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GED books?


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So i got a GED from chapters it was alot of money.. Hoping to do well on my CFAT test. Is there alot of stuff i need to know on the math selection part. like trig, geo, alg, fraction, probablity.. i know all the test is mostly word promblems. Anything else i am missing?
Just brush up on your grade 10 math. Multiplying and dividing fractions, converting fractions to decimals, division and multiplication. It really isn't that hard. Do the practice tests and work on your math skills and you'll be good to go.

This might be helpful: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/23193.0.html
Bam_dice said:
So i got a GED from chapters it was alot of money.. Hoping to do well on my CFAT test. Is there alot of stuff i need to know on the math selection part. like trig, geo, alg, fraction, probablity.. i know all the test is mostly word promblems. Anything else i am missing?

Hi Bam_Dice,

If you type "aptitude test" in the search function... you'll get so many threads about CFAT that you won't even know which one to start with ;)
BUT, you'll get answers to your question for sure.

Good luck with the studies,
I wrote the CFAT a month ago and found it easy. Don't spend money on prep for it. Sit down for a few hours and do old math tests from Gr.11/10 until you get >90%, and you're good to do. Read the entire 29-page CFAT thread too (seriously), it answers everything that we can tell you.

By the way the longest section is math, not word problems.
Bam_dice said:
yes i typed it up.. not helpful

If this was not helpfull... then nobody on this forum can answer anymore than what has already been answered in all the other threads concerning the CFAT.

Manu Militari is right: Read the pages ;)

well least you don't have promblems with understand sentence structure...
plus i don't understand the age promblems at all.. I am totally screw in the head/ dumb.
Bam_dice said:
plus i don't understand the age promblems at all.. I am totally screw in the head/ dumb.


The more you study, the more you'll understand. Ask around you for someone to help you with the math problems. I'm sure you can do it.

Try your local library instead of spending a bunch of cash on the books.  My library had 5 or 6 different ones that worked just fine for me.
well i spend money on one plus i don't have a library card.. so i am out of luck.  ???
Bam_dice said:
well i spend money on one plus i don't have a library card.. so i am out of luck.  ???

Yeah, you are right, you are royaly screwed. If only there was a electronic network of computers linked together where information could be made available to all those looking , for free.
Bam_dice said:
well i spend money on one plus i don't have a library card.. so i am out of luck.  ???


All it takes for anyone who wants to join a public library is a piece of ID and a proof of address. I'm sure you have that. It was good advice that Pokiev gave you. You'll find math books and English books there without spending the money.

On another note... please be a bit more positive. YOU CAN DO IT. You just need to believe it and nobody else will believe for you.  :nod:

I had to rewrite my CFAT a few years ago after having been out of HS since '88.

I used the website below and it was all I needed, but there are probably a gazillion more websites other than this one.  Try the Basic Math and Pre-Algebra (for fractions) stuff on it.


My only suggestion is work on it until you feel comfortable.  I am NOT strong in math at all and I did fine.
thanks alea.. just been going through a hard week of school.. plus my teachers are force shit loads of hw on us before the last month ends.
Bam_dice said:
thanks alea.. just been going through a hard week of school.. plus my teachers are force crap loads of hw on us before the last month ends.

You are very welcome Bam_dice.

The school year is almost over. HOLD ON!... try to get the best marks you can as this will only help you in your application process.

If you need more advice, you can PM me and I will try to help to the best of my knowledge. For everything else concerning the CF, don't forget that you can also speak with a recruiter.

I get frustrated with the GED books because there is so much information in them that is not needed for public service testing. They is a study guide for public service testing, one that focuses specifically on the CFAT and it takes you step by step through everything so it makes for a great self-learning manual. You can often find it at chapters or the library.