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Getting into the Forces


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Okay, so i had sent my application in on march 25 and i was told to wait about 2 weeks and call in to make sure they had recieved it. The recruiter had told me that i should expect a call around april 15 and it is now the end of the month. I know it has only been an extra 2 weeks but i m very excited. Why would he tell me a date for something not to happen. What should i do??    :cdn:
yeah i had called two weeks after i sent it in and the recruiter said i should expect a call around april 15
Call them, when i applied for ROTP i waited just like you, then when I called them they had no idea what I was talking about and they had "lost" my file and found it in within 10 minutes, but yeah. Defintely call
The others before me are right, give you're centre a call! A lot of the time they're busy with other things and just don't have enough time, especially since they're dealing with so many other people.

Also, you should know there will be a lot of times they'll tell you to contact them for an update but when you do nothing will have changed since the last time you called. Things generally move slowly (not always) so the most important thing is to be patient.

P.S. Sorry for my grammer, it's hard typing on an iPhone...
thank you to all i will call on monday and see what is going on