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FTX stories


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I was wondering if anyone had any FTX stories they would like to share.  I remember once on an FTX at CFB Chilliwack me and a buddy had to camouflage ourselves and hide from the other cadets.  Me and my friend were stalking around the south end of our Biv site when we both got stuck in barbed wire that was lying on the ground (nearly impossible to see in the dark) we both had quite a laugh trying to untangle ourselves.  In the end none of the cadets could find us although they did come close, we were both able to untangle ourselves and move out right before a squad moved through the area.  Luckily for us we managed to escape with only a few scrapes and some tears in our combats  lol.  :warstory:
Ah here is one of my favorites:

It twas my first year in Army Cadets. I had been in for about three months and I was twelve at the time. Anyway it was my first FTX and we were all at Lessard Lake. We had all settled in for the night, and the officers were all snoring up in the loft. Now we had this "Hardcore" Sgt, and after all the cadets had settled down he yells out "STEAM ROLLER"; we had everyone sleeping in two rows, and he rolled over all the cadets. This Sgt was by no means small either. It took another hour for everyone to shutup and go to sleep and all the while the officers continued to snore away.
We had one bush way back. It was my verry first bush, and it was at the end of June. SO we were sleeping outside in tents, and one guy decided to set his tent up in a little depression. Yes he was a tool. So anyway, that night it starts to rain. By rain I mean monsoon. We likely get about 10-15 cm of rain. Around 4 am, a Sgt was sent aroud to check if everyone was still dry and ok. So the Sgt goes up to this guys tent, and just talks to him through the tent to see if hes ok, dry, etc. The guy wakes up, and rolls over. Off his air matress. That was floating in several cm's of water. He was just a bit wet after that........
Well, on my first FTX... maybe three weeks after I enlisted... Me and my Corps headed to A camp called Peacehaven. WE set up in a small building...Males on one side, females on the other...the building was split in two by a small kitchen. So... On the first day...we did the basics, like camcon ( camouflage concealment), Day navigation, and Night Navigations... A fun part of the first day was playing tackle football...with the officers... My poor CO... ;D... Anyway, the next day, our three platoons were doing this thing in a forest... there was 1 platoon, that for some reason set up on a ridge in prone, above a little opening in the forest, that had sort of a net connected to four trees that you were supposed to make your way over... My platoon was 2 platoon. We were the first to go over the net... As we progressed after climbing...We heard a whistle... And then heard one of our Warrant Officers scream AMBUSH! We saw 1 platoon charge over the ridge and plow us down, while the Warrant laughed...But this guy is huge. If he were to come down into the ambush, someone could have broke their neck :D So, anyway our two platoons both set up on the ridge, more spread out this time, with a scout to the left (where the other platoon would come from) once the scout saw the 3rd platoon come down the small hill, he passed the warning on to a cadet, who passed it on all the way to the SGT at the end of the ridge... As you could probably guess... We all ambushed the 3rd platoon... So... Then we all went back to the biv site... And it was about 5 O'Clock by then...So we ate our IMP's... And chilled out for a bit...did some PT, and then it was about 8 olock... We play a game of capture the flag in the forest... It was dark...really dark... And my platoon was broken up, so my squad had only 5 cadets. We set up our flag in a tree, ( the flags were actually glowsticks) about 4 feet up. And the tree was kinda a cross splint in half, and there was a branch about two feet off the ground that a cadet hid under...right beside the flag, but out of sight... I set up in a bunch of tall grass, near one of the entry points to the flag. A warrant sat up against a tree...kinda not that covered but that's ok... Another cadet was about 10 yards away from us, under this huge bush...at another entry point. The other two cadets were attacking...unfortunately, we lost a SGT, but our MCPL came back and in his hands...a glowstick  :threat: It was fun, and being just introduced to the whole Cadet thing, it was pretty damn fun

You just read what was My first FTX...boring but I had to write something!  :cdn: :salute:
Ouch, my paragraphs.
We ran into a bear on our wilderness survival ex.   we would of survived really well if we could of killed, skinned it, gutted it, cooked it and eaten it etc. ...well if we knew how to do those things.
thats the kind of stuff that would make cadets a little better.  Find ur own food no MREs (meals rejected by Ethiopians)
That's what we do sometimes.

We hide their meals and other cooking equipment out somewhere, and they need to find it all by using their map and compass skills.
ryanmann356 said:
thats the kind of stuff that would make cadets a little better.   Find ur own food no MREs (meals rejected by Ethiopians)

Don't tell me...They feed cadets food meant for real soldiers too!? And you complain about it...

I wonder if some soldier in A'stan, tired and hot as hell, whines about MRE's?! If he does I would say that he's earned the right to...

But as for you people...I smell the poser meter starting to climb...
ouyin2000 said:
We hide their meals and other cooking equipment out somewhere, and they need to find it all by using their map and compass skills.
Of course being politically correct you have spares incase they can't. ;)

Kyle Burrows said:
Of course being politically correct you have spares incase they can't. ;)
Of course, we save the Hamsteak meals for those cadets who don't find their food ;)
You're a horrible person Mr. Forbes ;)
ouyin2000 said:
That's what we do sometimes.

We hide their meals and other cooking equipment out somewhere, and they need to find it all by using their map and compass skills.

they did that to us in my CL year, it got everyone motivated until they realized they changed the points without telling us..
I've gots lots of stories, some good, some bad.

Good example, 2-3 weeks ago, our corps went out on an abseiling ex, with some of the newest recruits. As some of you may know, there is always gonna be a cadet that either doesn't want to go down, or gets all hooked up, gets to the edge, and then quits. Well, we had one new recruit, who decided to get hooked up and quit..... 4 times in a row.

On my second "graduation dive" after I got my Open Water Diver certification, we went and dove the Chippawa river in Niagra Falls. The first dive was kinds crappy, I only saw rocks, and golf balls, and the current was really slow, because the power generator at the end of the river had slowed the current for some reason, so I had to fin it down the river. The second dive, however, was far more intersting. The current had picked up, a LOT. By the time I got to the bottom, we had reached the remains of an old demolished bridge. This is pretty dangerous, you're clipping along pretty fast, and since the visibility wasn't that great, you only had about 1 second to avoid something one you saw it. My and my buddy were connected via a buddy line, a piece of rope about 6 feet long tied to out buoyancy compensators. We had just avoided a huge concrete pillar, and both looking down to make sure we didn't hit any metal or rocks, when a metal gurter, sticking straight up popped out of nowhere. Right in between me and my buddy, with our buddy line right in the middle. You could probably imagine what would happen next, but the strong current, and the 100 or so pounds of dive gear we had on made it extremely difficult to get out of this. I couldn't go back upstream, and get around this gurter, and I couldn't surface, because there's tons of boat traffic around, so I ended up pulling out my knife and cutting the line. That was pretty scary when I was happening, but now that I think about it, it's pretty funny.
Disclaimer: Do not attempt.

Here's a story:

On the first ftx's in my second year of cadets we had quite a bit of rain, but still had fire picket going. Well on the second evening the fire was giving up on us, because all the wood was soaked from the previous night and my poor Sgt and another cadet got stuck with the first shift. Time for lights out so I head to the eighty pounder tent and begin getting ready to sleep peacefully when everyone was quite except for the people on picket. I heard the distinguishable sound of fuel cans bang together a few times. I didn't think much of it but decided to look out the tent flap to what was happening, suddenly flames literally shot up 10 feet or maybe more into the air and I heard the sound of gas exploding. The whole biv site was lit up. After the flames died down the fire was going strong and I see my CO pop out of her tent to investitage. The excuse I heard from my Sgt was "I just threw some birch bark on top!" He was told about something called demotion and that he didn't want to experience it. One thing I learned: Naphta is very flamable.
oh geeze....you're supposed to put the fuel on the fire BEFORE you light it...or the flames can travel back up the stream into the can and explode.

*PS* you're not actually supposed to use fuel to start a fire ;)
ouyin2000 said:
oh geeze....you're supposed to put the fuel on the fire BEFORE you light it...or the flames can travel back up the stream into the can and explode.

ha i made that mistake once. it wasn't a cadet ftx but it was me and a friend doing some winter camping. you should of seen the look on my face. it was a America's funniest home video's moment
Back in the days of LAC Mandal...or was it Cpl Mandal..o well...it was a while ago....I was playing with dead tree. The tree was pretty big and really heavy. It fell (tawrds me). I pushed it away while it was falling. That was the first time i heard any staff swear. "JESUS CHRIST!! YOU ALMOST LOST YOUR ******* LIFE!!".....that was more scary than the log almost falling on me lol....
One of my Warrant Officers stepped on a porcupine. Good laughs after that. The same FTX, one of the FSGT at the time walks in too a close line and falls backwards. Then a WO2 at the time puts his foot on a picnic table just for the wood beam not nailed on comes up and hits him in the face.

That and everybody thinking I'm an officer because I'm tall (6,3) and wearing OD's during the night game. That was one strange night of capture the flag from the seniors for me.

One night we wear going to sleep in a semi permanent tent at Connaught. We turn off the lights, 5 - 10 minutes later one of the cadets in my tent starts shaking like he is having a seizure. We try to wake him up, so we touch him and he wakes up and yells something random out. So we go get an officer bla bla. So the next night hes starts shaking again, so we go get a Sgt to show him. The Sgt shakes him to wake him up when cadet bloggins wakes up and yelling  "You ******* Nazi!!! Funny thing is he had no idea of what he did.  The Sgt just standing there, caries on with making sure hes ok.

That was the funniest thing I have ever seen at cadets.
WO2_mandal said:
Back in the days of LAC Mandal...or was it Cpl Mandal..o well...it was a while ago....I was playing with dead tree. The tree was pretty big and really heavy. It fell (tawrds me). I pushed it away while it was falling. That was the first time i heard any staff swear. "JESUS CHRIST!! YOU ALMOST LOST YOUR ******* LIFE!!".....that was more scary than the log almost falling on me lol....

wow i herd CIC's swear at us when we were at camp alot of times..then treating to tell Paul what we "did"