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georgeharper: thinks Iraq = Afghanistan

George Harper.....

I just checked....NONE of your posts have been deleted. The post you are using to say we are lying is reply #43 in this thread.


Milnet.ca staff
None of your posts have been deleted, just moved to a different thread (If anything) if I recall correctly.
Now you see.

You expect me to listen to all your nonsense as FACT when you say something like
Your hero, Jack Layton

Jack is my hero?

Please clarify or withdraw your statement please.

I think the fact that Canada is in Afghanistan because of what the Americans claimed was truth is evidence that anything that involves the Americans can be looked at as being fraud
georgeharper said:
Now you see.
Lets talk about lying.

One person quoted me saying..

"Well in reality Canada being in Afghanistan for the Americans has made Canada a more dangerous place for Canadians."
But yet that quote is no where to be seen


Again, you people are allowed to refer to a respectable man like Mr Jack Layton as Taliban Jack, and all the other disrespectful names you call him, but if a person dares to critcize the occupation of Afghanistan, you are banned

What kind of ID 10T are you?  What the heck are you talking about?

This post perhaps?

georgeharper said:
He is absoloutly correct

Well in reality Canada being in Afghanistan for the Americans has made Canada a more dangerous place for Canadians.

People in Saudi Arabia, the real breeding ground for terrorism, are as worse off, if not more worse off,and brutalized by an American supported dictatorship than Afghans are.
Why are Canadian soldiers not making life better for them?

It hasn't been DELETED.  Follow the links and you will find it.   Before you slander someone, or a group, get you facts right first.  You only land up looking the fool in the end.

You still can't SPELL, so try using the SPELL CHECK.   ::)
georgeharper said:
Now you see.

You expect me to listen to all your nonsense as FACT when you say something like
Jack is my hero?

Please clarify or withdraw your statement please.

I think the fact that Canada is in Afghanistan because of what the Americans claimed was truth is evidence that anything that involves the Americans can be looked at as being fraud

Back up YOUR statements..........NOW
CDN Aviator said:
Back up YOUR statements..........NOW

Back up what?

I think the entire world knows that the two major conflicts happening right now are the result of American lies.

Do we really need to go over that again?
georgeharper said:
Back up what?

I think the entire world knows that the two major conflicts happening right now are the result of American lies.

Do we really need to go over that again?


Ok Troll........
What you quoted was a personal statement, not a statement on a factual event taking place in a different country, and the repercussions there of.

And what do you expect when you accuse members of the CF of essentially being jealous of Americans because THEY want to be in Iraq?
You will find that a lot of people here do not agree with the war in Iraq.  But not because they don't like Bush, but for real reasons.
So again, shove it.

Cease with the personal comments, and you should recieve none in return.  We are reasonable people here.
Keep it professional to the point, that is the way the people like it here.  And naturally discussions can go down hill fast when one party refuses to do so.
So help us out here.  We can discuss properly, if you will let us.

Oh, and GH.  What makes Canada any better than the USA?
If you like conspiracies, and underhanded things, We are just as bad.  We just have a smaller population, and less of an impact.
georgeharper said:
Please clarify or withdraw your statement please.

Don't be an ass.  You came to this site.  You have made fun of Stephen Harper and George Bush with your screen name.  You have bad mouthed the Canadian Government under PM Harper, and the American Government under President Bush.  You have religiously quoted Taliban Jack as if it were the only true words on the planet.  You have been offended when we call him Taliban Jack.  Now, seriously tell us that he isn't your HERO.  Can you even answer that question, or must we listen to more meaningless drivel from you?

Discuss or get out!

You have been asked by a MILNET.CA STAFF MEMBER both on the site in the forums and through a Personal Message to answer his questions by Tuesday.  The clock is ticking.
GeorgeHarper, I'd like to ask you a question.

I'll assume you're here to do more than stir the pot; I'll even go so far as to assume you're here to educate us illiterate military folk about the true workings of the world.

Unfortunately, in teaching us to read, the military has created in us a dependency on reliable, citeable sources.  It's all part of the brainwashing we receive during basic (although I hear nowadays this brainwashing period has been replaced to either a blue or a red pill).  To counter this brainwashing, you'll have to proximate the techniques used by the government, the media, and the men in black suits to beat home the message that what we do is right.

During our years of service and exposure to the darker and dimmer sides of humanity, we've become a little jaded.  We may come off as cynical, but really, we're critical.  Few of us "know" what "everyone knows."  We just don't plug into the hive mentality.

My question: if you're here for more than antagonistic reasons, if you're here to enlighten us, why don't you?
ʞɔoɹɯɐɥs said:
GeorgeHarper, I'd like to ask you a question.

I'll assume you're here to do more than stir the pot; I'll even go so far as to assume you're here to educate us illiterate military folk about the true workings of the world.

My question: if you're here for more than antagonistic reasons, if you're here to enlighten us, why don't you?

Because you are so set in your ways you refuse to hear anything else.
I mean really.

After the Americans spend billions bombing innocent civillans, invading and occupying countries, then setting up elections, do you really think they are then going to accept a result that was not favourable to the Americans?

I mean think about it.
The Americans have had many democratically elected governments overthrown because they were not American freindly

Now please, show me how Jack Layton is Taliban friendly

If unable to do so, then offer a public apology on this site
So, what do you hope to accomplish here then if we're to obtuse to listen to reason?
Please. Do not let the facts within my post stand in your way. Here are some bits reiterated just for you. I'll go real slow ...
georgeharper said:
Got to laugh.
People can come on here and say whatever nonsense they want and call Mr Layton names and refer to him as Bin Layton, but yet, you come on here and say truthful things like Canada is now a more dangerous place due to Canada being involved in the occupation of Afghanistan, and a post like that is removed.
Is this a discussion forum where a person supposedly is allowed to express an opinion, or is it a place where you say what is expected of you to say, or it will be removed?
An opposite opinion  it seems is refered to as spamming
As already noted, none of your posts were removed. Canadians were in danger BEFORE we went into Afghanistan -- remember all those innocent Canadians killed on Sept 11th by any chance (that occured BEFORE we went in)? Apparently not, or apparently they don't count in your utopian little world. This statement can be found in my response to you previously. What factual bit do you not seem capable of grasping?
So because the people or whoever in Saudi Arabia are not asking for Americas help to make life better for those people the Americans are not obliged to make life good for the women and children in that country?
Again, what a laugh

Here is my post again, for your benefit:
ArmyVern (Female type) said:
...Simply put, the Taliban 'government' of Afghanistan was asked by the International community and the United Nations to deal with those responsible for the terrorist attacks which occured on 9/11 and which killed "thousands of innocents". The Taliban instead chose to ignore requests to do so, and harboured those terrorists within their borders in full support of their terroristic activities. Some nations, with balls, just said "no -- you can not allow mass murders who've killed thousands to roam free". A lovely benefit of that decision, was the freeing up of human rights for the opressed Afhganis themselves who were forced to live under the Taliban regime,...

IE -- the bettering of their conditions was allowed because of the actions we people with balls took against a Regime who harboured mass murders within their borders after being asked by the international community to deal with them. We did not enter Afghanistan to improve their Human rights -- that is a side benefit of much-required and legally sanctioned international action by NATO on behalf of the UN.

Last I heard, the Saudis had NOT launched a terrorist attack on the scale of 911, nor harboured terrorists who did such within their borders in contravention of international law.

Get your facts correct. The myths that you perpetuate with your posts reveal an individual who is not capable of deciphering fact from pure fiction.

Now unless someone tells me who told and asked the U.S.to invade Afghanistan and then proceed to occupy it on October 7, 2001, I expect a complete apology for my post being removed

No one said the world wasnt dangerous before the occupation of Afghanistan began (lieing is also allowed by regular posters?)

By the Americans own admission terrorist attacks have increased dramatically since the invasion of both Iraq and Afghanistan


Oh I'm quite Ducky thank you. You -- not so much. Kapiche?

Ahem, already done for you well before this post of yours. Funny how you miss those little facts even when they are presented up front, up close, and directly into your line of sight.  ::)

Here it is again for you, big and bold so you can't claim to have missed it -- just click right here on this text!!

If you want to believe that the government is anything but an American installed government, then fine,but the reason Canada is in Afghanistan is because Canada, thankfully because of Chretien is not in Iraq, and going to Afghanistan was just a way of making the Americans think Canada cared about America created wars

I bet all the posters on this forum wish they were in Iraq, because after all, the reason for that invasion and occupation was to make life better for those people also


Get a grip on reality. I WAS there in 2002/3 ... well before the US went into Iraq. We are not there simply as a means to avoid going to Iraq. Another myth. For that myth to be true ... we would have had to go into Afghanistan AFTER US actions in Iraq. As a matter of fact, I was there when the actions in Iraq began -- and had already been there for months. Please, do NOT let the facts stand in the way of your erroneous rumblings.

Do I need to post pics for you?

Listen Ducky, quit the spin with your last line -- it was YOU that suggested we should be helping Saudis instead! Right here:

georgeharper said:
People in Saudi Arabia, the real breeding ground for terrorism, are as worse off, if not more worse off,and brutalized by an American supported dictatorship than Afghans are.
Why are Canadian soldiers not making life better for them?

Typical bullshit by typical little spinners of fact like you. YOU brought up Saudi Arabia and when someone answered YOUR question -- you tag up by spinning it with your last line in your post (my bold added).

Keep going. You're show your lack of knowledge and ability to decipher fact from fiction (even within your own remarks) more and more each time you post. You're flipping things about better than a pancake cooker at the Stampede. Careful you don't land on your head too many more times.
...invading and occupying countries...

If I recall correctly, at the time the Taliban was overthrown, there were only 500 americans in Afghanistan at the time.  and a lot of them did not "fight".  They brought factions and regions together, and the Afghans took down the Taliban.  Then the Americans went in full force as the factions that fought the Taliban requested them to go in.  That's how it happened, whether it would have happened differently if the factions had not requested help, is anyones guess.  But it is a moot point anyway, as it did not happen any other  way.  I would not call that an invasion at all, really...
If it were, Hell...Canada has been being invaded by enemies for a long time.
It would mean that Chechnya has been invading Russia.

And an "occupation" is not always a bad thing.  The US is currently involved with the occupation of every country the are taking part of peacekeeping operations in.
It all depends on what you mean my "occupying"...Very broad term.

*Hmm...I guess this post is kinda useless afer Verns' uber post.*
georgeharper said:
Back up what?

I think the entire world knows that the two major conflicts happening right now are the result of American lies.

Do we really need to go over that again?

What lies? I see a liar here, claiming others have lied. Post links, post facts... And an ever so subtle hint... rabble.ca/babble and enmasse.ca are not credibile sources. Afghanistan is a direct result of 9/11, and that is a fact that is not debateable, unless you can provide us with something tangible (meaning verifiable). So stop peddling your garbage, and whining about censorship, as it is clear that you are trying very hard to get banned...
Reading this thread is like watching a cat toy with a cornered mouse - the result is inevitable, it's just a matter of when it will end and how ugly it will be...
georgeharper said:
Yea OK.

Were these same people witness to the Americans to the famous handshake with Saddam and the very freindly exchanges the Americans had with Bin Laden?
Funny, also how when an election goes contrary to what the Americans want, they claim it was a fruadulant


Friendships and alliances can come and go in international politics.  The current situation will dictate, and this is usually based on the threat that a country or organization poses.  Shaking hands in the past means nothing if there is a threat today, nor does having a common enemy in the past.

You keep mentioning Saudi Arabia and why are we not there.  I will go back to my main point that Operation ENDURING FREEDOM was launched into Afghanistan because the Taliban government was intertwined with Al-Queda and was openly harbouring them.  That individual Saudis, Britains, Canadians or Americans may have supported Al-Queda through material or moral means as well does not give casus belli to invade those countries.  Al-Queda was openly based in Afghanistan and I think that both they and the Taliban felt pretty safe.

I was lucky enough to witness the Afghans draft a constitution.  I doubt that it pleased everybody, but they came up with it themselves and then proceeded to have elections that others have witnessed themselves.
georgeharper said:
Because you are so set in your ways you refuse to hear anything else.
I mean really.

Really?  Have you looked in the mirror when you said that?  We form our own opinions here, as individuals, from researching a large number of sources.  We also realize that some of those sources are not very reliable.  Perhaps you should check a few of them out (In this case some specifice reading sources on Terrorism):

Terrorist Group Profiles:    http://library.nps.navy.mil/home/tgp/tgpmain.htm

List of Terrorist Organizations:    http://www.cdi.org/terrorism/terrorist-groups.cfm

Terrorist Groups Profiles Index of Groups:    http://library.nps.navy.mil/home/tgp/tgpndx.htm

Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs):    http://www.state.gov/s/ct/rls/fs/37191.htm

List of terrorist organisations:      http://www.answers.com/topic/list-of-militant-organizations

Australian Government List of Terrorist Groups:    http://www.nationalsecurity.gov.au/agd/www/nationalsecurity.nsf/AllDocs/95FB057CA3DECF30CA256FAB001F7FBD?OpenDocument

Canadian Government List of Terrorist Groups:    http://www.psepc-sppcc.gc.ca/prg/ns/le/cle-en.asp

CDI List of Terrorist Groups:    http://www.cdi.org/friendlyversion/printversion.cfm?documentID=384

UK Government List of Terrorist Groups:    http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/security/terrorism-and-the-law/terrorism-act/proscribed-groups

List of Militant Organizations:    http://www.reference.com/browse/wiki/List_of_militant_organizations

Wikipedia List of Terrorist Groups:    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorist_group
and also    http://www.dkosopedia.com/wiki/List_of_terrorist_groups

TERRORIST ORGANISATIONS  al-Qa'ida (Al-Qaeda):      http://www.terrorismfiles.org/organisations/al_qaida.html

Perhaps you would like some News Sources too:

The BBC  http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/

The Christian Science Monitor  http://www.csmonitor.com/world/iraq.html

The Sydney Morning News  http://www.smh.com.au/

The Jerusalem Post  http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/Page/IndexList&cid=1123495333395 

The Frankfurter Zietung/Frankfurter Allgemeine  http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.faz.net/&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3DFrankfurter%2BZeitung%26hl%3Den%26rls%3DDVXA,DVXA:2005-37,DVXA:en%26sa%3DX

The Washington Post  http://www.washingtonpost.com/

Shall I go on?

georgeharper said:
After the Americans spend billions bombing innocent civillans, invading and occupying countries, then setting up elections, do you really think they are then going to accept a result that was not favourable to the Americans?

I mean think about it.
The Americans have had many democratically elected governments overthrown because they were not American freindly

I thought about it.  Yes!

How soon you want to forget the Americans and WW II.  How many Europeans are not that friendly to Americans in Europe and Asia, after they insisted on setting up Democratic governments and brought peace to those nations over sixty years ago. 

georgeharper said:
Now please, show me how Jack Layton is Taliban friendly

If unable to do so, then offer a public apology on this site

I see you are stuck on saving your hero's reputation, which I must say he earned honestly with his ill-informed comments on negotiating with the Taliban and pulling out of Afghanistan, only to allow the Taliban to regain control and continue with their barbaric ways.  Tell me how pulling Canadian Troops out of Afghanistan is going to in any way help the Afghan people?  Tell us all here.......Now!

And please take some time out there on the Island of Lotus' to use the Spell Check.
Tango2Bravo said:
I was lucky enough to witness the Afghans draft a constitution.  I doubt that it pleased everybody, but they came up with it themselves and then proceeded to have elections that others have witnessed themselves.

I'm sure he won't let that fact stand in his way either.
georgeharper said:
Because you are so set in your ways you refuse to hear anything else.

Do you own or have access to a mirror?

If so, take a long look deep into it, and see to whom your words truly apply.

I marvel at your thickness and blindness.

You, with no experience of reality, are trying (unsuccessfully) to argue with people who have direct experience in Afghanistan and Iraq and, unlike you, know rather a lot about what they speak.

I am completely baffled by your possible motive. I can see none that makes sense, other than perhaps a desire to entertain.

More than anything, it is for that entertainment that we keep you here.

As for Taliban Jack, his constant harping about withdrawal is sufficient to earn him his name. Our withdrawal would help nobody else but the Taliban, who would be free once more to deny women medical care and choice of clothing other than a burqa, kick girls out of school and behead their teachers, beat men for shaving, and take radios, kites, and sports equipment away from children. The Taliban have no better friend in Canada than hypocritical Jack.