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georgeharper: thinks Iraq = Afghanistan

Beadwindow 7 said:
I'd heard 6 Grand as of last summer.


Maybe I should take my swiming trunks when I go back...

ETA: and now I need to take a shower... /Shudder
georgeharper said:
You are right, the pipeline is real.And regardless if Canadian soldiers want to believe it or not.Canadian soldiers are in Afghanistan for American interests.

Posted at 10:18:44

Logged off at 10:18:44
Teeps74 said:
Maybe I should take my swiming trunks when I go back...

ETA: and now I need to take a shower... /Shudder

I dunno, it'd have to be a lot more than 6 grand for me. I don't think a gasmask and a bounce sheet will cut this one.
Old Ranger said:
Dare I ask about the pond and what must be done?

Open sewage for 15,000 people... It's green, and nasty. When the wind is blowing just right, the stench hits you like a closed fist all the way over on the far eastern side of the camp... Let alone right next to it where I did my laundry when in camp lol.
Teeps74 said:
Open sewage for 15,000 people... It's green, and nasty. When the wind is blowing just right, the stench hits you like a closed fist all the way over on the far eastern side of the camp... Let alone right next to it where I did my laundry when in camp lol.

Yeah, they shut down the self-serve laundry there last summer. The worst is jogging by. You think you can avoid the smell by breathing through your mouth.....and then you taste it.  :-X

I'll take the burning garbage smell over that ANY day.

Been in one of those...not bad with the right dive gear that doesn't leak and a decontam team to scrub you..
Old Ranger said:
Been in one of those...not bad with the right dive gear that doesn't leak and a decontam team to scrub you..

yeah, dive gear isn't part of the bet....
Just Super dose yourself with Anti-biotics and get an easy 6 G.
Teeps74 said:
Open sewage for 15,000 people... It's green, and nasty. When the wind is blowing just right, the stench hits you like a closed fist all the way over on the far eastern side of the camp... Let alone right next to it where I did my laundry when in camp lol.

The problem is that in the evening the wind is always blowing "just right".  I pitied the the guys in camp that was beside it.
Beadwindow 7 said:
Yeah, they shut down the self-serve laundry there last summer. The worst is jogging by. You think you can avoid the smell by breathing through your mouth.....and then you taste it.  :-X

I'll take the burning garbage smell over that ANY day.

Oh gawd... The memories   :-X  And now I remember why I liked it better outside the camp.  JPCC (where I spent most of my time) was beautiful this time last year, PRT, MSG and Sper all have warm places in my heart.
Teeps74 said:
Oh gawd... The memories   :-X  And now I remember why I liked it better outside the camp.  JPCC (where I spent most of my time) was beautiful this time last year, PRT, MSG and Sper all have warm places in my heart.

Yup. Out was definitely better. KPRT...I have it on good authority that Sgt Smiley is still sitting in his lawnchair and smiling it up there  :)
georgeharper said:
You are right, the pipeline is real.And regardless if Canadian soldiers want to believe it or not.Canadian soldiers are in Afghanistan for American interests.
All of your quotes are attributed to -> U.S. House of Reps., "U.S. Interests in the Central Asian Republics", 12 Feb 1998
Yet, the first one talks of 11 Sept 2001 in the past tense.  Provide real links to real sources (and direct to the source not via some web repository in which there may or may not be a document containing your snippets).

Everyone else,
2 + pages of feeding the troll is pushing it past the extreem (especially those with the need to come back and jab at it multiple times).  Sum it up.  If he posts nothing more, then there is no need for further comment on him

The Staff
georgeharper is "Tweetypie" from the canoe threads. He loves to bait military/police personnell. Can his a** please!
I concur, this does seem to be strongly similar to the typical *%#$(@t that is posted on the Canoe site.  Although, Tweetypie uses the standard mis-spellings to try and camouflage the fact it is using multiple ID's. 
georgeharper said:
Well in reality, terrorists were not doing " these unspeakable acts on innocent poor helpless people." before the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan began.
Lets not forget GW invited terrorists to come to Iraq
And lets look at just how many innocent poor helpless people have been killed by the Americans by thie brave military people dropping bombs on them

Nope it was was actually the Baathist Government of Iraq and the Taliban government of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan that was doing it. 

And I guess no innocent poor helpless people were killed in Kandahar City or Spin Boldak in the last couple of days by the Taliban facilitated suicide bombers?

Historical revisionism is so entertaining when attempted by the mentally challenged. LOL