I don't see how anything negative can be made to stick.
It's underpowered for a troop/cargo lift hel (and has other shortcomings), but with light armament (one or two 7.62 mm Miniguns) and decent recce ball plus taking off from a benign environment (big honking runway with no obstructions or significant human threat as opposed to a hilly, rocky, dusty, Taliban-infested field LZ) it should be alright. No armour, other than possibly the armoured seats for the pilots, but I am not terribly concerned about that.
Chinook is still very much necessary for troop and cargo lift, plus mobility for the M777, none of which the CH146 can do in that environment, or well anywhere else.
Escort is not required without anything to escort.
Recce was not as necessary with Sperwer in theatre, although I was always of the opinion that a manned helicopter is better than a UAV for that purpose. Sperwer is a dying system and either we replace it with another UAV (insufficient time or money) or, finally, put hels in theatre with an even better capability.
We have what we have. The Lieberals bought Sperwer. The PCs bought Griffon. We cannot do a complete change of inventory every couple of years.
All-in-all, this is a huge step up.
Now I'm headed down the hall to beat on my CO's door and make sure that my upcoming TUAV deployment doesn't hurt my chances of doing this.