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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

^^ Decent analysis, although we can only speculate on how many members were there, based on what we all viewed in the media. There were no doubt other members nearby in 'warm standby'. Considering that they had checkpoints ringing the 'red zone, plus ramp off 417 leading in, ya, lots of bodies, times 24 hours plus, as you say, responding to calls from the rest of the city. Toronto had to deal with a potential pop-up on University, Windsor and I am assuming OPP still had an enhanced presence at the bridge, and every contributing police service still has to cover their calls.

Other logistical factors come into play as well. Where do you house and feed them? Comms is always an issue, particularly with multiple agencies. It's a lot better than it used to be but still a work in progress.

According to Wiki, Canada ranks 27th out of 146 at 184/100K. From my experience, surge capacity is fairly respectable, given enough time if, for no other reason, travel and response. Sustained surge would be a problem.

For events such as this, lots of warm bodies helps, but the number of trained and equipped public order and tactical personnel is critical, and I have no clue about those numbers.
Brihard- are musical ride members eligible for tac troop in National Capital? Like would they have called those team
Members first and then this was a secondary call for all hands on deck?

I have quite successfully evaded O and N except to attend ranges and schools
It keeps us from making headway on issues like mental health etc. a cops a Swiss Army knife for all social ills. Which means no one is served best- no matter intentions.

Need an air Marshall? Better find a cop.

Mental health advocate? Better find a cop.

Horse shows in the summer? Needs a cop.

Parenting skills? Better get a cop.

School talk? Cop

Spontaneous respond to violent event? Cop

Need a drivers licence tester in Nunavut? Cop.

Out of inspectors under the transport regulations? Not to worry! Despite no training the rcmp officers can do that too!
You forgot

Body recovery from the water

Taking pictures with tourists

Backgrounding in Serge for politicians at various events
^^ Decent analysis, although we can only speculate on how many members were there, based on what we all viewed in the media. There were no doubt other members nearby in 'warm standby'. Considering that they had checkpoints ringing the 'red zone, plus ramp off 417 leading in, ya, lots of bodies, times 24 hours plus, as you say, responding to calls from the rest of the city. Toronto had to deal with a potential pop-up on University, Windsor and I am assuming OPP still had an enhanced presence at the bridge, and every contributing police service still has to cover their calls.

Other logistical factors come into play as well. Where do you house and feed them? Comms is always an issue, particularly with multiple agencies. It's a lot better than it used to be but still a work in progress.

According to Wiki, Canada ranks 27th out of 146 at 184/100K. From my experience, surge capacity is fairly respectable, given enough time if, for no other reason, travel and response. Sustained surge would be a problem.

For events such as this, lots of warm bodies helps, but the number of trained and equipped public order and tactical personnel is critical, and I have no clue about those numbers.

A lot of it I don’t need to speculate on, though for obvious reasons I’m being very selective in what I speak to. The deployment of public order units from so many police services is unprecedented in Canadian history. The logistical effort was massive, and that’s not something that police are accustomed to in large scale the way the military is.

Brihard- are musical ride members eligible for tac troop in National Capital? Like would they have called those team
Members first and then this was a secondary call for all hands on deck?

I have quite successfully evaded O and N except to attend ranges and schools

None are currently, and I don’t imagine they’re ever supported for external secondary units. The training and touring schedule would prohibit it. Any Ride who were working would have been doing so as warm bodies to go wherever warm bodies were needed. They certainly were not engaged in the deliberate confrontation of protesters. I’m going to hold my tongue on both mine and the general sentiment towards certain private chat comments that have been publicly reported on.
Will never survive a court challenge
overreach much...
Based on the name, we can tell how the FB source is leaning, and video a bit wonky, but sure enough, there it is, in electronic black & white, via the GoC info-machine (highlights mine):
... Our banks and financial institutions are already obligated to report to the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada, or FINTRAC. As of today, all crowdfunding platforms, and the payment service providers they use, must register with FINTRAC and must report large and suspicious transactions to FINTRAC. This will help mitigate the risk that these platforms receive illicit funds; increase the quality and quantity of intelligence received by FINTRAC; and make more information available to support investigations by law enforcement into these illegal blockades. We are making these changes because we know that these platforms are being used to support illegal blockades and illegal activity, which is damaging the Canadian economy. The government will also bring forward legislation to provide these authorities to FINTRAC on a permanent basis ....
Text also attached in case link doesn't work.


Uhm so aren't nearly all of these US based?
I mean frankly the idea that Canada is going to try to tell us what to do is kind of laughable considering Canada already is a D- on Money Laundering and Corruption issues.
Yes, some of us could only dream that the Federal Government would put as much effort seizing the assets of sophisticated criminal organizations as the did going after Mom & Pop's donating to the Freedom Convoy :ROFLMAO:

It's ok though, my spouse and I actually had a conversation the other day about potentially eventually immigrating South to more economically favourable conditions. I already have a number of relatives South of the Border and seeing the general trend of things here, the decision may be an easy one, sooner rather than later :cool: