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The Next Canadian Government

⬇️ This, ⬇️ from yesterday's Globe and Mail, the sheer proliferation of the pubic sector, requires quick attention by the next government ... Donald J. Savoie is a scholar and author has won numerous prizes and awards:


In its current form, Canada’s public service can’t attract the best and the brightest​


The debate over the federal public service has mostly centred on its size – and that’s certainly an issue that calls out for attention, given its recent growth. In 1998, there were 187,000 federal public servants; today, there are 367,772. The federal public service has grown by 40 per cent since 2015, representing more than 50 per cent of the cost of government operations.

This growth has yet to be fully explained to Canadians or Parliament, but in recent years, Ottawa has launched initiatives for the environment, First Nations, infrastructure, COVID-19 and dental care. These and other initiatives require staff, though it appears that no effort was made to look at reallocating staff from low-priority areas. The problem with government budgeting may have less to do with the introduction of new measures and more with its inability to move on from activities that have long passed their best-by date.

The approximately 300 federal departments and agencies do not easily allow moves to other departments for high-priority programs, and it is easier to hire in the federal public service than it is to fire. Only a handful of federal public servants are terminated for incompetence every year because it is difficult to prove, and public-sector unions will strongly oppose any attempt to terminate one of its members. The easier solution is to shuffle a non-performing employee to where they will do the least damage, making the federal government larger and less efficient.

Still, the prevailing bias in the public service – to come up with new measures, not downsize operations – remains a problem. Government bureaucracies, no matter which political setting they serve, tend to overstaff and expand their operations. Cuts in the bureaucracy do happen from time to time, as was the case in the late-1970s, the mid-90s and in 2012. But cuts always come from above, often in reaction to pressure from financial markets, the media or unforeseen developments in the global economy – never from inside the bureaucracy.

But the issue of size alone does not tell the whole story of the challenges that the public service faces. The bigger problem is that it has lost the plot, becoming more about passing the buck than delivering on programs. Canadians, their politicians and public servants need to decide what they want the public service to be, if it is to attract the best and brightest to serve.

The growth of the public service’s management class is illustrative of the problem. About 40 years ago, the Treasury Board decided that reducing management levels would “improve government operations and morale.” It expressed concerns that the senior-management category had grown to 2,562 members and insisted that “if you take a whole layer out of the management pyramid, then the managers below automatically gain greater control over their operations.” But nothing came of this commitment. Stephen Harper’s government also vowed to eliminate management levels as part of its 2012 program-review exercise, as the category had grown to 6,784 – but again, nothing came of this commitment. Today there are 9,155 members, well over three times what it was in the 1980s, even after Ottawa downloaded the management of airports and ports to the municipalities in the mid-90s, which eliminated a number of executive positions.

Despite investments in IT and digital service delivery, a top-heavy Ottawa-centric management cadre explains why the government has not been able to improve the productivity and quality of the public service, or to reduce staff to the degree expected. The IT challenges go beyond the high-profile failures of the Phoenix pay system and the ArriveCan app. Ottawa has still not decided how best to manage IT services – whether responsibility should rest with a single service or with a loose collection of 300 organizations. No decision on this file means thicker government, more executives and blurred lines of accountability, all while efficiency, savings and easily accessible services are left wanting.

Strong managers want to own what they say, own what they do and own their mistakes. But in Ottawa, leaving aside prime ministers and their staff, everyone is responsible for everything and no one is responsible for anything. There are limits to how much public servants can own what they do, given the requirements of our parliamentary system. It is not much of an exaggeration to say that in the federal government, only prime ministers can own what they say and do and own their mistakes. Instead, government officials, from politicians to career officials, have had to learn to be skilled at shifting responsibility up or down the line as they deal with new oversight bodies, added transparency requirements and the media.

Public-service managers increasingly embrace shifting responsibility by delegating upward: moving up what is important and, at times, what is unimportant but controversial. Upward delegation also creates a crippling overload problem. Prime ministers, the PMO and the Privy Council Office can only deal with a limited number of issues on top of the requirements of the day. As a result, too many issues and decisions are left unattended, and a nondecision too often constitutes a decision, in the eyes of those waiting for one.

Having managers own what they do is what’s needed, and that requires creating room to allow them to make decisions. The federal government is actually providing the opposite by building several management levels between front-line managers and departmental heads – and that doesn’t even take into account the ever-increasing number of “associate” or “senior” titles attached to many management-level positions. The more management levels you add, the less ownership that managers have.

Ultimately, a top-heavy management cadre slows down decision-making, adds costs, dilutes accountability and disempowers managers and their staff. Public servants owning what they do now matters less than having the skills to manage the blame game.

I do not think that politicians on the government side are solely responsible for the growth in management levels and in the public service any more than public servants are responsible for the remarkable growth in the number of partisan political staffers in ministerial offices. In the 1980s, a ministerial office had between three and five partisan assistants; today, they have between 20 and 25 partisan staffers, including a high-level chief of staff, a director of policy, senior policy advisers and media advisers. This, in turn, requires departmental staff to respond to demands for information or advice.

Central agencies have also seen their numbers grow in recent years. Two of them serve the prime minister – the Prime Minister’s Office and the Privy Council Office – while two others, the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat and the Department of Finance, look after Ottawa’s budget and management practices. These agencies have added more than 1,400 employees over the past nine years, representing 45-per-cent growth. The Privy Council Office alone has expanded by nearly 70 per cent since 2015. Departments have had to add staff in their Ottawa offices to deal with bigger, stronger, more intrusive and more demanding central agencies.

These increased demands explain, at least in part, why delivering services such as passport processing, immigration applications and veterans’ benefits to Canadians is the Achilles’ heel of the federal government. Ottawa values public servants who are well-versed in providing superiors with what they need and who can serve the prime minister, ministers and the political process. Public servants who occupy the most senior executive positions have earned their way to the top by working on policy or in central agencies; rare is the public servant who advances in their career by managing programs and services.

Managing the blame game dominates this work to the point that actual accountability in government is like trying to grab smoke. Parliament has allowed its most vital responsibility – the power of the purse – to become a dead letter, and its supply and estimates process has become an empty ritual. Parliament is now about political theatre and little else. It does not have the resources to do much else, and this suits both the government of the day and the public service.

So what can be done? The government could start by eliminating two management levels, as well as the “associate” and “senior” positions, and scale back the size of central agencies. But much more is needed, including a need for a fundamental review of accountability requirements, with the goal of clarifying who is responsible for what. We must reconsider the working relationship between politicians and career officials, the role of public-sector unions in the management of government operations, and the ways in which the government incentivizes front-line managers and their staff to deliver programs and services to Canadians.

Unless we address these challenges, we run the risk of seeing the best and the brightest avoid public service. After all, other sectors offer what the public service no longer does: room to own what people do, and opportunities to make a tangible contribution. Talented Canadians look for fulfilling jobs; they don’t want to be just a part of a large machine that places a premium on generating announceable initiatives, kicking decisions upstairs and managing the blame game. The public service will continue to miss out on these Canadians if it doesn’t establish that it’s looking for more.


There was a time, in my living memory, when the 🇨🇦 public service was the envy of the world. It was relatively small, adequately but not exactly 'well' paid and it had excellent job security. Now it is HUGE, at least 'well paid,' and the iron rice bowl level of job security remains.
Part 5

The new Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse—populism, nativism, isolationism, and protectionism—tend to ride together, and they are challenging the political center. Only the United States can counter their advance and resist the temptation to go back to the future. But generating support for an internationalist foreign policy requires a president to paint a vivid picture of what that world would be like without an active United States. In such a world, an emboldened Putin and Xi, having defeated Ukraine, would move on to their next conquest. Iran would celebrate the United States’ withdrawal from the Middle East and sustain its illegitimate regime by external conquest through its proxies. Hamas and Hezbollah would launch more wars, and hopes that Gulf Arab states would normalize relations with Israel would be dashed. The international economy would be weaker, sapping U.S. growth. International waters would be contested, with piracy and other incidents at sea stalling the movement of goods. American leaders should remind the public that a reluctant United States has repeatedly been drawn into conflict—in 1917, 1941, and 2001. Isolation has never been the answer to the country’s security or prosperity.

Then, a leader must say that the United States is well positioned to design a different future. The country’s endlessly creative private sector is capable of continuous innovation. The United States has an unparalleled and secure energy bounty from Canada to Mexico that can sustain it through a reasonable energy transition over the many years it will take. It has more allies than any great power in history and good friends, as well. People around the world seeking a better life still dream of becoming Americans. If the United States can summon the will to deal with its immigration puzzle, it will not suffer the demographic calamity that faces most of the developed world.

The United States’ global involvement will not look exactly as it has for the last 80 years. Washington is likely to choose its engagements more carefully. If deterrence is strong, that may be enough. Allies will have to bear more of the cost of defending themselves. Trade agreements will be less ambitious and global but more regional and selective.

Internationalists must admit that they had a blind spot for those Americans, such as the unemployed coal miner and steelworker, who lost out as good jobs fled abroad. And the forgotten did not take kindly to the argument that they should shut up and be happy with cheap Chinese goods. This time, there can be no more platitudes about the advantages of globalization for all. There must be a real effort to give people meaningful education, skills, and job training. The task is even more urgent since technological progress will severely punish those who cannot keep up.

Those who argue for engagement will need to reframe what it means. The 80 years of U.S. internationalism is another analogy that doesn’t perfectly fit the circumstances of today. Still, if the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries taught Americans anything, it is this: other great powers don’t mind their own business. Instead, they seek to shape the global order. The future will be determined by the alliance of democratic, free-market states or it will be determined by the revisionist powers, harking back to a day of territorial conquest abroad and authoritarian practices at home. There is simply no other option.


OK, I do have one brief comment: I really hope Pierre Poilievre, himself, not just one of his policy wiz kids, reads this
And, to add to it, here is an interview with Secretary Rice, based on her article, from Foreign Affairs: it's 35 minutes but if you can't spare 35 minutes to listen to Condolleezza Rice discusss foreign policy then I think you have your priorities mixed up.
Listening to some very faint and distant conservative jungle drums .... the consensus is that the next election should look something like this:
  • CPC ≈ 220 seats
  • BQ ≈ 45 seats
  • NDP ≈ 35 seats
  • Liberals ≈ 30 seats
  • Others ≈ 5 seats
But suppose some conservative are saying that a movement emerges within the CPC, some say it's already started, that for the sake of argument we can call the True Blue Tories ... there are one our two in each if BC, SK, MB and QC and there or four in Alberta and Atlantic Canada and maybe 10+ in ON. Say 15 in all. They are all nominated CPC candidates.

On the day after the election Prime Minister Trudeau goes to visit the GG and says, "Ma'am; I cannot hope to gain the confidence of the house; only M. Poilievre can do that; I am going, immediately, to resign my leadership of my party and I recommend you ask him to form a government." She does that and Prime Minister designate Poiliebvre calls his caucus to Ottawa.

When they get there only 170 Conservative MPs meet with Mr Poilievre; a full 50 stay outside the room and decide to meet as a new party. It's a CPC majority but a damned slim one and it is a stinging rebuke to Pierre Poilievre which indicates what Conservatives heard on the doorsteps during the campaign.

Just rumours from a few disgruntled Tories, but 🤷‍♂️ you never know.
OK, I do have one brief comment: I really hope Pierre Poilievre, himself, not just one of his policy wiz kids, reads this

I would be extremely surprised if he was even aware of Foreign Affairs, let alone anyone in his inner circle. And that goes for any Canadian federal politician.

And, to add to it, here is an interview with Secretary Rice, based on her article, from Foreign Affairs: it's 35 minutes but if you can't spare 35 minutes to listen to Condolleezza Rice discusss foreign policy then I think you have your priorities mixed up.
The podcast is here for anyone who prefers that kind of platform.

Listening to some very faint and distant conservative jungle drums .... the consensus is that the next election should look something like this:
  • CPC ≈ 220 seats
  • BQ ≈ 45 seats
  • NDP ≈ 35 seats
  • Liberals ≈ 30 seats
  • Others ≈ 5 seats
But suppose some conservative are saying that a movement emerges within the CPC, some say it's already started, that for the sake of argument we can call the True Blue Tories ... there are one our two in each if BC, SK, MB and QC and there or four in Alberta and Atlantic Canada and maybe 10+ in ON. Say 15 in all. They are all nominated CPC candidates.

On the day after the election Prime Minister Trudeau goes to visit the GG and says, "Ma'am; I cannot hope to gain the confidence of the house; only M. Poilievre can do that; I am going, immediately, to resign my leadership of my party and I recommend you ask him to form a government." She does that and Prime Minister designate Poiliebvre calls his caucus to Ottawa.

When they get there only 170 Conservative MPs meet with Mr Poilievre; a full 50 stay outside the room and decide to meet as a new party. It's a CPC majority but a damned slim one and it is a stinging rebuke to Pierre Poilievre which indicates what Conservatives heard on the doorsteps during the campaign.

Just rumours from a few disgruntled Tories, but 🤷‍♂️ you never know.
In today’s leader-centric politics I have a hard time seeing that happen. The mantra now is “dance with the one who brought you” or be cast into outer darkness outside the tribe. I think it more likely everyone will fall into line like clapping seals.

But I agree, voters will give Poilievre a trial run because they are so damn tired of Trudeau and the Liberals. But don’t think for a second they are enamoured with him, especially if the Tories don’t deliver.
Listening to some very faint and distant conservative jungle drums .... the consensus is that the next election should look something like this:
  • CPC ≈ 220 seats
  • BQ ≈ 45 seats
  • NDP ≈ 35 seats
  • Liberals ≈ 30 seats
  • Others ≈ 5 seats
But suppose some conservative are saying that a movement emerges within the CPC, some say it's already started, that for the sake of argument we can call the True Blue Tories ... there are one our two in each if BC, SK, MB and QC and there or four in Alberta and Atlantic Canada and maybe 10+ in ON. Say 15 in all. They are all nominated CPC candidates.

On the day after the election Prime Minister Trudeau goes to visit the GG and says, "Ma'am; I cannot hope to gain the confidence of the house; only M. Poilievre can do that; I am going, immediately, to resign my leadership of my party and I recommend you ask him to form a government." She does that and Prime Minister designate Poiliebvre calls his caucus to Ottawa.

When they get there only 170 Conservative MPs meet with Mr Poilievre; a full 50 stay outside the room and decide to meet as a new party. It's a CPC majority but a damned slim one and it is a stinging rebuke to Pierre Poilievre which indicates what Conservatives heard on the doorsteps during the campaign.

Just rumours from a few disgruntled Tories, but 🤷‍♂️ you never know.
That would be some real Hail Hydra move from insiders.
In today’s leader-centric politics I have a hard time seeing that happen. The mantra now is “dance with the one who brought you” or be cast into outer darkness outside the tribe. I think it more likely everyone will fall into line like clapping seals.

But I agree, voters will give Poilievre a trial run because they are so damn tired of Trudeau and the Liberals. But don’t think for a second they are enamoured with him, especially if the Tories don’t deliver.
I think that depends on which part of the country one finds themselves in.

Here in Alberta, the general consensus seems to be people are fairly enamoured with him & the idea of the changes they hope he will bring to our federal government both in terms of domestic and foreign policy.

Anytime a new leader is elected, it's essentially a trial run. It means people got tired of the old, and are ready for someone new. In terms of our current political landscape - Pierre is the only one that stands out as being remotely competent, and who has the best interests of Canadians in mind.

If he doesn't deliver on ANYTHING at all, it will be a huge disappointment to a lot of people. But even if he delivers on half of what he says he will, it will at least bring relief and be a step in the right direction.

A federal government that isn't actively f**king over Canadians every chance it gets, and then gaslighting them, will be a very welcome relief...
Listening to some very faint and distant conservative jungle drums .... the consensus is that the next election should look something like this:
  • CPC ≈ 220 seats
  • BQ ≈ 45 seats
  • NDP ≈ 35 seats
  • Liberals ≈ 30 seats
  • Others ≈ 5 seats
But suppose some conservative are saying that a movement emerges within the CPC, some say it's already started, that for the sake of argument we can call the True Blue Tories ... there are one our two in each if BC, SK, MB and QC and there or four in Alberta and Atlantic Canada and maybe 10+ in ON. Say 15 in all. They are all nominated CPC candidates.

On the day after the election Prime Minister Trudeau goes to visit the GG and says, "Ma'am; I cannot hope to gain the confidence of the house; only M. Poilievre can do that; I am going, immediately, to resign my leadership of my party and I recommend you ask him to form a government." She does that and Prime Minister designate Poiliebvre calls his caucus to Ottawa.

When they get there only 170 Conservative MPs meet with Mr Poilievre; a full 50 stay outside the room and decide to meet as a new party. It's a CPC majority but a damned slim one and it is a stinging rebuke to Pierre Poilievre which indicates what Conservatives heard on the doorsteps during the campaign.

Just rumours from a few disgruntled Tories, but 🤷‍♂️ you never know.
What would be the difference between the 'True Blue Tories' and members of the current CPC party?

(Actual question, not being facetious)
What would be the difference between the 'True Blue Tories' and members of the current CPC party?

(Actual question, not being facetious)
Aside from being traitors to their party I would guess the dreaded “A” word would be brought up.
When they get there only 170 Conservative MPs meet with Mr Poilievre; a full 50 stay outside the room and decide to meet as a new party. It's a CPC majority but a damned slim one and it is a stinging rebuke to Pierre Poilievre which indicates what Conservatives heard on the doorsteps during the campaign.
If true, someone ought remind them how well the voters appreciated the last time some politicians decided to be clever, not too many years ago.
Listening to some very faint and distant conservative jungle drums .... the consensus is that the next election should look something like this:
  • CPC ≈ 220 seats
  • BQ ≈ 45 seats
  • NDP ≈ 35 seats
  • Liberals ≈ 30 seats
  • Others ≈ 5 seats
But suppose some conservative are saying that a movement emerges within the CPC, some say it's already started, that for the sake of argument we can call the True Blue Tories ... there are one our two in each if BC, SK, MB and QC and there or four in Alberta and Atlantic Canada and maybe 10+ in ON. Say 15 in all. They are all nominated CPC candidates.

On the day after the election Prime Minister Trudeau goes to visit the GG and says, "Ma'am; I cannot hope to gain the confidence of the house; only M. Poilievre can do that; I am going, immediately, to resign my leadership of my party and I recommend you ask him to form a government." She does that and Prime Minister designate Poiliebvre calls his caucus to Ottawa.

When they get there only 170 Conservative MPs meet with Mr Poilievre; a full 50 stay outside the room and decide to meet as a new party. It's a CPC majority but a damned slim one and it is a stinging rebuke to Pierre Poilievre which indicates what Conservatives heard on the doorsteps during the campaign.

Just rumours from a few disgruntled Tories, but 🤷‍♂️ you never know.

Why ? Only the Tories could be upset and sad a about winning.
If true, someone ought remind them how well the voters appreciated the last time some politicians decided to be clever, not too many years ago.

How well that worked with Boris and Donald.

Either with us or agin us.
But suppose some conservative are saying that a movement emerges within the CPC, some say it's already started,
I call bullshit
Just rumours from a few disgruntled Tories, but 🤷‍♂️ you never know.
More bullshit. Emphasis on the word RUMOURS

For a well educated and informed (and experienced person) I expect way better. If this was a thing, The CBC, CTV, Toronto Star and Global would be ALL over it. Unless you got something concrete or more to it?

That would be some real Hail Hydra move from insiders.

Anybody with anything substantial? No?

I got one. I heard Trudeau is secretly in league in with Emperor Palpatine to overthrow the country. Ridiculous isn't it? Just like the Pierre P rumours, innuendos, falsehoods and pure bullshit that have seeping around about Pierre and the CPC.

The closer we get to election time (whether its now or later), the more smear campaigns and psy ops launch.

One reason I never indulge in the rumour of Justin Trudeau and the "hidden allegations" at West Grey Academy (again its rumours, innuendos, falsehoods and pure bullshit) is because unless I see proof or a direct statement, it is just BS. The truth is, no one outside a few truly knows why he left the private school. Justin has said and done plenty of dumb things, we don't need to make shit up on him. Or anybody.

Yup, for this round, I am very pro CPC and stand by it.
today’s leader-centric politics I have a hard time seeing that happen. The mantra now is “dance with the one who brought you” or be cast into outer darkness outside the tribe. I think it more likely everyone will fall into line like clapping seals.
O’Toole & Kenny would disagree.

In Canada, our “checks and balances” require MPs to prioritize constituency over party.
In my perfect parliament, backbench MP's from all parties, the ones who know they have no chance at all at a cabinet position or critic role could band together to hold the government and their party leadership to account. They could pass motions to restore power to parliament as a whole and cut the power of the PMO at the knees.

Likely chaos would result but it would be fun to watch the short pants brigade get their wings clipped.
I call bullshit

More bullshit. Emphasis on the word RUMOURS

For a well educated and informed (and experienced person) I expect way better. If this was a thing, The CBC, CTV, Toronto Star and Global would be ALL over it. Unless you got something concrete or more to it?


Anybody with anything substantial? No?

I got one. I heard Trudeau is secretly in league in with Emperor Palpatine to overthrow the country. Ridiculous isn't it? Just like the Pierre P rumours, innuendos, falsehoods and pure bullshit that have seeping around about Pierre and the CPC.

The closer we get to election time (whether its now or later), the more smear campaigns and psy ops launch.

One reason I never indulge in the rumour of Justin Trudeau and the "hidden allegations" at West Grey Academy (again its rumours, innuendos, falsehoods and pure bullshit) is because unless I see proof or a direct statement, it is just BS. The truth is, no one outside a few truly knows why he left the private school. Justin has said and done plenty of dumb things, we don't need to make shit up on him. Or anybody.

Yup, for this round, I am very pro CPC and stand by it.
Man you need to calm down. Are you that afraid that PP isn’t going to win that you have to lash out at anyone and anything? If it makes you calm down, it’s a 99% chance the CPC will win and that isn’t likely to change.

Yes you are very pro CPC. We get it.

I doubt Mr Campbell would post anything without some kernel of truth to it given his background and connections but I, like you, doubt that it could materialise in any significant way.

That being said, I am sure there are some number of disgruntled members as he indicated. Some have already splintered off and it could be that some are working on the inside keeping those on the outside who have left informed and appraised of the situation.

As people have posted and what the tea leaves are showing, the voting population isn’t terribly enamoured with PP but they want to see change so they’ll hold their nose and pick the least worst choice.