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Game Time!!!! Movie Quotes

Brat56 said:
Not exactly a War Movie...Miliary related all the same.

Quote:I'm sorry, ... ::), but I don't wanna marry you. I really like you. We've had ourselves some really great times, but I thought you understood. I want to marry a pilot. I want to live my life overseas. The wife of an aviator.

An Officer and a Gentleman

My contribution
"So what's the charge? Failing to obey an order? Or, drunk in charge of a cigarette lighter? Oh, you crazy bastard! You'd prop up dead men and inspect them if you was ordered to!"
The Hill....right?

I am failing to think of a quote this early in the AM.
And while you’re chewing on that rather obscure one, here’s an easy one from one of the last of the great dinosaurs. Anyone who fails to recognize the character and/or movie immediately really sucks at this game

“Any man here steps out of line and I will kill him stone dead. It will not worry me in the slightest. There are no Queen's Regulations here. So, when I say jump - you ask how high. Do I make myself clear? I want to hear it! Do I make myself clear? RIGHT! Let's try for our first heart-attack”

“That was LUDICROUS. You're jumping from an aeroplane, not a whorehouse window. Do it again.”

“Sir! With respect, you can stick the money up your arse - that's not why I came out here with you. I love these grubby, thickheaded men I trained - you most of all. And I'll be with them, because I'm needed. You want to see a REAL revolution? Try and stop me”

“Esposito, you're not dead until I TELL you you're dead"

Edit: Dammit Pea is good. That's Trooper ( former SSM) Joe Roberts (Sean Connery) speaking to DB RSM Bert Wilson (Harry Andrews) in the Hill
Danjanou said:
Edit: Dammit Pea is good. That's Trooper ( former SSM) Joe Roberts (Sean Connery) speaking to DB RSM Bert Wilson (Harry Andrews) in the Hill

I just happened to watch that movie on Sunday actually. Good timing!

And for your last quote: The Wild Geese. Quoting RSM Sandy Young. My uncle has this movie and has made me watch it way too many times.

Ok. Not a War movie, but one I saw the other day:

"How was it?"
"It was great. She showed me all the wallpaper and where everything is going to go."
"Well that's nice"
"And then she brought me in the back room where she took all her clothes off."
A couple of my favorites...

1. "7-6-2 mm....Full Metal Jacket"

2. "We're little green men walking the earth with guns."

3. "Yep, I'm rattled with bullets. But I dont feel a damn thing. I'm doped up to hell."

Brat56 said:
This one from page 3....How about.......
"Me? I prefer Kenny G....the early stuff before he sold out"

(possibly obscure, from a different sort of "war" movie     )

Answer...Was that from Fargo?

It was from the out-takes........of Blade Trinity - - discussing iPod music choices while fighting. You know, "war" against vampires.   ;D

But at least you tried.  ;)
Mud Recce Man said:
"Perhaps, on your way home, someone will pass you in the dark, and you will never know it... for they will be from outer space."


Hint - This was one of the WORST movies ever made   ;)

Nobody took a stab at this one yet  ;)
Mud Recce Man said:
Nobody took a stab at this one yet   ;)

Plan 9 from Outer Space

But i'll be honest... I havent seen it.. I googled it and found the quote on www.IMDB.com  :-[
yup thats it!  listed as one of the 10 worst movies ever made ( we watched it in the Mess about ... 10 years ago.  My head hurt after it was THAT bad! )  :D
Here's one for ya (I have removed the character's names):

Q:  Do you actually like haggis?

A: No, I think it's repellent in every way. In fact, I think most Scottish cuisine is based on a dare.
Movie Quote: "No body gives a horse's shit who you are, pus ball! You're not even a low-life, scum-sucking maggot! Get your maggoty ass on the bus! You're in the Army now!"
my first guess was Biloxi Blues but I am going to go with Forrest Gump?
"well Gunny, it seems you and I have chewed a lot of the same ground .."
Ok, here's one that someone might recognize since no one knew my last:
"I think they sent me to the wrong place."
"See, I did join the army, but I joined a *different* army. I joined the one with the condos and the private rooms."

"To be truthful with you, I can't sleep in a room with 20 strangers."
" Oh dear."
"And I mean look at this place. The army couldn't afford drapes? I'll be up at the crack of dawn here!"
I love this movie.