George Wallace said:
This seems very clear, logical and responsible, when we discuss locations, lodging and security:
It was to some, but not to all:
CTV Tom Clark interview: 10 June 2010
"Former RCMP inspector says money could have been saved if the G20 summit meeting was held at the CNE ground in Toronto.":
“What was recommended, is that they host the G20 summit at the CNE in Toronto"
"But decisions were made in Ottawa at the political level, and they chose to have it in downtown Toronto so the security considerations skyrocketed."
"I think what happens is that you get a lot of what I call armchair experts in Ottawa who are making decisions that maybe aren't the best ones." :
National Post: May 25, 2010:
"One has to wonder what message Toronto is trying to convey — or, rather, what message Ottawa is trying to convey, since the city of Toronto urged Ottawa to hold the summit at the CNE grounds, where it could easily be ringed off without entirely disrupting normal life. But no. For some bizarre reason, the Conservatives insist on holding it in the centre of the city, perhaps to impress all the other political heavyweights with Ottawa’s ability to bring the country’s biggest city to a screeching halt on a summer weekend."
Toronto Sun: 6 June 2010:
"For G20, Ex marks the spot: Granatstein
Wreaking havoc on downtown by using the Metro Convention Centre a blunder by organizers"
National Post:
"Councillor Adam Vaughan (Trinity-Spadina) warns that given the crowds,
too much planning is being done from Ottawa with scant involvement from local stakeholders who know the neighbourhood.
"I've seen one transportation plan that involves walking people from Union Station, down Bay Street, along Lake Shore Boulevard and up Rees Street to the SkyDome," Mr. Vaughan said. "And this was suggested by the folks up in Ottawa as being the easiest way to handle a crowd of 50,000 people. We had to explain to them that they would have to build a sidewalk on those streets, that there actually isn't a sidewalk on Lake Shore Boulevard." "
Youtube: Setting police cars on fire: