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Maclimius said:
That disclaimer already existed on the captions themselves, ie. French or English translation to follow, but I guess it's not enough for some people.

I do agree that with it being an official Government of Canada/DND/CF site it should be in both languages, but at the same time we need to be realistic that the MSM want access to these images as quickly as possible while the news is still current.

Perhaps another agenda at work, shut off the ability of the government to get their message across?
Maclimius said:
That disclaimer already existed on the captions themselves, ie. French or English translation to follow, but I guess it's not enough for some people.

I do agree that with it being an official Government of Canada/DND/CF site it should be in both languages, but at the same time we need to be realistic that the MSM want access to these images as quickly as possible while the news is still current.

Sorry - I hadn't paid attention to the disclaimers (like MOST folks, I think) - point taken.

As for your second statement - I agree completely.
    Language Nazi's hit again !, but don't you think our MP's have more important things to work on ? , Wait one it's the NDP,  :crybaby:
Cataract Kid said:
"Suddenly, when young immature forum members made some inapropriate politicaly sensitive comments, they used any excuse to shut her down."

I was under the impression it was hacked? (wrong, or a combonation of both?)

As to the Cbt Camera site, give me a frickin break Godin, I've been to the site before and all there has been for captions is French, not too many complaints from the anglos about that.....whatever, slow day in Parlament. ::)

WRT the old forum at forces.gc.ca
The french forum was hacked... the english one wasn't.
I was the bearer of bad tidings to the CF that their French forum had been hacked... they pulled everything down & based on the political backlash from an Ottawa Citzen editorian that criticized the CFs inaction to a politicaly sensitive post, the CF had no intention to bring it back up - under any circumstance­.  After some campaigning to the former director of LFRR, we were able to bring the forum back up, for a bit (till the LFRR director retired).... but the restrictions imposed and the delay in bringing it back were such that the forum@forces.gc.ca it's day was gone.....

long live the army.ca forum :)
Colin P said:
Perhaps another agenda at work, shut off the ability of the government to get their message across?

That almost makes sense.  Shut off DND and CF 'voices' to the Public.
George Wallace said:

'And if they left it up over the Christmas Block Leave Period we would be facing the charges that we ignored the 'complaint'.  F'd if you do; f'd if you don't.

Ignoring a "problem" or the appearance of doing same can be damning BUT, a simple message in french to the effect that the CF appologizes for any inconvenience while the site was being improved would have satisfied the critics.... so long as progress was done within a reasonnable period of time.  As was pointed out... the MP did not ask that the site be shut down, he simply asked that it be "fixed".
Thanks for the info geo, I was not aware that it was only the franco portion that had been hacked.
On a side note, somewhat related, I sent our text for our Unit Web site off for "Official Translation".  When it came back the 'Official Translation' had to be corrected.  Many civilians in the "Translation" Dept do not know military terms.  Perhaps the French Translation was correct, and Mr Godin was just unfamiliar with them.

Many of us can remember sending Armour text off for translation and "Tank" was translated to the equivalent of "oil tank" in the French translation.  Many of the 'Oldtimers' may even remember that the Armour School sign translated into the "School for the Blind" and was like that for over ten years.  Oppsie!  

Who isn't to say that the person doing the Translation for Combat Camera wouldn't have got the apology wrong too?
DannyD said:
They want to be elected, so they try to look good for the French-speaking population.

Losers... There are way more pressing issues to be resolved than another /$?*!"@ language brawl.  :brickwall:

Actually, the good Monsieur is from New Brunswick ... the only officially bilingual province in this nation ... so yes being conversant in both official languages is very important for him if he wants to be elected here.

He didn't ask for the site to be shut down, he asked for the improper translations to be corrected. Much like we ask for proper grammar and english on this site. There's nothing wrong with that.

And for the earlier post ref pers being out in the field and having better things to do with their time than fix wrong translations ...

The pers doing the official translating for the CF don't go to the field; they are hired especially for the reason of provision of translation services. Perhaps someone needs to make note on their write-ups ... that's what they're getting paid to do after all.

We're blaming the wrong guy here. He advised of the problem.

But, it's the CF who is paying the translators to do their jobs proberly and IAW CF regulations & federal law. The problem isn't with the politician here -- it's with the translator who didn't do the job properly and the staff of Combat Camera who didn't vet the work before posting it to the public.

VERN???  ;D

Knecht Ruprecht
Knecht Ruprecht said:

VERN???   ;D

Knecht Ruprecht

Already noted earlier in this thread that it was one of the photo galleries that I liked to visit.

One HUGE lump of coal for you in your stocking ...  >:(
Next question is when they are going to stop publishing the Maple Leaf.  Their translations aren't quite the same either.  ::)

As with children.... don't encourage em!
I wonder if Mr. Godin would like to make a trip to CFLRS and read some of the exams we do. Quite obviously written in French, terribly translated into English. Having a platoon average dropping over 10% in one test due to pittiful grammar was a wake up call. All I'm saying is it goes both ways, and people shouldn't be too critical too fast.
Chapeski said:
I wonder if Mr. Godin would like to make a trip to CFLRS and read some of the exams we do. Quite obviously written in French, terribly translated into English. Having a platoon average dropping over 10% in one test due to pittiful grammar was a wake up call. All I'm saying is it goes both ways, and people shouldn't be too critical too fast.

The phenomenon is not unique to CFLRS. As a bilingual person I would often read the other side of the exam when I didn't have clarity on the question. I'm always surprised at the number of questions that aren't properly translated. I'm even more surprised when the translation asks a completely different question!
I was once denied access to an english version of a CF test at a certain "ecole" in Valcartier...but I won't mention it as we don't want to get into a language debate here.

Back on track, from what I understand it is the photog that uploads the text with the photo, as he/she is the only one that is on the ground at the time of the picture.  That also explains why the text is in most cases either only in french or only in english, that's the photographer's primary language!!

The priority is to get the pictures taken and sent to the CC site.  Translation is second I am guessing.  At least if there are a few easily understood words in the caption most people of either language can put some sense into the picture.

If there is no caption then a picture is only worth about a thousand words...
Unfortunatly most of the friction between french and english Canadian come from a few a-holes in both communities. The problem is that these same a-holes are loudmouths that influence a lot of persons who in most cases have never met anybody from the other language and often the real problem is most people are afraid of the unknown. Making a big case of a simple thing again
