I'll believe it when I see it.
While the government cuts defence:
It’s interesting though that the increased support for defence spending noticeably faltered when those polled in one one poll were asked if defence should trump other priorities.
It remains highly probable that Canadians will still prioritize domestic policies outside of the constitutional federal governments responsibilities if given any chance to do so.
Mile wide, but an inch deep.
Social programs and handouts are what canadians want.
Over all, from a CAF perspective, I think there is more good news than bad in the latest trends. This tide is a rising tide and it will lift all boats.
Digging the CAF out of this mess will take a decade or more. There are no quick fixes, which the government is willing to make, on retention and the support structure.
More from the Angus Reid version of the numbers ....While the government cuts defence:
We could spend 10% of our gdp on defense. With our current management, we would then have ten divisions on paper, 3 Corps, 2 army group HQs on paper. Actually have the forces still fir a single division. Why? That's our mentality, everything needs it's own HQ to manage it, and that HQ must be a colonel or higher. Heaven forbid a HQ manages multiple things.The CAF management is a problem.
Money is necessary.
More important is a government policy that survives the change in parties.
id love to hear the CDS or MND try to justify our ratio
Linguistically, Regionally and by Gender Identity, I'm sure it all makes sense.id love to hear the CDS or MND try to justify our ratio
But given how long its been this way did anyone do a GBA+ analysis to make sure it can't be higher?Linguistically, Regionally and by Gender Identity, I'm sure it all makes sense.
I’m not sure it can go higher, but be prepared for deeper….But given how long its been this way did anyone do a GBA+ analysis to make sure it can't be higher?
The Australian numbers are wrong. As of Nov 2023 there are 219 ADF GOFOs. Not sure where they got 86 from.
Which means this culture and style is entrenched at all levels. So.... unless people get forcibly removed, it isn't changing.And each one of them has his own CWO, a herd of Cols, LCols, Maj etc etc. ...
Precisely why it won't happen with this government.Base housing upgrades/expansion would be a no-brainer for the government I'd think. Would count toward our 2% GDP commitment. Spending would be 100% Canadian industry. Would aid in retention. Would relieve housing pressure on neighbouring communities. Wins for everybody.
Well yes and no, at least in Canada.And each one of them has his own CWO, a herd of Cols, LCols, Maj etc etc. ...
Well yes and no, at least in Canada.
A 3 or 4-star? Definitely.
A 2-star? Sure.
Some of the 1-stars will have a Maj or a Capt EA if they aren’t in a Command position. Unlikely to have anybody else.
I can’t say for sure about other countries.
Also, looking (obviously too far) back at this meme, the CAF to USMC similarities sort of end once you go beyond “the USMC has this many people”. The USMC doesn’t have its own medical pers - those are the USN. The USMC doesn’t even crew the ships they sail in - again, those are the USN.
But hey, why bring “facts” and “context” into memes, right?
Well, if GDP keeps falling, it matches up again, right?My bad on the link (didn’t check author and just read and reposted the Defense News article).
But apparently a 1.9B annual decrease in the CAF Budget.
Apparently Trudeau is striving for 1% not 2…
Ships tend to have dramatically different ratios of O:E than ground forces, but nothing like the Air Forces.Well yes and no, at least in Canada.
A 3 or 4-star? Definitely.
A 2-star? Sure.
Some of the 1-stars will have a Maj or a Capt EA if they aren’t in a Command position. Unlikely to have anybody else.
I can’t say for sure about other countries.
Also, looking (obviously too far) back at this meme, the CAF to USMC similarities sort of end once you go beyond “the USMC has this many people”. The USMC doesn’t have its own medical pers - those are the USN. The USMC doesn’t even crew the ships they sail in - again, those are the USN.
But hey, why bring “facts” and “context” into memes, right?