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Getting Sworn In Tomorrow


Jr. Member
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Well, after around 4 months, I'm finally being sworn in. I went to CFRC Hamilton around the end of August and got a pep talk, info on the trades I was in, the usual stuff, the next week I took a trip to the armouries and got all the paperwork, and completed it in about 2 weeks. The first roadblock in my process was that my birth certificate had went missing, so when I went to my unit (RHLI) to get all my paperwork sorted out, they could only take an old photocopy of it, and informed me that I would have to get a new birth certificate before I could be enrolled.

I did my CFAT and physical in the beginning of October, and my medical and interview on the same day the next week. Well, the medical was the biggest holdup. I had to get a form signed by my orthodontist because I had braces, no big deal, I think I got the form signed that day or the next. The big problem was that I was on Accutane, an acne medication that was working very well for me, cleared all of it right up. The medical examiner said that if I was applying for a reg force trade, that I would be turned down instantly, but seeing that I was applying for the reserves, I shouldn't have a problem. He gave me a form for my doctor to fill out saying that I could perform all the duties required of me, which I could. I returned the form to the recruiting center the next day, and they said they would ship out my package to the medical review board, and that I should hear from them in a month.

I got a letter in the mail a month after that, saying that I was unfit for enrollment because of the meds. I immediatley stopped the medication, went back to my doctor and paid another $20 to get a statement saying that I was off the meds and full capable. I took the forms back to the recruiting center that week, and I was told that they would ship it out as high priority, and that it should only take a week or two to hear back from them.

Two weeks later, I got a letter saying that my medical had gone through, and that I was fit for enrollment. Yay. I got my new birth certificate a few weeks ago, and took a photocopy down to the recruiting center, and also had to initial another reliability check form, I don't know what happened to the first one, but I was told it went through the first time, oh well.

Anyway, I get home from school today, and am informed that the recruiting officer of the RHLI had called, and that I was ready to be sworn in. I'm going down to the armouries at 7:00 tomorrow evening, and as far as I know, the next weekend BMQ is starting on Jan. 20th, but it's not confirmed.

Anyway, that's my story. I can't wait to get the recruiting process behind me and start training.  :warstory:
Well, I was enrolled yesterday with 9 other guys, it was a nice ceremony, I was pretty surprised when they gave me a sheet to sign so I'd get paid  :o I didn't expect that, seeing as I wasn't doing training, but I didn't argue  ;) I was planning on posting some pics, but turn out my dad doesn't know how to turn my flash on on my digital camera, and the pics didn't turn out. Oh well.
Best 'o Luck 2 you guys...may the everlasting memories and bedtime stories begin!  :cdn:
Congratulations. After 6 months, its finally my turn. I'm getting sworn in tomorrow.

sworn in as in youre done training? or sworn in as in training is about to begin?

You get sworn in first - then you train
hiphopculture said:
sworn in as in youre done training? or sworn in as in training is about to begin?

As in training is about to begin. I got sworn in on a Wednesday, and started BMQ on Monday.

Man, looking around here I feel like I'm the only one being thrown into "holding troop" when I get in. Ah well... just not going to feel right wearing the uniform before i have or go through a BMQ.
Spazz said:
Man, looking around here I feel like I'm the only one being thrown into "holding troop" when I get in. Ah well... just not going to feel right wearing the uniform before i have or go through a BMQ.

What's the problem? You're getting paid, and you've got an opportunity to learn. If you'd rather get no work, then I'm sure your unit can arrange it.
Just a Sig Op said:
What's the problem? You're getting paid, and you've got an opportunity to learn. If you'd rather get no work, then I'm sure your unit can arrange it.

Don't get me wrong I'm really looking foreward to it. And please don't twist my words into not appreciating the opportunity that I will be getting. I just always got the impression that you have to earn your way in. But I'm very happy with everything about my unit and my opportunity i am going to get. Cheers
You are earning your way in. You're passing the testing. That's the first step. There are many steps left though.
Congratulations! Look forward to a great career in the CF.
Congrats to everyone! I'm still waiting on all the medical results from some tests I had to do. Shouldn't be long now. I am getting so antsy to start. I have been trying since October. My interview and PT was put on hold until they get the results back, however, I know they won't be a problem. I have missed 2 course start dates thus far. I was told I can take the summer course but that's pending as my husband will be getting ready to sail at that time. Decisions, decisions  ::)

Congrats.  I was sworn yesterday at CFRC Kitchener.  It was a nice ceremony and the staff there was great.  I got my train ticket and I'm off to CFLRS St Jean April 1st. 

Good Luck to all,

Just curious as to how many people were sworn in at the same time as you guys. I'm currently doing my BMQ and my whole course was sworn in at the same time. All 41 of us. Is this the same for everybody else, or were you just in a room with one of two other people.

10 people were enrolled at CFRC hamilton. each person seemed to bring a mother and a father. so yah about 30 people where in the room. Plus the NCO leading us through the paper work, and the major.