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girlfriend and not getting enough info


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hi all
there might be some similar posts to this that i just haven't seen, and I'm sorry if there are and ask to be pointed in the right direction.
my boyfriend has signed up for a vehicle tech, he has done the cfat, interview, and his medical.......and that's where the problem starts.....
he failed the hearing portion due to an abscessed tooth they gave him a whole lot of papers to get signed some from his dentist a more recent eye exam thing from the eye doctor a form for his family doctor saying he is okay and a form for a hearing specialist saying that his hearing is fine........we waited months for the hearing test he went got perfect results mailed everything out now my question is how long does it usually take for them to review it at the medical centre in toronto and then again be reviewed in Ottawa?
In all this waiting we have become pregnant and are expecting our 2ND child this august is it possible he will be gone for training before then?
any help or previous experience that could point me in some kind of direction would be great thanks
I am certainly no expert but until one come along I think you should read some of the threads about the slowdown/ stop in processing applications....basically meaning that any "typical" information that normally would be available probably doesn't mean anything at this particular time.
IMHO, you and your boyfriend had better have some serious discussions before he signs any dotted lines. Are you both prepared for him to potentially be away from home for the first year of the new babies life? Basic training, and then initial trades training is going to take him away guaranteed, and the stress of worrying how Mom and the new baby are doing aren't usually condusive to one's training plan.

However, not knowing the ins and outs of you particular relationship, maybe this won't be an issue.

Best of luck, and congratulations.
Be prepared to wait at leaast a month to hear back about the medical, and possibly longer. The part 3 medicals take a bit of time to be processed in Ottawa, especially if there are issues like the failed hearing test.

It's possible he might get BMQ done before the baby is born, but after BMQ he also has his Veh Tech course to do which is a 6 months course. But he might not get BMQ right away and may have to wait.

I don't know what you are willing to do alone when it comes to your kids, but you really need to consider if his joining the reg force right now is a good option. He might want to consider the reserves for now if he wants to join right away so that he can still be home to help out and be there for the baby.