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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

Why else do nothing for two weeks and then drop a sledge on the whole affair?
Are you serious? Are you saying that instead of waiting 2 weeks to intervene, the Feds should have interfered in Municipal and Provincial affairs right away?!?
Are you serious? Are you saying that instead of waiting 2 weeks to intervene, the Feds should have interfered in Municipal and Provincial affairs right away?!?
Well Alberta, Manitoba and Ontario all dealt with the municipal/provincial-only components of the protest at Coutts AB, Emerson MB, and Windsor ON. Are you suggesting that the protest in Ottawa was municipal/provincial only in nature, and should have been handled the same way as Windsor (a city and Queen’s Park)?
Well Alberta, Manitoba and Ontario all dealt with the municipal/provincial-only components of the protest at Coutts AB, Emerson MB, and Windsor ON. Are you suggesting that the protest in Ottawa was municipal/provincial only in nature, and should have been handled the same way as Windsor (a city and Queen’s Park)?

Arguably the big winner here is Doug Ford. He didn't do his job and JT and the LPC have to live with the consequences lol

Hmmm I feel a conspiracy theory coming on lol
Are you serious? Are you saying that instead of waiting 2 weeks to intervene, the Feds should have interfered in Municipal and Provincial affairs right away?!?
absolutely not. I am saying that before they even arrived in Ottawa there should have been meaningful discussions outlining a diplomatic approach to what was developing into a confrontational situation. Long before they arrived in Ottawa the GOC knew that they had a group of angry citizens that had a grievance they wished to present. No laws of any significance had been broken. It was not to late to privately set up a venue for allowing them to air their beefs and reply in a civilized fashion. Instead you had the GOC verbally abusing and condemning anyone associated with the drivers long before they were anything more than an addendum to the six o'clock news. They met with BLM during their demonstrations which were anything but peaceful. They have allowed far greater anarchic actions by the Palestinian protesters than the drivers ever took, they allowed the Indigenous folks to burn down a bunch of churches with only a tut tut so yes they should have taken action by showing a little compassion for the drivers. The first step in diffusing a confrontation is to show a little bit of understanding, the way I am in replying to you instead of lashing out and calling you all kinds of names and questioning your upbringing, your parentage, and your beliefs. (which I am not by the way)
To be fair to the current GoC, historically protests from the west have usually fizzled out by the Lakehead at the latest. Or the government of the day sent the Mounties in to smash the protest (1935 Regina). Compounding the issue is that nobody within Cabinet for sure, and it seemed nobody in the public service advising them had any inkling of what was to come, mainly because none of them are from the type of people who'd be desperate enough to drive all the way to Wellington Street.

A short history of farmer protests

The recent protest in Ottawa over COVID-19 public health measures is not the first time citizens have taken to the streets of the nation’s capital to champion a cause.

One of the most infamous efforts didn’t even make it to Ottawa. Unemployed men who wanted to air their grievances with the federal government in the depths of the Great Depression headed east from British Columbia but were stopped by the RCMP in Saskatchewan, triggering what became known as the Regina Riot.

Farmers have held their fair share of much more peaceful marches on Ottawa over the years.

In 1942, 400 producers arrived in the capital demanding higher wheat prices.

In 1959, 1,100 delegates made the trip, this time asking for financial assistance to make up for falling farm revenue.
The Western Producer not only covered that event but also sent its editor and a reporter on the trains to produce daily newspapers for the farmers on board.
These types of mass farmer action have generally gone out of favour since then, although not completely.
In 1992, 30,000 farmers rallied in Ottawa to protest the potential loss of supply management under General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade negotiations.

However, the most fascinating march on Ottawa occurred in 1910, when 800 farmers descended on the city to demand federally owned grain elevators, a rail line to Hudson Bay and tariff reductions.
Once in town, they held a meeting at the local opera house to talk strategy and hash out what they called a “Farmers’ Platform.”
But it’s what happened next that’s so intriguing.
They headed over to Parliament Hill and found no security to speak of.
“In 1910, farmers were not a mere special interest group to be blocked with iron fences and security guards,” former Western Producer editor Garry Fairbairn wrote in his history of the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool.
“They were a majority of the population and agriculture was still the foundation of all things economic.”
The farmers crammed themselves into the House of Commons, not just the visitors’ gallery but the chamber itself, finding places to sit wherever they could. Some even sat at the desk of prime minister Wilfrid Laurier.
Can you imagine that happening today? I sure can’t.
@Jarnhamar @OldSolduer @TacticalTea @Brad Sallows

Just to be clear, because I think you all missed my point, I wasn't arguing that the displaying of the Nazi flag (and the confederate flag) by however many parties warranted disparaging the entire group.

I was only arguing against the position of @YZT580 who claimed that the reason for calling them nazis was because they were "loud and obnoxious."
I thought it was a funny comment.

Not sure I see the distinction you're trying to draw tho. You're simultaneously saying people were "calling them nazis" because of the nazi flag, yet "[not] disparaging the entire group"? I'm not tracking.

It's clear that the Left/Liberals/Trudeau exploited the nazi flag to paint them all as deplorables. Certainly, everyone can agree nazis are bad.

Yet when the Taliban and Hamas are parading in our streets the Left doesn't much about it. It parades along with them.

Similarly, when the protect-our-kids protest occurred several weeks ago, the Left was quick to point to that radicalized Arab kid as proof that the whole protest-fruit was poisoned. Variable geometry collective responsibility.
he farmers crammed themselves into the House of Commons, not just the visitors’ gallery but the chamber itself, finding places to sit wherever they could. Some even sat at the desk of prime minister Wilfrid Laurier.
Can you imagine that happening today? I sure can’t.
So you're saying farmers are fascists that tried to overthrow the government, and need to be arrested?

If it happened in 1910 it can happen in 2024!
I feel like I've slowly become the forum's crazy conspiracy guy lately...buuuutttttt...I really don't think I'm wrong when it comes to what our government is intentionally doing to us.

In another thread, earlier, someone reminded me of a paychological principal that explains how a government can be so incompetent, giving us a paychological explanation.

Okay, fair enough. That is quite possibly the case. And if someone ever provides me with evidence that our government has not been acting with malice, my opinion can certainly be changed...

But until then, I'm convinced. Our government has been softly hijacked by people bent on our destruction as both a country (Justin, Freeland, Shwab all discuss a post nation state) and destroying us personally (death by taxation, destroy the national pride and morale, bankrupt us nationally, destroy our national institutions etc)

That smile of hers that she then has to hide...Infuriating...
I feel like I've slowly become the forum's crazy conspiracy guy lately...buuuutttttt...I really don't think I'm wrong when it comes to what our government is intentionally doing to us.

In another thread, earlier, someone reminded me of a paychological principal that explains how a government can be so incompetent, giving us a paychological explanation.

Okay, fair enough. That is quite possibly the case. And if someone ever provides me with evidence that our government has not been acting with malice, my opinion can certainly be changed...

But until then, I'm convinced. Our government has been softly hijacked by people bent on our destruction as both a country (Justin, Freeland, Shwab all discuss a post nation state) and destroying us personally (death by taxation, destroy the national pride and morale, bankrupt us nationally, destroy our national institutions etc)

That smile of hers that she then has to hide...Infuriating...
The best part about conspiracy theories is that one assumes govts are working “the long game” when it’s pretty obvious that every single govt has been trying to make it to the next election.

Most of us here have been in the CAF and see how bureaucracy works within one govt department. I’m not convinced that the rest of the GoC is magically that much better that it can sustain a years-long “long game”.

All of your examples have been happening before the current Trudeau govt, and not only in Canada. I remember being told that our “national pride and morale” were being destroyed in the 1990s.
Especially the late 60's!
Season 4 Jasper GIF by The Simpsons
In the local newspaper (Kitchissippi Times in Westboro Ottawa) it was announced that the Stella Luna Ice Cream Shop has closed its operations on Wellington St. The reason I put this in here is that the owner's sister had donated money to the convoy, some people found out and they had to shut down for a bit because the staff was getting death threats. The lady apologized and the shop re-opened but the damage was done and obviously it never recovered. I really liked going to that place and I just cannot understand people going after staff of a business with death threats.

WTF is wrong with people.