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Gas Chamber

Gas chamber isn't bad. I got a runny nose. You DO get exposed a little bit to it, but its kinda just like eating a spicy food.

All and all. Naw, it's not bad. We had some guys screw up and have to run through it like 4 times and they werent throwing up. 61/61 didn't throw up.
Eye In The Sky said:
I didn't know that.  I haven't seen a C4 since Feb 07, when I had to turn mine in for my Air Force kit (coffee maker and umbrella)  ;D.

Watching the Air Force and Navy take their kit back week 13 was hysterical.  Us army folk keep pretty much everything while your kind had to turn in their helmets.  How sad.
i think i sucked in everything the chamber had. oh man.

Our SGT waved to my partner and i to enter so we did i got inside and holly crap i had totally forgotten, as he was right infront of me and i couldent bend over and grab my mask
my eyes started to water and whoa! i was a hurting unit by then i had rubbed my eyes (yes yes i know stupid thing to do) i put on my mask and all and he looks at me and goes PTE are you retarded, now why would you rub your eyes. i had nothing to say. i had to redo it i get outside and i was blind my eyes and i couldent breath without it hurting.

so i came in again all ok then we had to drink from our canteens and oops what do you know i inhale all the fumes again man i sucked that day nothing was right and yes yet again changing our canisters with the oil i could not for the life of me get it on properly and had to hold my breath for longer than i have in a long  long time.. but it was fun.

Tip: make sure you mask is on properly and your not moving it around also make sure its tight !! (Take my advice i know this first hand)  ::)

Fun times.
MedTechStudent said:
Watching the Air Force and Navy take their kit back week 13 was hysterical.  Us army folk keep pretty much everything while your kind had to turn in their helmets.  How sad.

Why is it so sad?  Air Force/Navy draw it as they need it.  Not much use day to day on 12 Wing for  *us kind* to have helmets. 

My socks have more TI than you, don't get on a high horse yet.  You've been in just long enough to be dangerous.

Going by your name/avatar, I am assuming you are a Med Tech.  That makes you purple and property of CMP, not Army.
MTS, in the last 5 years I did not have to use an army helmet once.  We just don't need it.  And if we do (to go to the range for example) they will issue it to us temporarely. 

Do you get issued the HGU-55/P with the MBU-20??  My guess is no, for the same reason.  You don't need it.
Eye In The Sky said:
They are DEFINITELY ones you should wear to the bar Friday night, with your Course T-shirt on and ID disc chain showing...(how many times I saw that at Sweetwaters I can't count).
I was looking through my old pictures so that I could scan one with me wearing that stuff and post it here for your collective amusement but I must have ripped it. Fortunately, I managed to find someone just as blind/fashion-challenged and managed to procreate  ;D (not until removing the aforementioned items however)

anyway, what does the gas hut part of the training consists of these days?
IIRC, for my TQ3 and in PhII in Chilliwack, we doubled to the hut in the afternoon after lunch and got nice and sweaty, split into about 3 groups of a dozen or so and run into the hut; do a couple of laps to get the stuff in and then come out to recover; then, go back in, put the gas mask, jog around and do some push-ups to ensure we had a good fit then the rest of the practise: drinking, eating, simulating going for a dump, etc. Once at the regiment it was just a review, basically doing the last part.


A big point to remeber is to say "gas gas gas" after you have your mask on  :P ive seen that done to many times before. Good times.
Haha, what fun.

People try to build fear into you and tease you about getting gased but its not all that bad.

The gas hut I used had two rooms, one room you entered from outside and then another room where the gas was being burnt. Well, I didn't realize the first room would have gas to. I took a deep breath as I walked into the first room, right then I could feel the gases effects pretty damn good. Got the mask on, did the drills jumped around looking like a retard. I was told I did some screams, not sure if they are true or guys were just teasing, haha. But, once you relax the effects go away pretty fast. Your eyes with water, burn a bit and it will hurt to breathe in what gas you did.

Best advice is to relax. Either way just get it done and pass the course. :) I'd do it again right now if offered, it was funny later. Plus to use your equipment in theory and see that it actually works. It could save your ass one day.
Cameron_Highlander said:
A big point to remeber is to say "gas gas gas" after you have your mask on  :P ive seen that done to many times before. Good times.

Been there, done that...only once though. Great motivation to get the mask on uber fast!  I only managed to bark out "Gah"
Having gone every year so far, I decided to see this time around how long I would last inside without a mask. Call me masochistic. (One and a half breath, with 6 pellets on the plate, at the end of the day). It hurts, but nothing to panic about.

The best part is being an instructor and seeing the crying eyes of the troops who still did not do their drills properly. Nothing like a bit of discomfort to drive the message home... (Remember to blow out before you breath in troops)

AAAhhhh, I love the smell of CS in the morning.  :o
Gas Gas Gas.....even more fun during BMOQ when the instructor calls it during a mission on Vimy at 2am in the morning when you've already gone on 3 mission and worn out.

Nothing to it, it's all in the handling of the mask and how fast you can put it on, check for leakage, hood over your head, arms under armpit, step forward and back.

The dance they make you do in the hut is funky though