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FTX stories

The ants in Nova Scotia taste like vinegar. The ants in Bagotville taste like watermelon. The ants on the front porch of my house taste like....well....ant...
trees are too good for them.  They can get sustinance from feasting on burnt fire wood and drinking Naptha.  haha j/k
Kyle Burrows said:
Something tells me putting "Cadets will nourish themselves by gnawing on trees" on an OPSO, wouldn't help it get cleared by the region.

The pine needle tea dosent taste to bad and actually gives you quite a bit of energy

The spirit of the ex was how to survive without any rations (because when your lost, you will eventually run out of the regular food you brought with you)...and then what will you do?

Modified for spelling
1 thing I love about FTX's: watching recruits eat IMP's for the first time!  :D
The first IMP I ever had was horrible.  Can we say ham steak?

I love my IMPs now..I look forward to eating them.  And the bread..its amazing.
Kyle Burrows said:
The first IMP I ever had was horrible.  Can we say ham steak?

I love my IMPs now..I look forward to eating them.  And the bread..its amazing.

I heard some interesting stories about the bread. I have had it and it is good. The story was that this one cadet had the bread and it expanded in his stomach causing huge stomach pains.
At SIC we were doing the navigation excercise. our first stop was at a couple of virgin porta potties. my friend said he needed to take a dump, as he put it. this would have held us up and jepeordized our position in the race. but we didn't care and held ourselves up even more by shaking the porta potties, dumping precious water in there. he came out so mad he moon the group in front of us!
I know over the years they've developed new IMPs, but htese were a few I remember (some not so fondly).
Beans & Weiners, Ham Omlette (don't even ask), Salisbury Steak, Hungarian Goulash, Beef Stew, Ravioli....no idea if these are still around......haven't had any in 10 years
Cherry Cake as a desert.......basically take a crummy tasting piece of cake, and compress it unti lit fits in a foil container................... :(
the worst is the ham steak in mustard sauce.  Spam and watery mustard.  The Baked Cherry desert is the worst desert by far.  You take a couple cherries, deep fry it in super glue, package it and feed it to the GIs.  the meatballs were the best they were so good.  I remember in Vernon I got scalloped potatoes and ham; spam and chunks of "potato" every morning for the five day FTX...yummy....
My first IMP: Hash browns and pineapple, and the cherry surprise.

My second IMP: Meatballs and gravy, just-add-water rice, grape drink crystals, and "fresh" cherries.
This is amazing! That night I woke up with my mouth watering. MEATBALLS ROCK!
The first Imps i ever ate was at Roche lake (some of you guys in the interior will remember that multi-corps ex) in 02 or 03 and i had the Chicken Ala King and the "Dreaded" Baked Cherry Desert, i still say it looks and taste's like a squished fruit cake.
Tastes like it was made a few too many christmases ago.
Yes, I think i've had that before. It looks like some fruit squished into an old chunk of bread. It is very hard and must have some kind of "super glue" inside it. Yuck!
ah yes but who could forget the wonderful constipation brick AKA the bread.  Wow eat some of that and you wont have to worry about finding a latrine hole for the whole ex.  ;D
Best desert is that gooey chocolate one...o man....that thing is like heavan after a looooong time with no food...
on my last FTX i was on we had a night op with another corps.  our corps would try to infiltrate the others in the dead of night.  leading up to the op was interesting unto itself.  we were showing the cadets how to apply camo (it was around 20:00 h, so it was dark out)when one cadet got fed up of try to be neat and promtly emptied the camo tube (colour forest green) and slaped that onto his face.  there was so much camo there that he managed to cam up his hair and about the top half of his body(this was a smaller cadet) :brickwall:.  after all the camo was finished we proceded with the night op.  my squad was to travel down the road and test the perimeter while another whent around the back.  the other corps was pretty good but my squad managed to make it into their base and about 50m from the objective. the other didnt have the luck that my squad did. one of our officers had fired off a flare in the wrong area to attract attention.  it worked real well but he happened to fire it not 10m from the other squad and giving away their position.  in the mean while my team managed to reach the other side of the objective(a bell on a porch on a building) we were on the other side of the building when the other corps officers thought that the game should end because some of their cadets were falling asleep.  so they called it quits. :brickwall: it was now about 23:30.  so it was a good time to wrap it up .  this is a good night op if you have a cops of 30 cadets or more :threat: :cdn: :bullet: :army:
AHHH i have sooo many FTX stories lol
i'll tell my most recent one

well it was October and this is my first year as a Senior, so i got more fun out of it. so the seniors had to go on a night route-march...aka going for a walk somewhere lol. so we started out, and just kept walking along the roads, my WO planned out this whole outing behind the Officers, well told them one story, but had other ideas. so yeah, we were walking for about an hour and got to an Old mine. we had to climb this huge cliff..in the dark, and well we had 2 civilian instructors with us, but they're cool and didnt rat on us. and we broke into the Mine...our WO had everything, he stashed food, drinks, cd player, music...everything in there...but we just decided to explore the mine..and we did...and when we got REALLY deep into the mine we hear something on the radio...its our CO....WO WEATHERBY! WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU? IM ON THE MAIN ROAD, GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!!!...we ran as fast as we could, and well..we went somewhere up the path, so it looked like we just went for a walk down it, our CO just looked at us and gave us a lecture on trespassing, but he didnt know we went INTO the mine. when we got back to the biv site...we didnt hear anymore about it...He was just mad that some of us skipped our fire picket duties for the march...oohh boy it was soo fun!! ha ha  :p ...well yeah, we got back around 130 am and my fire picket was at 2..so of corse i had to wake up for it...ahhh was some good time *thumbs up*
yoman said:
I heard some interesting stories about the bread. I have had it and it is good. The story was that this one cadet had the bread and it expanded in his stomach causing huge stomach pains.

It won't happen. The story is bullhockey.

ARMYboi69 said:
God, the ham steak is the worst one there is right now :p  Anything else - Salmon, Egg & Salsa, or any of the other ones aren't as bad in comparison.  Luckily, I was fortunate enough that my first IMP was the Chicken and Rice Caccatoirre (sp?).

The IMP's aren't made to be gourmet meals. They are meant to sustain you in combat ops. Live with it...... or bring your snackees from home for the weekend. Try deploying for a few months with notihng else. Don't whine.

ryanmann356 said:
ah yes but who could forget the wonderful constipation brick AKA the bread.  Wow eat some of that and you wont have to worry about finding a latrine hole for the whole ex.  ;D

If you don't poop, it isn't the breads fault. As per the answer above, you just really don't know what your doing with your rations, do you?
Quote from: Papke on November 14, 2005, 01:36:39
...the "Dreaded" Baked Cherry Desert, i still say it looks and taste's like a squished fruit cake.

You really don't know when you have it good, do you? Try being really, truly hungry for a change, then see how you like it.
Sgt. Migs said:
we had 2 civilian instructors with us, but they're cool and didnt rat on us. and we broke into the Mine...our WO had everything, he stashed food, drinks, cd player, music...everything in there...but we just decided to explore the mine..and we did...and when we got REALLY deep into the mine we hear something on the radio...its our CO....WO WEATHERBY! WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU? IM ON THE MAIN ROAD, GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!!!...we ran as fast as we could, and well..we went somewhere up the path, so it looked like we just went for a walk down it, our CO just looked at us and gave us a lecture on trespassing, but he didnt know we went INTO the mine. when we got back to the biv site...we didnt hear anymore about it...He was just mad that some of us skipped our fire picket duties for the march...oohh boy it was soo fun!! ha ha  :p ...well yeah, we got back around 130 am and my fire picket was at 2..so of corse i had to wake up for it...ahhh was some good time *thumbs up*
And you have trouble understanding why people don't trust Cadets? Your given responsibility, and this is how you repay it? I've worked at a mine. They get abandoned for a reason, and it's not so you can go playing Lord of the Rings in it.

You guys really have to grow up, if you want to be taken seriously. You post stuff like this in this thread, and ask why you don't get treated with respect on the other threads. Is it really that hard to figure out???
With Sgt Migs post..

Must have been exciting, but it was wrong.