet.

If this keeps up, I'm probably going to look into joining the US Army.
I had a frustrating component transfer as well. I was also looking into foreign militaries, but now I go to basic training in about a week and the wait has been worth it. It sat around for a long time, and when it was finally sent to the recruiting center it turned out I was given outdated forms and nothing was acceptable. So I had to start the entire process again. I also was relocated to a different province during the transfer so my file had to be moved to a different recruiting center. But after all that it went rather well. The entire process took about 9 months. As others have been saying you just have to keep talking to the clerks and people reponsible for your file. Good luck with your transfer.

Talked to a clerk at my unit Thursday Oct 20, she told me she was going to get my file and have it mailed out later that day or Friday morning. So I call CFRC/D Edmonton on Friday Oct 28th to see if they have it, an surprise surprise they don't... the clerk never mailed out my file. This is getting f*ckin stupid now...
My transfer process was painful too, painful like spanish inquisition painful.
I tried to find someone to blame for it but in the end it was my own stupid fault.
Funnily enough things actually started working when I just ignored it all together and kind of gave up on it, resigned myself to fate and flung myself into the abyss that is the civilian world.

Hang in there.
Atleast  I'm not the only person who's had a lot of trouble with this.

Finally... my pers file has reached CFRC/D Edmonton. Request was sent for my medical file now, after that comes in they do the enhanced relibality check, than the interview an I'm done.

Today the CFRC got an email from the Selection Board, an I got accepted as a Sig Op with Recruit School By Pass. Should be getting my formal job offer any day now, than off to PRETC in Borden or OJT at a Sigs unit untill my courses.