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Foreign Legion

Hey anyone know any good books on biographies or peoples experiences in the legion??
Try the two I mentioned above.
Eagle and the Snake and/or St. George and the Dragon.

Also as suggested Mouthful of Rocks by Cristian Jennings
(with the caveat I noted)

Also Legionnaire written by Simon Murray a Brit who served with them (mainly in
2REP) in the 1960‘s.

March or Die
by Tony Gerharty is a good short readable history
of the Legion from inception to the 1980‘s.

William Brooks a US Vietnam Vet served for 5 years with 13 DBLE in the 1970‘S
and published his accounts but they‘re hard to find.

Finally there is the classic P C Wren Novel Beau Geste
How about a book "Life in the French Foreign Legion: How to Join & What to Expect When You Get There" by Evan McGorman

Instead of the book, the website.
Legionares are given enough individual food for 48 hours of combat, no heavy flak jackets, no pistols, thier given only a small ruck, thier FAMAS, ammo and a small bit of kit. the Legion is mainly a rapid reaction force, in and out. thier not meant for sustained combat, with thier small amount of supplies the legion is based on speed and mobility. the Legion is also trained to forage for food, set snares and trapes, and build catch pits, rarely are the legionares re-supplied with helicopters or airdropes when they are on missions. the legion has been recently tasked with the defence of the french space program assest, colony security and the legion can also stand ready as a rapid stabilization force in the case of civil strife or upheaval. from what i hear the majority of legionares will see action in thier carreer and and vast majority of those will see live combat. the legion is a tough place, dont exspect close ties with family, friends, or loved ones the legion need to be your family because with the lack of support in combat the legionares best weapons are his training and the man beside him.
Xtramag, what video game did you get your info from?

One more time, Legion regiments and battalions are now an integral part of the French Army. As such they are assigned to a variety of duties/missions as needed. This includes security of Aerospace (3REIe) and Strategic Nuclear bases (REC).Rapid reaction forces as part of the FAR (2REP) and ordinary grunts, gunners, logistics types etc. (1REIe). More or less like any other units in most armies around the world.

Yes some will see combat during their 5 year contract, perhaps more likely than a unit of French consripts but that will depend on French Government policy at the time.

As to your insight into their training. Why don‘t you go invest 5 years of your life and then come back and tell us what it was like.

Did you bother reading any of the posts/links above written by people who actually may know what they‘re talking about? Or did you just shoot from the hip, and miss, again.
Originally posted by xtramag:
[qb] the legion has been recently tasked with the defence of the french space program assest, colony security . [/qb]
Dude the Legion has always been taked with defending the french Space Program in South America as well as defence of their colonies (what ones they have left). There is no recently tasked with at all as its nothing new!
video game.....close, got most of it from a discovery channell show, its called "behined closed doors" or somthing like that, it profiled the recruits from basic to jungle training, the language training looks pretty tough, if my french teacher taught like a legionare i would be quite proficient,

one regiment has a tradition of marching from one side of corsica to the other, and they vow to die in battle before surrendering thier arms.

the foragaging i mentioned is taught in paratrooper and comando training (www.foreignlegionforlife.com)
Hpefully i will make it into 2 REP or 3 REI after Castelnaudary. The 2 REG sounds like its suicide, disabling mines and such.

REG stands for Regiment Etrangere Genie, or Foreign Engineer Regiment so it would stand to reason that dealing with mines and other things that go boom is what they do.

2 REP is an airborne battalion and has (had) probably the harshest discipline of any Legion line unit. Probably almost as bad as the fantasies concocted by some on this thread. It usually attracts the highest proportion of English speaking Legionnnaires which is not a good thing.

Plus you‘re stuck on Corsica which isn‘t as good as it sounds. It‘s a resort area full of stuck up tourists and high prices. Want to blow a months pay on one night on the town.

3 REI as Jungle and others noted is permenantly stationed in French Guinea in South America. They run the jungle warfare school and guard the areospace facillities. If that sounds exotic, just remember Guinea is where the French had all their penal colonies including Devils Island (every see Papillion?).

It‘s considered a punishment posting for incorrigables and screw ups. Now that‘s my idea of fun, stuck in a former penal colony with a bunch of idiots, sadists, and general all around wankers. Oh yeah there‘s also leeches and leprosey.

But hey what do I know. I never watched the discovery channel.

Send us a post card.
lol......... if your as sharp with a rifle as you are with your mockery you could be a sniper danjanou!

thiers gotta be a course offerd that teaches sharp low-blows, i should check my discovery chanell guide, maby they will air a show that helps me upgrade my inteligence.

i had a few correct facts thrown into my frivilous pile of B.S. this forum is way more higher caliber than i hounestly thought, my stupid non-supported talk dosent hold much here, i guess i should smarten up, ive pissed alot of people off and have had alot of bad votes, so if i dont have anything inteligent to say from now on im not opening my mouth. i think im going to provide a bibiliography with my posts, it can help deflect some of the Cr@p ive been stepping into around here, im coming out new and improved, im not good with first impresions
Oh another Buae Jest!(phonetic sp)

Kid forget it!!

Some good advise!!!!!!!!!
I think that anyone who finds the thought of being beaten because they have either forgotten, or mispronounced a stanza of "Le Boudin" attractive, should seek out some professional attention. Despite all claims to the contrary, the legion is, and will always be the world‘s dumping ground for the maladjusted, the discontent, sociopaths, war criminals seeking a means of escaping the Hague, et al. From what I have read on the subject, the legion is predicated on the philosophy of discipline, and the unlimited liability of its members. That means you get to face a violent end to your life in some God-awful corner of the world, surrounded by people who could at best be described as a little dodgy. When the war in Yugoslavia ended, I understand that the intake of new recruits into the legion from that country was phenomenal. And if you‘ve read any accounts of the civil war in Yugoslavia, and of the atrocities that those soldiers routinely committed, can you honestly tell me that you would sleep well at night with bunk-mates that would make "The Dirty Dozen" look as menacing as mincing drag queens in a gay pride parade?
Oh, yes, and not to mention the fact that legionnaires have to iron in about 17 creases into their shirts each time their shirts have been washed. And if you don‘t believe me, have a look at a picture of a legionnaire on guard duty. Three creases above each chest pocket, and one beneath. Two down the length of either arm. Three down the back, and two (I think) across the upper back.
I knew I‘d forgotten something... all that singing and ironing. On the bright side you get to practice singing Le Boudin while you‘re up all night ironing those 17 creases, which by the way are measured exactly.

That should cut down on the "negative reinforcement" (PC term for attitude adjustment) dished out by the NCOs. Unless of course one of the creases is off my a mm.
Hmmn, irons you say? Do they issue those for field use also? If so, where do I sign up?

I‘ve always wanted to see Djibouti.
no...you have to go to france, present yourself and attend selection.
So, if I want to become a member of the Foreign Legion ... would I have Legionnaire's Disease? ;D  You know, the one where you become so messed up that you want to join another country's army, get shat upon, etc. and get sent God knows where for whatever the hell reason some other country decides?  Thereby becoming an expendible pawn with a new worthless life (sorry, a little redundant there, the dictionary defines pawns as forfeit)?  :blotto: