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Game Time!!!! Movie Quotes

Centurian1985 said:
I ws thinking of doing another quote from Doc Strangelove, but everybody probably knows those by heart...

How about:

"Loot what? There's nothing here to loot!"

Hint - said by a bald guy.
Kelly's Heroes?
George Wallace said:
May be off a bit, but going from memory:

"Say, Washington!  Do you know what it is like to spend a million Dollars?  See that hill over there, well there are a Battalion of Gooks on it."
The boys in Company C
Here is a toughie, from a good movie. (well I think its a bit tougher anyway)

Corporal: Heave! Put a bit more weight on that rope you men!
Pvt.A He's even got a voice like a corporal
Pvt.B Yeah, sort of like a female hippo in labor.
"I see your shwartz is as big as mine!"  :D

And from a different movie

"Hey! It's a c@ck only smaller!"  ;D
"Hey, Ryan, be careful what you shoot at. Most things in here don't react too well to bullets."
"Ensign Cartwright, with all due respect to your rank, may I say I think you're an ass?"
Hunt for red october.... and another sub one?

Try this:
""They made us all train for this day. "To be fearless and proud and alone. To need no one, just sacrifice. All for the Fatherland." Oh God, all just empty words. It's not the way they said it was, is it? I just want someone to be with. The only thing I feel is afraid. ""
Mud Recce Man said:
"Hey, Ryan, be careful what you shoot at. Most things in here don't react too well to bullets."

Hunt for Red October

Or this..

"You wanna f*** with me? Okay. You wanna play rough? Okay. Say hello to my little friend!"
Yes HFRO is one...Run Silent Run Deep is the other...1958 I think it was...

Say Hello to my little friend!  SCARFACE
Mud Recce Man said:
Yes HFRO is one...Run Silent Run Deep is the other...1958 I think it was...

Say Hello to my little friend!  SCARFACE
And it is in MAFIA!  (In that one, the "little friend" was a little person hiding under the bigger person's trenchcoat) :)
Centurian1985 said:
"You wanna f*** with me? Okay. You wanna play rough? Okay. Say hello to my little friend!"
Scarface is right - cant say for sure about the Mafia, as I dont knw anyone in that organization  ;D

Mod - the other one was from 'Das Boot'