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georgeharper: thinks Iraq = Afghanistan


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Tango2Bravo said:
It is not a grand conspiracy to build some pipeline.

You are right, the pipeline is real.And regardless if Canadian soldiers want to believe it or not.Canadian soldiers are in Afghanistan for American interests.


America has wanted a new government in Afghanistan since at least 1998, three years before the attacks on 11 September 2001. The official report from a meeting of the U.S. Government's foreign policy committee on 12 February 1998, available on the U.S. Government website, confirms that the need for a West-friendly government was recognised long before the War on Terror that followed September 11th:
[ U.S. House of Reps., "U.S. Interests in the Central Asian Republics", 12 Feb 1998 ]

"The only other possible route [for the desired oil pipeline] is across,
Afghanistan which has of course its own unique challenges."

[ "U.S. Interests in the Central Asian Republics", 12 Feb 1998 ]

"CentGas can not begin construction until an internationally recognized
Afghanistan Government is in place."
[ "U.S. Interests in the Central Asian Republics", 12 Feb 1998 ]


So you are saying that the events in Afghanistan since Sep 2001 are based on some plot hatched in 1998 to build a pipeline?
georgeharper said:
You are right, the pipeline is real.And regardless if Canadian soldiers want to believe it or not.Canadian soldiers are in Afghanistan for American interests.

Jane, Jane, Janebella.

We have been down this road so many times before.  Enmasse is totally out to lunch with it's conspiracy theories.  Why are you bringing them here?
georgeharper said:
You are right, the pipeline is real.And regardless if Canadian soldiers want to believe it or not.Canadian soldiers are in Afghanistan for American interests.

Great, another tin-foiler troll. ::)
Oh for the love of Allah   ::)  Click back about four pages on this thread for my post on the "pipeline".  There's no friggin' pipeline!
georgeharper said:
You are right, the pipeline is real.And regardless if Canadian soldiers want to believe it or not.Canadian soldiers are in Afghanistan for American interests.
::) Ah my, another one today?

BTW, neat name, who's your friend, Stephen Bush?
Didn't see a pipeline in 2002. No troops reported seeing a pipeline in 04, 05, 06 or 07. Maybe it's finally going in this year. Sorry George your pipeline theory was shot to hell back in 2002 and nothing has changed since then. Back to your loony, left-wing, anti-American sites for you.
Here's a simple test;

If I were an invester in the energy sector where would I put my
shekels? Hmmmm.

Does a pipeline through one of the most hostile places on earth sound like a good move?
I'd do better to invest in something a little less volatile risky I think.

Are oil and gas investers stupid? One would think not.
Very simply, the pipeline claim is dubious.   ;)
georgeharper et al.  Would the US's desire for a western friendly government in Kabul be the same as the US's desire for a western friendly government in Beijing, Tehran, Gaza, Mogadishu, Tripoli, Moscow, Algiers, Islamabad, Rangoon or any other nation?

Are you really so devoid of the ability to process relevant information in the context of international relations and national self interest that you truly believe that these statements are conceived, articulated and initiated in a vacuum?

It's parade of the trolls time here on Army.ca folks, belly up to the bar and enjoy the show.
georgeharper said:
You are right, the pipeline is real.And regardless if Canadian soldiers want to believe it or not.Canadian soldiers are in Afghanistan for American interests.

Just lovely... Another know nothing do-gooder. Problem with morons like you, is you are far more efficient at killing people then I am... That is a feat in itself, as I am in the infantry.

Long in erroneous assumptions real short on facts... Typical for the enmasse/babble crowd.
2 Cdo said:
Didn't see a pipeline in 2002. No troops reported seeing a pipeline in 04, 05, 06 or 07.

Maybe you can only see it with a special tin foil hat and some special medication only available from Cheech or Chong.
2 Cdo said:
Didn't see a pipeline in 2002. No troops reported seeing a pipeline in 04, 05, 06 or 07. Maybe it's finally going in this year. Sorry George your pipeline theory was shot to hell back in 2002 and nothing has changed since then. Back to your loony, left-wing, anti-American sites for you.

I didn't see it either this pas year, and I got as far west as Sper... Maybe it was one of them new invisible pipelines.
Teeps74 said:
Long in erroneous assumptions real short on facts... Typical for the enmasse/babble crowd.

They should at least ask for proof it exists in the first place before calling us liars for denying it exists...

Oops, sorry, too much logic...

Greymatters said:
They should at least ask for proof it exists in the first place before calling us liars for denying it exists...

Oops, sorry, too much logic...

Logical fact based argument?!?!

You mad man!

That would mean the world would implode, right after GW and Harper eat all the babies in the world!
What they have not figured out yet is that it is all just a smokescreen to conceal the operations being conducted in Cydonia at the behest of the neo-con Illuminati.  This was all set in motion in 1776.
Teeps74 said:
I didn't see it either this pas year, and I got as far west as Sper... Maybe it was one of them new invisible pipelines.

Well of course it's invisible, and only the enlightened can see it! ;D
Tango2Bravo said:
What they have not figured out yet is that it is all just a smokescreen to conceal the operations being conducted in Cydonia at the behest of the neo-con Illuminati.  This was all set in motion in 1776.

Oh dear, I had to report you to the head smok wearing dude with the really REALLY big rings. You have exposed our their secrets, and thus we must make you disappear... Or at least think about doing something... Err, maybe eat ice creame?
2 Cdo said:
Well of course it's invisible, and only the enlightened can see it! ;D

Yup. And the main pumping station is hidden underneath the Emerald Pond at KAF  :D
Beadwindow 7 said:
Yup. And the main pumping station is hidden underneath the Emerald Pond at KAF  :D

Off topic and speaking about Emerald Pond, but any idea what the prize is up to now? When I was there it was at 500 Euro.
Teeps74 said:
Off topic and speaking about Emerald Pond, but any idea what the prize is up to now? When I was there it was at 500 Euro.

I'd heard 6 Grand as of last summer.