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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

Uhm so aren't nearly all of these US based?
I mean frankly the idea that Canada is going to try to tell us what to do is kind of laughable considering Canada already is a D- on Money Laundering and Corruption issues.
They are. But if they don’t comply I suspect they would not be able to operate in country.
Yes, some of us could only dream that the Federal Government would put as much effort seizing the assets of sophisticated criminal organizations as the did going after Mom & Pop's donating to the Freedom Convoy :ROFLMAO:

It's ok though, my spouse and I actually had a conversation the other day about potentially eventually immigrating South to more economically favourable conditions. I already have a number of relatives South of the Border and seeing the general trend of things here, the decision may be an easy one, sooner rather than later :cool:

Don't be silly we only investigate our political adversaries not the CCP err I mean anyone else.

I have a big truck I can take both our families! Hop in!
Don't be silly we only investigate our political adversaries not the CCP err I mean anyone else.

I have a big truck I can take both our families! Hop in!
We were watching Yellowstone the other night and I jokingly looked up housing prices in Montana and then began immediately regretting the decisions I've made in life :ROFLMAO:
They are. But if they don’t comply I suspect they would not be able to operate in country.
Operate in?
I think you don't have a firm grasp of how finances work these days.
Yes perhaps they could block Canadian Financial Institutions from sending money - or an electronic transfer from one to a Canadian Account - but I didn't see old CF talking about dealing with Crypto, so one could run a Crypto campaign - and then either wire money from a third party account, or send a MO or Certified Check (or Cheque for y'all).

Plus nothing stops a Canadian from getting a US bank account - I had one for years before immigrating down here.
Sure the interest etc info is reported to CRA, so you can't duck the tax man, but you could move money to things the CG wouldn't be aware of.
Uhm so aren't nearly all of these US based?
I mean frankly the idea that Canada is going to try to tell us what to do is kind of laughable considering Canada already is a D- on Money Laundering and Corruption issues.
I think they are talking about money moving in and out of Canadian banking accounts via those services, but I think they'd be better off by clarifying the tax laws around this. If you read the transfer requirements on gofundme, for example, they have pretty specific eligibility requirements but it's in depth enough that they probably are already aware of what is required under whatever international wire transfer laws apply. I'm sure anyone US based already has this info and there are all kinds of existing banking info agreements between the two countries, and Canadian banks send info along annually to the IRS on US citizen Canadian accounts, so I think there would probably be a lot less resistance to cooperation than you think.

In theory money going to the individuals is taxable income, so really up to them to report it individually. Bad day though when the disbursement gets traced down to the individuals if they didn't declare it; no one can ruin your life like the tax man under their normal, day to day authorities.

Having said that, the CRA still hasn't done much about the Panama papers or any of the other big tax dodges that got leaked to the public so hope they go after the hundreds of millions there before they even think about some kind of Freedum convoy 'task group', and limit it to the big ticket grifters instead of going after all the individual protestors.
Yes, some of us could only dream that the Federal Government would put as much effort seizing the assets of sophisticated criminal organizations as the did going after Mom & Pop's donating to the Freedom Convoy :ROFLMAO:

It's ok though, my spouse and I actually had a conversation the other day about potentially eventually immigrating South to more economically favourable conditions. I already have a number of relatives South of the Border and seeing the general trend of things here, the decision may be an easy one, sooner rather than later :cool:
I keep hearing this sentiment far more than ever before.
Operate in?
I think you don't have a firm grasp of how finances work these days.
Yes perhaps they could block Canadian Financial Institutions from sending money - or an electronic transfer from one to a Canadian Account - but I didn't see old CF talking about dealing with Crypto, so one could run a Crypto campaign - and then either wire money from a third party account, or send a MO or Certified Check (or Cheque for y'all).

Plus nothing stops a Canadian from getting a US bank account - I had one for years before immigrating down here.
Sure the interest etc info is reported to CRA, so you can't duck the tax man, but you could move money to things the CG wouldn't be aware of.
That’s what I am getting at.

And no I am not that versed in financial transactions.

Transactions still need to be effectuated. The law they want to bring in covers transaction from and to Canadians.

So if a crowd funding platform wants to operate in Canada, like any other business they would need to register.

Of course there are ways around it. It just makes it harder. Go fund me is going to comply. They won’t risk losing business in Canada over it. Same with PayPal give. Give send go? No clue but they are rank amateurs with other issues right now so no loss. People should think twice about using that site. They’d be doing people a favour by not complying.
Clearly a danger like this to society cannot be allowed to walk around free, unlike drug dealers, rapists, gangbangers........

When your government is a vindictive bitch
Hard to state that when Chris Barber was released on bail.

Have to prove you aren’t at risk of reoffending. I guess she didn’t make her case. He did.

We’ll see how the Pat King bail hearing goes.
May I recommend Alaska ?

I know both Montana and Alaska. I prefer the weather in Montana. If moving to Montana soon (don't eat the yellow snow) I would recommend staying clear of the tonier places. They think like Ottawa People. Having said that, there are lots of other wide open spaces with Other People.
I know both Montana and Alaska. I prefer the weather in Montana. If moving to Montana soon (don't eat the yellow snow) I would recommend staying clear of the tonier places. They think like Ottawa People. Having said that, there are lots of other wide open spaces with Other People.
Hard to state that when Chris Barber was released on bail.

Have to prove you aren’t at risk of reoffending. I guess she didn’t make her case. He did.

We’ll see how the Pat King bail hearing goes.
Yon Remius has a lean and hungry look.