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Got my offer today

same applies to ORs as well.... was making a generalisation that if you are franco, you're prolly going to spend some time in Valcatraz unless you kick up a stink and ask to go elsewhere.... though anglos can certainly apply.
geo said:
same applies to ORs as well.... was making a generalisation that if you are franco, you're prolly going to spend some time in Valcatraz unless you kick up a stink and ask to go elsewhere.... though anglos can certainly apply.

So from this statement we can surmise that the francophone regiments typically have a rough time keeping numbers up due to linguistic profiles?
Meridian said:
So from this statement we can surmise that the francophone regiments typically have a rough time keeping numbers up due to linguistic profiles?

From my own personal experience I have found that most fracophones looking to have a long productive career in the CF really have to learn to speak english.  Schools in Gagetown, Borden, Toronto "motivates/encourages" them to become bilingual in short order.  There does not appear to be a shortage in most of the Combat arms units up in Valcatraz....  Also, young anglo officers interested in being noticed early in their career have voluntered to serve in 5 CBMG units... I know one Engineer officer from Toronto volunteered to serve in 5 RGC and from there was detached to the R22R as a platoon officer for a year.  The R22R got to appreceate and properly use Sappers in their Ops - and some language barriers were battered down over time.
I recieved my offer today... anyone joining me at BMQ in Gagetown FEB 05? I will be driving from toronto also so if anyone wants a ride.....
lol... Feb 5th 2007.. is it unusual for me to be going to bmq in gagetown? seems most of the people i have met from toronto are going to st. jean.

winks2872 said:
lol... Feb 5th 2007.. is it unusual for me to be going to bmq in gagetown? seems most of the people i have met from toronto are going to st. jean.


Wake up Sunshine the CF has been conducting BMQs all over Canada besides St Jean for the last few months.  Dress warm. ;D
As an ex-RCR I am impressed with the amount of enthusiasum displayed not just by future Royals, but all the others as well. This dosn,t bode well for Timmy(am I allowed to say that), who surely has as much access to this site as we all do. I have a hard time understanding the huge delays in getting recruits into the system. Some said it took over a year! Is this for real. If so, we must loose a lot of top notch people who simply give up in fustration over delays and posponements.
Exarecr said:
As an ex-RCR I am impressed with the amount of enthusiasum displayed not just by future Royals, but all the others as well. This dosn,t bode well for Timmy(am I allowed to say that), who surely has as much access to this site as we all do. I have a hard time understanding the huge delays in getting recruits into the system. Some said it took over a year! Is this for real. If so, we must loose a lot of top notch people who simply give up in fustration over delays and posponements.

Well if it took a year or more for someone to get into the CF then there was a damn good reason for it and probably because there was some issue with the applicant.  Give me all the files that took a year and more and I can, 9/10 times, show this to be the case.  If so, we must loose a lot of top notch people who simply give up in fustration over delays and posponements. Sorry to bust you bubble but I highly doubt that many, if any,  of the people who give up are "top notch" applicants and that is based on six years of recruiting.  The system has had its faults and has vastly improved so that recruiting meets its numbers time and time again.  Want to blame something?  Blame the training system that has failed to meet the demands put on it with the increase in recruiting numbers.  The applicants who are waiting are waiting for good reasons.
I can talk about this with a smile...Ive been waiting for over 382 days now...for a transfer. Why am i still waiting? simple I need to do this...I may not be the "top notch" on PT side...but I'm sure motivated to get there...I lost over 30 pounds since September...and I'm still trying to loose more.

Why? this is not just a "job" its a way of life. The army is everything to my eyes. If I have to wait an other 6 month then be it. Will it depress me sure...but its life. I wish that my file could be completed before next Part time QMB so I could join in but if i does not happen what the heck an other will eventually be available.

Well on this past thursday February 22nd I had my doctor fill out my required forms due to some surgery. Went back to the recruiting office, dropped them off and now I sit and wait. lol..definatly filled with anticipation. I was told about 2-3 weeks probably..can't wait  :salute: